MQTT is commonly used as a means of exchanging streaming data. Vantiq includes direct support for reading MQTT data streams. The essence of the integration is as follows:

  • An administrator defines an MQTT source by identifying the MQTT endpoint, any credentials associated with the endpoint and the topic(s) to which to subscribe. This is accomplished via the updateStream request detailed below or in the Vantiq IDE by using the Add button to select Source….
  • Once the MQTT source has been defined, the server constructs a separate thread to accept inbound messages from the MQTT source.
  • When a message arrives on the source endpoint an event is generated which will trigger the execution of any subscribed rules. The event may also be delivered to any clients with transient subscriptions on the event’s id.
  • Source processing rules are encouraged to store any persistent state in the Vantiq automation model. This enables the rule itself to be stateless making it easier to support various load balancing approaches such as executing the rule across a cluster or partitioning work between multiple Vantiq servers.

MQTT Source Representation

A source resource defines the integration with a specific MQTT stream and contains the following properties:

  • name the name given to the stream by the user
  • type must be the string MQTT indicating this is an MQTT source
  • config a JSON object containing additional MQTT configuration parameters:
    • serverURIs the endpoint for the server hosting the stream. Optionally a list of URIs.
    • topics the list of topics to which the stream is subscribed. Multiple streams may be defined on a single serverURI that subscribe to separate topics or overlapping topics. No restrictions are placed on the subscriptions by Vantiq.
    • username credentials for accessing the MQTT server
    • password credentials for accessing the MQTT server
    • contentType the MIME content type of MQTT messages
    • keepAliveInterval the keep alive interval for the TCP connection
    • connectionTimeout the timeout interval for the connection
    • maxInflight the maximum number of messages that will be sent without receiving an ack from the server (default 10)
    • cleanSession true if state is not preserved across connection failures; false otherwise
    • automaticReconnect true if the client should attempt to reconnect on connection failure
    • qos Quality of Service level for the topics the stream subscribes to. QoS is defined as a String with one of the following values: AT_MOST_ONCE, AT_LEAST_ONCE or EXACTLY_ONCE. If not specified, defaults to AT_LEAST_ONCE. Note that the QoS for PUBLISH must be specified on the VAIL Publish command-line and defaults to AT_MOST_ONCE.

Create an MQTT Source

The following example illustrates how to create an MQTT source using the REST API. MQTT sources can also be defined in the Vantiq IDE by using the Add button to select Source….

    "name": "myMqttSource",
    "type": "MQTT",
    "config": {
        "serverURIs": ["tcp://"],
        "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
        "keepAliveInterval": 30,
        "connectionTimeout": 30,
        "username": "user",
        "password": "password",
        "cleanSession": true

Alternatively, to use a secret password named “MySecret”, change the password property to a reference and specify ‘secret’ as the passwordType like this:

    "name": "myMqttSource",
    "type": "MQTT",
    "config": {
        "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
        "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
        "keepAliveInterval": 30,
        "connectionTimeout": 30,
        "username": "user",
        "password": "/system.secrets/MySecret",
        "passwordType": "secret",
        "cleanSession": true

If the MQTT server is configured to require a secure connection then ensure the configured serverURIs are prefixed with a secure protocol, such as tcps instead of tcp or mqtts instead of mqtt. If the source is intended to only publish messages, do not specify the topics property.

Delete an MQTT Source

The example MQTT source named myMqttSource can be deleted using the REST API by issuing the following request:


Publish Notifications via MQTT

Notifications are produced by the rules system when PUBLISH is called as a rule action. The PUBLISH request for MQTT sources takes three parameters: the message object to send and the source and topic to which the publish is sent.

For example,

PUBLISH { message: { data: "somedata" }} TO SOURCE someMQTTSource 
  USING { topic: "the/mqtt/topic" }


The default QoS for a published message is AT_MOST_ONCE. To specify a specific QoS value use the qos property.

For example,

PUBLISH { message: { data: "somedata" }} TO SOURCE someMQTTSource 
  USING { topic: "the/mqtt/topic", qos: "AT_LEAST_ONCE" }

The default QoS for the topics the stream subscribes to is AT_LEAST_ONCE. This default setting can be changed in the source configuration by specifying the qos configuration parameter. Note that the effective subscriber QoS value is the lowest QoS value set between publisher and subscriber. For example, if the publisher QoS is AT_MOST_ONCE, the subscriber effective QoS is also AT_MOST_ONCE even though the subscriber might be configured with AT_LEAST_ONCE.

