
This tutorial assumes you have completed the first 7 steps of the Debugging Tutorial.
Please complete the tutorial if you have not done so already, then return to this page in step 8 to learn how to test it.

Testing The Triggered Rule

Now that we have investigated the Rule and understand it better, it is time to write a few unit tests.

A Vantiq Test is driven by a
sequence of ordered input events and a expects a collection output events. Because Rules do not have return values, the test
requires an output event in order to ensure correctness.
Adding the PUBLISH to the end of the Rule creates the output event necessary to verify that the ageStatus and averageWeight were computed correctly.

We want to create a Test that

  • INSERTS into the TutorialExampleType
  • expects a PUBLISH to “/people/results” with correct ageStatus and averageWeight

Navigate to the TutorialExampleRule Rule.
Edit the Rule and add the following code snippet to the last line at the bottom of the Rule:

PUBLISH {ageStatus: ageStatus, averageWeight: averageWeight} TO TOPIC "/people/results"

The PUBLISH we added in the Rule will allow us to use that event as an Output event so that we can test and ensure that
the Rule computed the right values.

Navigate back to the Autopsy pane for your successfully triggered Rule and click Create Test.


Type TutorialExampleRule0 as the testName and click OK.

A new Test pane will open with all of the General properties on the test already set.


Navigate to the Inputs
tab and verify that there is one input in the Inputs list.


The Test will expect 1 output: The PUBLISH to the /people/results Topic performed by the Rule.

Navigate to the Outputs tab and click the Add Output Button.

The TutorialExampleType Rule performs a PUBLISH on the /people/results that includes the ageStatus of the TutorialExampleType
and the averageWeight of all TutorialExampleType instances. The Test will pre-populate the Namespace with 3 instances of the
TutorialExampleType (see below) so that the averageWeight is calculated over multiple instances of the Type.

Set topics as the Resource, /people/results as the ResourceId.
Click on the Click to Edit button to open the Event Object Editor and create a JSON Object with the following contents:

   "ageStatus": "Adult",
   "averageWeight": 126.25


Click OK to close the Event Object Editor.

As mentioned above, the test will pre-populate the Namespace withTutorialExampleType instances.

Use the Add button in the IDE Navigation Bar to select Procedures and then click the New Procedure button to create a new Procedure.

Name the Procedure insertTutorialExampleType. This Procedure is the Test Setup Procedure. The Procedure INSERTS
3 instances of the TutorialExampleType Type.

Copy and paste the following into the new Procedure Pane:

PROCEDURE insertTutorialExampleType()
DELETE TutorialExampleType WHERE weight < 300
INSERT TutorialExampleType(age: 10, weight: 60)
INSERT TutorialExampleType(age: 20, weight: 120)
INSERT TutorialExampleType(age: 30, weight: 150)

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Use the Add button again to select Procedures and then click the New Procedure button to create a new Procedure.

Name the Procedure deleteTutorialExampleType. This Procedure is the Cleanup Procedure. The Procedure DELETEs
all instances of the TutorialExampleType that were INSERTED.

Copy and paste the following into the new Procedure Pane:

PROCEDURE deleteTutorialExampleType()
DELETE TutorialExampleType WHERE weight < 300

Click Save to save the Procedure.

The Test requires Setup and Cleanup Procedures. Navigate back to the Test pane in which we were defining the
TutorialExampleRule0 test and click on the General tab.

Select insertTutorialExampleType as the Setup Procedure and deleteTutorialExampleType as the Cleanup Procedure. Save the


Click the Show Test History button to watch the test run in real time when the Run Test button is clicked next.


Navigate back to the TutorialExampleRule Rule. Select the new test TutorialExampleRule0 from the Execute droplist and then
click Run.

Wait for the Test History List to show one entry with a green check showing a successful test run.


Testing The Untriggered Rule

We want to now create a second Test that tests the case where the INSERT on the TutorialExampleType Type has age < 5
which should not trigger the Rule.

Navigate back to the Autopsy pane for your untriggered Rule and click Create Test.


Name the test TutorialExampleRule1 and click OK.

A new Test pane opens with all of the General properties on the test already set.
Change the Timeout Time for the test to 10 seconds.


Navigate to the Inputs tab and verify that there is one input in the Inputs list.


Navigate to the Outputs Tab and click Add Output.

Set topics as the Resource, /people/results as the ResourceId.
Because the Rule should not be triggered, there should be no PUBLISHES to the /people/results Topic.
Set the Validation Method to Missing. This means that the Test expects no PUBLISHES on the /people/results Topic, and
if one is received within the Timeout Time period, the Test fails.


Navigate to the General tab.


Because the Rule is not triggered and the averageWeight is not calculated, a Setup Procedure is not required.
However, this Test performs an INSERT on the TutorialExampleType Type which should be cleaned up.
Select deleteTutorialExampleType as the Cleanup Procedure. Save the Test.

Click on the Show History button to watch the test run in real time.


Navigate back to the TutorialExampleRule Rule. Select the new test TutorialExampleRule1 from the Execute droplist and then
click Run.

Wait for the Test History List to show one entry with a green check showing a successful test run.


Running the Test Suite

Navigate to the Test Suite List by selecting Test Suites under the Test tab. There should be one entry called
TutorialExampleRule_UnitTestSuite. This is the auto-generated Test Suite for all Unit Tests that test the TutorialExampleRule.
This Test Suite will always keep itself up to date with all the Unit Tests that test this Rule.


Click on the Test Suite to open up the Test Suite Pane.


Navigate to the Tests tab to see the list of all the Tests for this Rule. You should see both Tests that you defined.


Click Run Test to run the Test Suite.

Click Show Test History and wait until a green check appears showing that the Test Suite has completed successfully.
This should take a little over 10 seconds since this is the timeout period.