Heart Rate Monitoring App


In this tutorial, developers will learn:

  • How to initiate collaborations
  • How to add and configure collaboration roles
  • How to add and configure collaboration activity patterns
  • How to close and verify closed collaborations

Tutorial Overview:

This Tutorial imagines a scenario where an at-risk patient wears a heart rate monitor. If an unusual heart rate is detected
(either dangerously low or dangerously high), the patient is sent a notification to assess their status. If the patient
responds that they are in distress, or fails to respond within a predetermined amount of time, a first responder is
notified immediately.

All lessons assume the developer has a working knowledge of the Vantiq IDE. It is recommended that a new
developer completes the lessons in the Introductory Tutorial before starting the lessons in this tutorial.
In addition, please see the Collaboration Overview guide for introductory information about the Vantiq collaboration system.

Note: if needed, you can import a finished version of this project using the Projects -> Import menu item. Just select Tutorials for Import Type, then select Introduction to Collaboration from the second drop-down, then click Import.

1: Creating a Patient Monitoring Project

The first task in building the heart rate monitor system is to create a project in the Vantiq IDE. A Project is a container
for your development resources.

Use the Projects button and select New Project to display the New Project Wizard. Either create a new Namespace
(recommended) or add a new project to the current Namespace, select Empty as the Project type, and title the project PatientMonitor.

New Project

The rest of the lessons take place inside this Project.

2: Creating a Patient Monitoring Service

Using the Add button, select Service and click + New Service. Set the service name to HeartRate and the package
name to patient.monitoring.

Create Service

Click OK to create the Service.

3: Defining an Inbound Event Type and Handler

In the patient.monitoring.HeartRate Service, navigate to the Implement tab. Click on the + button next to Inbound
and select Add Visual Event Handler.

Add Visual Event Handler

Set the Event Type name to MonitorReading and click OK. This
creates an Inbound Event Type in the Service Interface and its visual Event Handler in one step!

Inbound Event Type Name

Click Save in the title bar for the Service.

Next, enhance the Event Type definition by defining an Event Schema. Click on the Interface tab and expand the Inbound
section. Click on MonitorReading to open the Event Type Interface definition.

In the Event Schema section select New Type. Define the following properties as the event schema:

  • patientId (String)
  • name (String)
  • heartRate (Integer)
  • location (GeoJSON)

Inbound Event Type Schema

Click Save in the title bar for the Service.

4: Filtering for Unusual Readings

Navigate back to the Event Handler by clicking on the Implement tab, expanding the Inbound section, and clicking on
MonitorReading. Drag and drop a Filter task from the Filters section of the palette over the EventStream.

Click on the Filter task and in the configuration slideout rename the task isUnusualHeartRate.

isUnusualHeartRate Filter Task

Click Click to Edit next to the Configuration label. Click on <null> next to the condition property. Set the condition to:

event.heartRate < 40 OR event.heartRate > 200

isUnusualHeartRate Filter Condition

Click OK twice to close the pop-ups.

Click Save in the title bar for the Service.

5: Simulating Monitor Readings

Before going any further, create a Procedure that simulates heart rate monitor readings to interactively test and debug
the App.

Click on the + button next to the Procedure Section and click New Procedure.

Add Procedure

Set the procedure text to:

package patient.monitoring
PROCEDURE HeartRate.generateHeartRate(heartRate Integer)

var event = {
    name: Context.preferredUsername(),
    patientId: Context.username(),
    heartRate: heartRate,
    location: {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [

PUBLISH event TO SERVICE EVENT "patient.monitoring.HeartRate/MonitorReading"

Click Save to save the Service with the new procedure. You will see a message slide in from the right that the Services’s Interface has been repaired.


Right-click on the generateHeartRate Procedure entry and select Open In New Pane.

Open In New Pane

Navigate back to the Event Handler by clicking on the Implement tab, expanding the Inbound section, and clicking on

Click the Play button in the Procedure pane to execute the procedure and pass 100 as the current heart rate. After clicking Execute, Click
OK to close the resulting pop-up. Notice that there is an event badge on the EventStream but not on the Filter task.
That is because the heart rate is in the “normal” range and therefore was filtered out.