To enable reliable messaging from the MQTT broker across source restarts, the configuration parameters clientId and cleanSession must be specified. clientId must be set to a fixed unique value and cleanSession must be set to false. The clientId value allows the broker to identify the client session so any message that the broker retained while the source was offline can be delivered. If clientId is not provided in the source configuration or if cleanSession is set to true, the session between client and broker lasts for the time of the network connection.

SSL Setup

An MQTT source can be configured for either one-way or two-way SSL communication by specifying additional Vert.x MQTT Client Options configuration properties expressed as their JSON representation. Below are some usage examples. Note that SSL configuration properties for AMQP, MQTT and Remote sources are identical in their usage. You can look at the SSL Setup documentation for those sources for additional examples.

One-way SSL

This section’s examples assume that the MQTT broker is setup to communicate over SSL with a certificate signed by a CA. The CA certificate is available in a trust store named sourceTrustStore.jks. An MQTT source is configured to access the broker over SSL and the user configuring the source has access to the trust store.

If the trust store is accessible on a file system readable by the Vantiq server (e.g., an edge installation), the trust store could be specified as:

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "trustStoreOptions": {
        "path": "/path/to/sourceTrustStore.jks",
        "password": "my_store_password"

If the trust store is not accessible by the server in which the remote source is being defined, the trust store content can be specified as a base64 encoded value,

# Copy/paste the following output to the value property below
$ cat /path/to/sourceTrustStore.jks | base64

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "trustStoreOptions": {
        "value": "/u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAAAgAGY2F........SzpeAUc7WXDK1HOg==",
        "password": "my_store_password"

The value can also be stored as a Secret and referenced in the configuration,

# Copy/paste the following output to a Secret named SourceTrustStore
$ cat /path/to/sourceTrustStore.jks | base64
# Also define a Secret named SourceTrustStorePassword containing the trust store password

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "trustStoreOptions": {
        "value": "@secrets(SourceTrustStore)",
        "password": "@secrets(SourceTrustStorePassword)"

Assuming that two CA certificates must be trusted and are accessible from files in PEM format, files named ca-cert-1 and ca-cert-2,

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "pemTrustOptions": {
        "certPaths": ["/path/to/ca-cert-1", "/path/to/ca-cert-2"]

Or with Secrets,

# Copy/paste the following output to a Secret named CertAuthority1
$ cat /path/to/ca-cert-1 | base64
# Copy/paste the following output to a Secret named CertAuthority2
$ cat /path/to/ca-cert-2 | base64

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "pemTrustOptions": {
        "certValues": ["@secrets(CertAuthority1)", "@secrets(CertAuthority2)"]

SSL Client Authentication

In addition to specifying a trust store, an MQTT source configuration can also specify a client certificate. This is necessary if the broker is setup for mutual authentication and requires the client to authenticate
with a certificate.

The examples below assume a key store named sourceKeyStore.jks containing the client certificate signed by the CA.

If the key store is accessible on a file system readable by the Vantiq server,

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "trustStoreOptions": {
        "path": "/path/to/sourceTrustStore.jks",
        "password": "my_store_password"
    "keyStoreOptions": {
        "path": "/path/to/sourceKeyStore.jks",
        "password": "my_keystore_password"

Similarly to the trust store examples, any keystore specified using the path syntax can be specified as a base64 encoded value.

For example using Secret definitions,

# Copy/paste the following output to a Secret named SourceTrustStore
$ cat /path/to/sourceTrustStore.jks | base64
# Copy/paste the following output to a Secret named SourceKeyStore
$ cat /path/to/sourceKeyStore.jks | base64
# Also define the store passwords as Secrets (SourceTrustStorePassword and SourceKeyStorePassword)

    "serverURIs": ["tcps://"],
    "topics": ["com/accessg2/stream/mqtt/example"],
    "trustStoreOptions": {
        "value": "@secrets(SourceTrustStore)",
        "password": "@secrets(SourceTrustStorePassword)"
    "keyStoreOptions": {
        "value": "@secrets(SourceKeyStore)",
        "password": "@secrets(SourceKeyStorePassword)"

Refer to the Vert.x MQTT Client Options document for a complete list of configuration options. Note: in that document, a reference to Buffer means that a base64 encoded value can be specified (e.g., trustStoreOptions). Any add method translates into an array (e.g., pemTrustOptions) and any set method translates into a single property setting (e.g., path or value).