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App Builder Reference Guide
App Builder Reference Guide
Since standalone apps have been deprecated and should no longer be used, the contents of this document no longer apply to them. Their features and semantics were frozen at the point of deprecation and will no longer be updated.
Modern Real-Time Business Applications often have, at their core, a collection of disparate data streams that contain inter-related information. Value can only be extracted from this data after it has been massaged, filtered, and combined with other data flowing through separate parts of the business. The App Builder is a visual tool for describing and automating the data ingestion and processing pipeline that drives business decisions.
The App Builder allows users to capture, transform, and make decisions on streams of events occurring within the Vantiq system without writing much, if any, code. The App Builder goes beyond traditional ETL pipelines by not just transforming data, but also identifying important business situations within the event streams which can automatically drive collaborations. Vantiq’s mission is to help businesses Sense, Analyze, and Act on real-time data, and the App Builder helps complete that mission by dramatically reducing the amount of code (and development time) that goes into sensing and analyzing the data.
Events in a Vantiq Application are received and processed by Services via event handlers. This document covers the construction of visual event handlers (aka Apps). Apps are built graphically using the App Builder, which allows users to layout the general flow of data through their system, from initial acquisition through to the identification of a high-level business situation which can drive a collaboration. Each box in the diagram represents a task that operates on a stream of inbound events produced by its parent task, and produces outbound events that can be consumed by each child task. The root tasks at the top of an App identify the initial streams of data that will be combined by the app, and then each child activity operates on some transformed subset of the initial event stream.
Some of the high level capabilities of the App Builder include:
- Ingesting raw streams of data. The data can come from events on a source like Kafka or MQTT, inserts or updates on a Type, publishes to topic, or from a service event type.
- Transforming events in a stream of data via a visual interface or through a VAIL procedure.
- Joining multiple streams of events on specific conditions like correlated ids or events that occur within a constrained time window.
- Filter out events that don’t match specific criteria.
- Updating in-memory state
- Automatically update persistent storage (types) for new events captured on a stream.
- Log events for debugging purposes.
- Initiating human-computer collaboration.
To walk through building your first service, complete with visual event handlers, check out the tutorial.
App Builder Overview
The App Builder is launched when creating/editing a visual Service Event Handler. An App Builder diagram consists of boxes, representing tasks, and lines, representing streams of events flowing between tasks. Tasks perform an operation on inbound events and then emit outbound events for the next task to consume. Each task in an App consumes one or more inbound streams of events, and produces one or more outbound streams of events. Tasks with more than one outbound event depict their primary output as a line, directly between the producing task and its consumers. Any additional events are depicted using triangles between the tasks. The events in all apps flow downwards, starting with the root Event Stream tasks at the top of the diagram.
Apps are, under the covers, completely implemented in VAIL. When an App is created or updated, a collection of rules, event streams, and procedures is generated to implement each task.
Apps are assembled from a collection of predefined Activity Patterns. The current set includes:
- Accumulate State – Aggregate state over a series of events by calling a procedure that takes the existing state object and the new event and produces the new state object.
- Analytics – Compute a collection of aggregate statistics for events in a stream.
- Answer Question – Answer a question using a specified semantic index and return the generated answer.
- Assign – Assigns the inbound event to the specified entity or collaborator role.
- Build and Predict Path – Assemble the path from the tracked motion of objects with locations. Predict the location of the object when it is removed from tracking.
- Cached Enrich – Enrich and cache the results for future events. The cached association is refreshed at a configurable interval.
- Chat – Initiate a Chatroom that uses a Chatbot to process chat message and react appropriately.
- Compute Statistics – Compute a collection of aggregate statistics for events in a stream.
- Convert Coordinates – Convert coordinates (typically from image analysis) to another coordinate space.
- Collaboration Status – Update the status of the current collaboration to ‘failed’ or ‘completed’.
- DBScan – Applies a density based clustering algorithm to determine if there are one or many clusters
- Delay – Delay the emission of the inbound event for a configurable length of time.