Normal Heart Rate Event

Click the Play button in the Procedure pane again, but this time pass in 30 as the heart rate. Notice that this time
there are event badges on both the EventStream and Filter tasks since the event passed through the filter.

Unusual Heart Rate Event

6: Defining Entity Role

Apps may define certain roles to identify the responsibility of each participant in the collaboration.
Collaborator roles represent actual users that are tasked with executing each activity while entity roles are bound to
objects that represent the entities impacted by each activity.

In this collaboration the patient whose heart rate is unusual represents the collaboration entity.
Click on the Properties button in the upper-righthand corner of the Event Handler’s toolbar and click Click to Edit
next to the Entity Roles label. Click + to add a new entity role definition. Set the variable reference to patient
and the type to patient.monitoring.HeartRate.MonitoringReading. Click OK.

Configure Entity Role

7: Entity Assignment

Once the event passes through the filter, we know the patient’s heart rate is dangerously high or low, which means it
is time to start a collaboration. First, assign the patient to the Entity Role. Drag and drop an Assign task from the
Collaboration section of the palette onto the Filter task. Click on the new task and re-name it AssignPatient
in the right-hand slideout.

AssignPatient Task

Click Click to Edit to configure the Assignment.

Set the roleType to entity and the Role Name to patient and click OK.

AssignPatient Task

Click Save to save the Service and Event Handler.

In Apps that contain Collaboration Tasks, a new collaboration is started when the first Collaboration Task is reached.
In the case of this App, events that are filtered out by isUnusualHeartrate will not start a new collaboration. However,
each event that passes through the filter to reach the AssignPatient task will create a new collaboration instance stored in the
Service state. Each of the Collaboration tasks downstream of this task will operate on that collaboration.

Notice that saving the Event Handler with a Collaboration task auto-generated several Procedures in the Service. These
Procedures are used to manage and update the Collaboration at each task.

Auto-Generated service procedures

8: Send Patient Notification

Next, send a notification to the patient asking whether they require assistance.
Drag and drop a Notify task from the Mobile section of the palette onto the AssignPatient task. Click on the new
task and re-name it NotifyPatient. Click Click to Edit to configure the NotifyPatient task.

Set the title to: “Heart Rate Alert”
Set the body to: “An unusual heart rate (” + event.heartRate + “) has been detected”
Click <null> to configure the user to send the notification. Select Literal Array as the user type from the droplist. Click + to add an item to the list and set the
user to event.patientId. Click OK to close the pop-up.
Select Create Placeholder Client next to the clientName configuration. Set the new Client name to PatientResponse
and click OK. This creates a placeholder client that you will configure in the next step of this tutorial.

Lastly, set the maxResponseTime to 90 seconds. This allows you to alert a first responder if the patient does
not reply to the notification within the specified amount of time.

Configure Notify Patient

Click OK to close the pop-up.
Click Save to save the Service and event handler.

NotifyPatient Task

9: Creating the Patient Client

Using the Add button, select Client and click on PatientResponse to open the Client you created as a placeholder
in the previous section.

For this tutorial, the patient is shown two buttons
in order to submit a response, one to indicate the unusual heart rate does not require help to resolve (perhaps the patient was exercising)
and the other to indicate that help is needed.

Drag and drop two Inline buttons from the widget palette to the Client Builder canvas. Tap on the top Inline button to display its properties. Change the following property values:

 Specific -> Button Label: I'm OK
 Specific -> Value: 0
 Style -> Button Label Font Size: 16
 Style -> Button Label Color -> White
 Style -> Button Background Color -> Default

Tap on the bottom Inline button to display its properties. Change the following property values:

 Specifc -> Button Label: Please Send Help
 Specifc ->  Value: 1
 Style -> Button Label Font Size: 22
 Style -> Button Label Color: White
 Style -> Button Background Color: Custom #ff0000

Patient Response Client

Then use the Save button to save the PatientResponse Client.

