
In the Introductory Collaboration Tutorial you created an App that detects whether a patient is in distress
and sends a notification to a first responder. However, the complexity of finding and notifying the correct first responder
was overlooked.

In this tutorial you will compute a list of available first responders sorted by their proximity to the patient. You’ll send a message to a responder,
waiting a specified amount of time before retracting the message and trying the next closest responder. Once a responder
confirms that they are on their way, you will track the first responder’s location until they arrive at the patient.

Import Intro Collaboration Tutorial

This Tutorial will start where the Introductory Collaboration Tutorial left off. It is highly recommended that you
complete the Introductory Collaboration Tutorial before starting this one. To import the final result of the
Introductory Collaboration Tutorial use the Projects button and click Import. Select Tutorials as the
Import Type and select Introduction to Collaboration from the droplist. Click OK to complete the import and then
click Reload once the import completes.

Create First Responder Instances

Start by creating a FirstResponder persistent Type. Use the Add button to select Type and click + New Type.
Set the name to FirstResponder and the Role to standard. Click OK.

Create new type

Click on the Properties tab in the FirstResponder Type pane and click + Add Property. Set the following properties
on the type:

  • name (String)
  • username (String)
  • location (GeoJSON)

Click OK to close the add property pop-up and then Save the Type.

first responder type

Next, create a few instances of the FirstResponder Type. The username property is be used
to send Notifications to first responders later in this tutorial. This means that the usernames must point to valid, existing, Vantiq
users. For the sake of this Tutorial, set the username on each instance to your username so that the messages will
be sent to your mobile phone.
However, we’ll give each first responder a unique name as if they are actually separate people. To get your username, click on the
user icon in the Vantiq banner. Hover your mouse over the username until a green plus
icon appears. Clicking on the username copies it to your clickboard.

copy username

Click Add New Record at the top of the Type pane. Set the name to John Smith. Paste your username as the username.
Click onto the link to specify the GeoJSON location. Set the location type to Point. Set the longitude to -122.4194 and
latitude 37.7749 Click Add Record.

add first responder

Add the following additional instances:

"name": "Sarah Brown",
"username": "<your username>",
"location": longitude: -122.27304, latitude: 37.8715
"name": "Robert Johnson",
"username": "<your username>",
"location": longitude: -122.2892 latitude: 37.8395

Recommend First Responder

Drag a Recommend task from the Collaboration section of the palette over the link between GetPatient and NotifyFirstResponder and then drop it.
Rename the Recommend task FindResponders.

find responders

Double-click on the new task to open its configuration. Set the Candidate Type to FirstResponder.
Set the returnBehavior to Attach Return value to returnProperty and then set returnProperty to recommendedResponders.
Click OK.

find responders config

Notify First Responder and wait

Use the results from the Recommend task to Notify first responders one at a time, starting with the closest responder.
If the first responder does not accept the notification within 1 minute, retract the message and notify the next
closest responder.


Drag a LoopWhile task from the Flow Control section of the palette over the link between FindResponders and NotifyFirstResponder and then drop it.
Select whileTrue as the downstream event. The LoopWhile task is the App Builder’s version of a while loop. It
repeatedly executes the tasks in the whileTrue branch of the task from the whileTrue event to the branch leaf until the condition is false.
For more details on the Loop While activity pattern reference the Loop While documentation.

loop while

Click on the new task and open its configuration. Set the condition to counter < length(event.recommendedResponders).
Set the counterProperty to counter. The counter property is attached to the outbound event so that any tasks
in the whileTrue branch have access to the loop counter. Click OK.

loop while config

Next click on the NotifyFirstResponder task to update the configuration.
Update the body to: event.recommendedResponders[event.counter].name + ": Are you available to assist " + event.name + "?".
Click on the users property and update the user to event.recommendedResponders[event.counter].username. This will index
into the recommendedResponders array and return the event.counterth username. Click OK to close the pop-up.