- Dwell – Detect a sequence of events with a consistent state across over a period of time.
- Enrich – Augment events with associated data from a persistent Type.
- Establish Collaboration – Ensures that only one collaboration is created for the entity role specified by the roleName.
- Event Stream – Identifies a stream of events to listen for and serves as the root task in an App.
- Filter – Defines a condition that restricts which events flow on to downstream tasks.
- Get Collaboration – Return the current collaboration
- Interpret Conversational Language – Get the Natural Language Interpretation of an Utterance from an external interpreter like Conversational Language Understanding.
- Join – Join pairs of events on two parallel streams.
- K-Means Cluster – Applies a K-Means Clustering algorithm to find the specified number of clusters in the data
- Limit – Limits the flow of events through an App to a configurable maximum throughput.
- Linear Regression – Applies linear regression to the data and generates a prediction procedure to predict future data points.
- Loop While – While the specified condition is true, loop through the tasks that are part of the loop body.
- Log Stream – Log all inbound events
- Merge – Join multiple independent streams into a single stream.
- Missing – Detect the absence of an event for a time interval.
- Notify – Send a notification to a Vantiq user using the Vantiq Mobile App.
- Polynomial Fitter – Applies a polynomial fit algorithm to the data and generates a prediction, derivative, and integration procedures.
- Predict Paths by Age – Predict positions for paths not recently updated.
- Process Intent – Process and execute the custom or system intent that was returned by the Interpret Conversational Language pattern.
- Publish To Service – Send an event to an Inbound Event Type of a Service
- Publish to Source – Send inbound data out to a source.
- Publish to Topic – Send inbound data out to a topic.
- Procedure – Execute a procedure and emit the results.
- Rate – Emit the frequency of inbound events at a regular interval.
- Recommend – Generate a list of recommendations based on the incoming event and and the match directives.
- Record Event – Record an instance of an Event Type in the Event Ledger.
- Run TensorFlow Model on Document – Use a TensorFlow model to analyze a Vantiq Document (typically an image).
- Run TensorFlow Model on Image – Use a TensorFlow model to analyze a Vantiq Image.
- Run TensorFlow Model on Tensors – Use a TensorFlow model to analyze data.
- Sample – Sample events from the inbound stream to produce fewer events to the downstream tasks.
- Save to Type – Save inbound data to a type.
- Split By Group – Split the upstream events into sub-streams for the downstream tasks by a group key.
- Start Collaboration (deprecated) – Creates a situation which can trigger a collaboration.
- Submit Prompt – Submit a prompt to the specified LLM and return the result.
- Threshold – Detect the crossing of a threshold across sequential events.
- Time Difference – Measure the time between two consecutive events.
- Track Motion – Assemble the movement of objects with locations (typically YOLO image analysis output).
- Track – Begin tracking one or more Vantiq users until they arrive at a specified location or the collaboration ends.
- Transformation – Defines a procedure or mapping that modifies an event in the stream before being passed to downstream tasks.
- Unwind – Splits an array property on an event into multiple separate events that can be processed independently.
- VAIL – Run an arbitrary block of VAIL code for every event.
- VisionScript – Enables the user to build a Vision Script in order to manipulate images.
- Window – Buffer inbound events to emit batches of events. Overlapping and non-overlapping windows are supported.
- YOLO from Documents – Use a YOLO model for image (stored in a document) analysis.
- YOLO from Images – Use a YOLO model for image analysis.
From these built-in Activity Patterns larger Components can be developed that encapsulate collections of tasks. Components can then be shared between developers and used just like any other built-in Activity Pattern
Creating an App
When creating a new App, the initial diagram consists of a single Event Stream task. From there, more event streams and downstream tasks can be added by right clicking on an existing task and selecting one of the options from the contextual menu. Each task added to the App diagram needs to be properly configured in order for the App to compile. Apps are compiled whenever they are saved, and if no errors are found during compilation, the App will generate a collection of hidden VAIL artifacts that implement each of the tasks. If errors are detected during compilation of the app, it will still be saved. When this happens any task in which an error was detected will be highlighted in red.