10: Handling Patient Response

There are three possible cases that need to be handled by this collaboration:

  1. The patient replies: “I’m OK”. In this case can terminate the collaboration
  2. The patient replies: “Please Send Help”. In this case must dispatch a first response team
  3. The patient does not reply within the specified amount of time. In this case must dispatch a first response team

Patient is OK

To handle the first case, drag and drop a Filter task from the Filters section of the palette onto the NotifyPatient task. The Notify task
defines multiple downstream events: response, firstResponse, responseTimeout, and event. The first event to be handled
is when the patient responds with the “I’m OK” message. Select response from the droplist and click OK. Notice
that a response event triangle has been added between the Notify and Filter task. This represents the asynchronous
response event that triggers any downstream tasks. Rename the Filter task OK.

Patient OK Filter

Click Click to Edit to edit the Filter configuration. Click <null> to configure
the filter condition and set the condition to event.submitValue == 0. Click OK twice to close the pop-ups. This
filters events such that only the event generated when the patient clicks “I’m OK” pass through.
If this is the case, the collaboration can be terminated.

Patient OK Filter Condition

Drag and drop a CollaborationStatus task from the Collaboration section of the palette. Rename the task PatientOK.
Click Click to Edit to edit the CollaborationStatus configuration and set the status to completed. Click OK to close the pop-up.

Patient OK Close Collaboration

Send Help Please

To handle the second case, drag and drop a Filter task from the Filters section of the palette onto the response triangle.
Rename the Filter task HelpNeeded.

Help Needed Filter Task

Click Click to Edit to edit the Filter configuration. Click <null> to configure
the filter condition and set the condition to event.submitValue == 1. Click OK twice to close the pop-ups. This
filters events such that only the event generated when the patient clicks “Please Send Help” pass through.

Help Needed Filter Task Conditino

The third case, the patient does not respond in time, will be handled in section 12…

11: Notify the First Responder

Next, drag and drop a GetCollaboration task from the Collaboration section of the palette onto the HelpNeeded task.
Rename the task GetPatient.

GetPatient Task

Click Click to Edit to edit the task configuration and set the taskName to patient. This fetches the current definition of the
patient entity from the collaboration and returns the value as the outbound event.

GetPatient Task

Drag and drop a Notify task from the Mobile section of the palette onto the GetPatient task. Click on the new
task and re-name it NotifyFirstResponder.

NotifyFirstResponder Task

Click Click to Edit to configure the NotifyFirstResponder task.
Set the title to: event.name + " Heart Rate Alert (" + event.heartRate + ")"
Set the body to: "Are you available to assist " + event.name + "?"
Click <null> to configure the user to send the notification. Select Literal Array as the user type from the droplist.
Click + to add an item to the list and set the
user to event.patientId. Click OK to close the pop-up.

For this tutorial, configure the patient and
first responder to be the same person. In the Advanced Collaboration Tutorial you will find the nearby first responders
and loop through each available responder.
Select Create Placeholder Client next to the clientName configuration. Set the new Client name to FirstResponderResponse
and click OK. This creates a placeholder client that you will configure in the next step of this tutorial.

NotifyFirstResponder Task Config

Click OK to close the pop-up.
Click Save to save the Service and event handler.

Once the first responder has responded to the message, the collaboration is complete.
Drag and drop a CollaborationStatus task from the Collaboration section of the palette onto the NotifyFirstResponder task. Select response as the downstream
event and click OK. Rename the task CollabComplete.
Click Click to Edit to edit the CollaborationStatus configuration and set the status to completed. Click OK to close the pop-up.

Complete Collaboration

12: Handle the Response Timeout Case

In the scenarios listed in section 10, there are two scenarios which result in sending a Notification to a first responder.
You have already handled the second scenario: the patient responds “Please Send Help”. Next,
you must handle the third scenario: the patient does not send a response within the required amount of time.
In this case, you need to get the current collaboration, send a notification to a first responder, and then
complete the collaboration when the first responder responds.