first responder updated config

Wait For Response

Drag and drop a Delay task from the Flow Control section of the palette onto the NotifyFirstResponder task. Select event as the
downstream event. Notice that the Delay task is directly connected to the NotifyFirstResponder task rather than an asynchronous
downstream event triangle. This means that it is executed as part of the loop root to leaf path. Rename the task AwaitResponse.

await response

Click Click to Edit to configure the Delay task and set the delay to 1 minute.

delay config

Retract Notification

If the Delay expires, we must retract the notification from the first responder before sending a notification to the next one.
Drag and drop a GetCollaboration task from the Collaboration section of the palette
onto the AwaitResponse task. Rename the activity GetPayloadId.

get payloadId

In the configuration, set the taskName to NotifyFirstResponder. This will return the collaboration state specific to the NotifyFirstResponder task which
includes the payloadId for the Notification message and any responses received.
Click OK.

get payloadId

We only want to retract the notification if no responses have been received. Drag and drop a Filter task from the Filters
section of the palette onto the getPayloadId task. Rename the task NoResponse. Double-click to edit the next
task. Set the filter condition to event.responses == null || event.responses.size() == 0. Click OK twice to close
the pop-ups.

no response

Drag and drop a retractPayload from the Notification section of the Services section of the palette onto the
GetPayloadId task. Rename the task RetractMsg.


Double-click the new task to edit its configuration. Click <null> next to parameters to edit the Procedure parameters. Set the payloadId to event.payloadId
and leave the exclusionList empty. This retracts the notification associated with the payloadId returned by the upstream task.
Click OK twice to close the pop-ups.

retract config

The Loop follows the event stream path from the whileTrue event to leaf. This means it follows the direct arrows
from task to task. Asychronous downstream events (such as Notification response) are not considered part of this loop path.
The Loop flows from the whileTrue event -> NotifyFirstResponder -> AwaitResponse -> GetPayloadId -> NoResponse -> RetractMsg and then repeats.

Click Save to save the Service and Event Handler.

Assign First Responder

Add Collaborator Role

The first responder is an active collaborator in this Collaboration and should be assigned to a distinct collaborator role.
Click on the Properties button in the top
right-hand corner of the toolbar. Click Click to Edit next to Collaborator Roles. Click + Add an Item and
name the collaboratorRole firstResponder. Then click OK.

first responder collaborator role

Assign Collaborator

Drag and drop an Assign task from the Collaboration section of the palette onto the link between the NotifyFirstResponder response
event and CollabComplete task. Rename the task AssignCollaborator.

assign collaborator

Double-click on the new task to edit the configuration. Set the roleType to collaborator and the roleName to firstResponder. Click OK.

assign collaborator config

Click Save to save the Service and Event Handler.

Add Assignment Filter

We only want to repeat the Loop tasks if the assignment has not yet occurred.
Click on the LoopWhile task to edit the configuration
and update the condition to: counter < event.recommendedResponders.size() && (HeartRate.ActiveCollabsGetById_MonitorReading(collaborationId, "firstResponder") == null).
This means the loop will end either when there are no more first responders to notify OR if a first responder has already been
notified and assigned to the firstResponder collaborator role.

update loop while config

Click Save to save the Service and Event Handler.

Loop Ends

So far, you’ve written the logic to loop through each of the recommended first responders until either one responds to the
notification or you run out of first responders to message. Next, you must handle what happens when the loop completes.
If the firstResponder collaborator role has not been set the collaboration has failed. Note that if the collaborator role
was set, the collaboration was marked as ‘completed’.