Instead of repeating the tasks in the section above, link the NotifyPatient’s responseTimeout event to the existing tasks.
Right-click on NotifyPatient and select Link Existing Task.

Link Existing Task

Select GetPatient as the Task Name and responseTimeout as the Downstream Event and click OK.

Link Existing Task Configuration

Click Save to save the Service and the Event Handler.

Heart Rate Monitoring App

13: Creating the First Responder Client

Using the Add button, select Client and click on FirstResponderResponse to open the Client you created as a placeholder
in section 11.
Drag and drop one Inline button from the widget palette to the Client Builder canvas. Tap on the Inline button to display its properties. Change the following property values:

  Specific -> Button Label: On my way to ${patient.name}!
  Specific -> Value: 0
  Style -> Button Label Font Size: 22
  Style -> Button Label Color -> White
  Style -> Button Background Color -> Default

Click Save to Save the Client.

FirstResponder Client

14: Testing the App

Testing “I’m OK” Scenario

Log into this namespace in the Vantiq Mobile App. You may need to download the App if you have not yet done so.

iOS App

Android App

Right-click on the generateHeartRate Procedure entry and select Open In New Pane.
Navigate back to the Event Handler by clicking on the Implement tab, expanding the Inbound section, and click on
MonitorReading. Execute the Procedure passing in 210 as the heart rate.

You should receive a Notification in the Vantiq Mobile App with the following message:

Open the Notification and Click I’m OK. Notice that once you click the button, the badges in the App pick up again
starting with the Notification response task.

Im OK App Badging

Testing “Please Send Help” Scenario

Execute the Procedure again passing in 220 as the heart rate.

You should receive a Patient Notification in the Vantiq Mobile App.
This time, open the Notification and Click Please Send Help. Notice that once you click the button, the badges in the App pick up again
starting with the Notification response task.

Send Help App Badging

You’ll then receive a second notification as the first responder.

Open the notification and click the button.
First Responder Notification

Testing Response Timeout Scenario

Execute the Procedure again passing in 30 as the heart rate.

You should receive a Patient Notification in the Vantiq Mobile App. This time, do not open the notification or click on the buttons. Wait for 90 seconds and expect to receive
a second notification as the first responder.

While you wait for the second notification, click on the Properties button in the top-right of the Event Handler toolbar and click Run Query next to Active Collaborations.
This will allow you to see your currently active collaborations. A new collaboration instance is created each time an event
passes through the AssignPatient task. Click on the Service State radio button in the toolbar. This will allow you to
see the collaborations currently stored in the Service State. You’ll see one currently active collaboration.

Active Collaboration List

Click the back button in the titlebar and update the query to search for collaborations with any status. Click Run Query.

Collaborations Any Status

Now you’ll notice the two collaborations you created in the previous scenarios are listed and are stored in the database.

Collaborations in DB

Click on one of the completed collaborations. You’ll notice that the collaboration contains a detailed log of the events that occurred. The patient is stored as the entity and each of the responses
to the notifications has been recorded as well.

Completed Collaboration

Click back to return the list view.
Click on the Service State radio button in the toolbar. Notice that all three collaborations are still in the service state.
Service State Collaborations

Click on the active collaboration. You’ll notice that the collaboration contains a detailed log of the events that occurred. Notice that
since the collaboration is still active, you can update the collaboration status directly from this pane if needed.

Active Collaboration

Once you’re finished exploring the collaborations list pane, you’ll likely have received the First Responder notification in the Vantiq Mobile App.
Open the notification and click the button to confirm.

Timeout Response Badging

Now if you click refresh in the collaborations list pane all three collaborations will be marked as completed.


This simple App is a good example of multiple collaborators working together to solve a real world problem.

In the Tutorial you learned how to:

  • Initiate a Collaboration
  • Send Notifications to mobile Clients
  • Complete the collaboration