Drag and drop a GetCollaboration task from the Collaboration section of the palette onto the LoopWhile task.
Select onceFalse as the downstream event and click OK. Rename the task GetFirstResponder.

getFirstResponder task

Double-click the GetFirstResponder task to edit the configurations. Set the taskName to firstResponder. Select Attach Return Value
to returnProperty
as the return behavior. Lastly, set firstResponder as the returnProperty.

getFirstResponder task

Drag and drop a Filter task from the Filters section of the palette
onto the getFirstResponder task. Rename the filter NoResponder. Click Click to Edit to edit the Filter configuration.
Set the condition to event.firstResponder == null and click OK twice to close the pop-ups.

no responder found

Drag and drop a CollaborationStatus task from the Collaboration section of the palette onto the NoResponder task.
Rename the task CollabFailed. Click Click to Edit to edit the task’s configuration and set status to failed. Click OK.

collaboration failed

Track the First Responder

Track the First Responder

Track the first responder from their current location until they reach the patient. Drag a Track activity pattern
from the Mobile section of the palette over the link between AssignCollaborator and CollabComplete and drop it there.
Select update as the Downstream Event name and click OK.
Rename the task TrackResponder.

track responder

Double-click on the TrackResponder to edit its configuration. The TrackResponder task will receive the event produced
by the notification response. This means that the event will include the first responder’s username. Click to open the pop-up
to configure the task’s users property.Select Literal Array as the user type from the droplist.
Click Add an item and set the value to event.username. Click OK twice to close the

track responder config

Get Patient location

The Track task will produce a location update event as the first responder moves towards the patient. As each location update
event is received, check whether the first responder has arrived at the patient’s location. To do this, get the patient’s
location by retrieving the patient information from the collaboration entities.
Drag and drop a GetCollaboration task from the Collaboration section of the palette
onto between the update event and the CollabComplete task. Rename the activity GetPatientLocation.

get patient location

Click Click to Edit to edit the task configuration. Set the taskName to patient.
Set the returnBehavior to Attach Return value to returnProperty and then set returnProperty to patient.

get patient location config

Check if responder arrived

Drag a Filter task from the Filters section of the palette over the link between GetPatientLocation and CollabComplete
and drop it there. Rename the task ResponderArrived.

responder arrived

Click Click to Edit to edit the Filter’s configuration. Set the condition to geoDistance(event.location, event.patient.location) < 50.
This will return true if the first responder is within 50 meters of the patient. Click OK twice to close the pop-ups and
Save Service Event Handler.

responder arrived config

Testing the App

Before you can begin testing your App, log into this Namespace in your Vantiq Mobile App. You may have to download the App
if you have not done so already.

iOS App

Android App

Collaboration Fails

First, test the case in which none of the first responders accept the notification which leads to the collaboration failing.
Note that for the purposes of testing you may choose to shorten the intervals for the NotifyPatient maxResponseTime
and AwaitResponse Delay tasks from 1 minute to 10 seconds.

Right click on the generateHeartRate Procedure in the Procedures section of the implement tab and click Open in New Pane.
Click the blue Execute play button. Pass 30 as the heartRate and click Execute.

At this point, expect to receive the PatientResponse message. Do not respond to this message. Next, notice 3 messages arrive
one at a time for each first responder. Do not respond to these either. Notice that once the delay expires, the notification is removed
from the Vantiq App’s notification center. Once all three first responders have been tried, the loop will end and the collaboration is marked
as failed.

collaboration failed with badging

Click the Clear runtime status icon at the top of the service pane.

clear runtime status

Collaboration Success

To test the successful case where a first responder is tracked to the patient’s location. Click here
and enter your address to discover your current latitude and longitude. In the generateHeartRate Procedure pane,
update the event location to your location.
Click the blue Execute play button. Pass 240 as the heartRate and click Execute.

At this point, expect to receive the PatientResponse message. Do not respond to this message.
notification sent

Next, when you receive the FirstResponderNotification, open the notification and click On my way!.

Notice when you respond to the notification, badges will appear on the response event. The Vantiq mobile App will then
start tracking your location. Since your location is the same as the patient’s, the Filter should be true at the first
location update event and the collaboration will complete.

clear runtime status


In this tutorial you learned how to:

  • Use the Recommend activity pattern to compute a list of nearby first responders
  • Use the LoopWhile activity pattern to notify first responders one at a time
  • Retract notification messages when a response is not received
  • Use the Track activity pattern to track a first responder’s location