The App Builder is designed to facilitate an iterative development process. For example: Start with an initial Event Stream and a log stream task to see what raw events are being received. Next add a transformation task that processes the outbound events from the raw event stream and then log the output of the transformation. Then add a filter to the output of the transformation and log the filtered event stream. Once you’ve tuned the filter and transformation activities to produce the output you expect, you can add a Notify task to the output of the filter task, and you’ve built an entire App.
Collaborations in Apps
Apps are intended to simplify a piece of the development process. At some point the App may identify a situation in which a solution cannot be fully automated. Some examples illustrate why Real-time Business Applications almost invariably involve collaboration:
- A machine failure may be detected by the Real-time Business Application but repair activities require collaboration with the technical specialist who can physically repair the machine. The Real-time Business Application can provide context dependent suggestions and recommendations as well as timely information on the status of the machine, but the expertise of the technical specialist is required to minimize repair time and cost.
- In an application monitoring guests at a Casino in order to “comp” the best customers and increase their loyalty, the floor manager is a key collaborator. The floor manager can see the guests and easily assess whether the Real-time Business Application suggested comps will be well received by the guest. In cases where the floor manager recognizes unique issues, they can override the application generated offers to optimize the experience of the guest.
- In a traffic management system, the optimal traffic flow is dependent on current accidents throughout the road system and the length of time each accident will impact traffic flow. The traffic managers are far better equipped to estimate the duration of each accident than the Real-time Business Application, while the application has a better estimate of traffic volumes based on its real time sensor data. By collaborating, the application and the traffic managers can produce more optimal traffic management strategies.
Given the importance of collaborative activities within a Real-time Business Application, Vantiq offers extensive capabilities simplifying the development and operation of collaborations between a Real-time Business Application and its users, as well as collaborations among the application’s users. These capabilities are baked directly into the App Builder’s visual diagram.
Adding any Collaboration Task to an App enables collaborations within the App. If an App contains Collaboration tasks, when an event reaches the first Collaboration task on its path from root to leaf, a new collaboration is started and is added to the Service State. As the event is processed between the first Collaboration task and the leaf node for the App, the collaboration is updated and managed in the Service State. Since the leaf node for the App represents the natural end of the collaboration, it is best practice to include a CollaborationStatus task at the leaf to mark the collaboration as completed or failed.
Collaborations contain the following properties:
- id – a unique identifier for the Collaboration. The unique id is assigned by the system when the Collaboration is first created. The variable
is available for use as a configuration parameter to any App task. - name – the name of the App.
- collaborators – an object identifying the current collaboration roles and the user assigned to each role. The keys are the collaborator role names and the value is the role’s currently assignment. The collaborators property represents the current snapshot of the participating collaborators. The participants may change over the course of collaboration execution.
- entities – an object identifying the entity roles and the objects that are currently assigned to the entity role. The keys are the entity role names and the value is the role’s current assignment.
- status – the current state of the collaboration represented by one of the string values: active, completed, failed*.
- results – results that are aggregated across activities. For example, a location tracking activity will save a list of the arrived users and the current locations for every other tracked user.
Collaboration Tasks
The following tasks are considered Collaboration tasks. These are all tasks that are meant to operate and manage Collaborations.
- Assign
- Chat
- Collaboration Status
- Interpret Conversational Language
- Notify
- Process Intent
- Recommend
- Track
Adding any Collaboration task to an App adds a Map property to the service’s partitioned state called ActiveCollabs
. This maps the unique collaborationId to the Collaboration results. The following Procedures are added to the Service:
<collaborationPropName>GetById_<serviceEventType>(collaborationId String, taskName String):Object
– Takes a collaborationId and optional task name as parameters and returns the collaboration results for the collaboration or the particular collaboration task. This Procedure will first check the results in the Service state. If no collaboration matches that collaborationId in the Service State, then the database is queried for a matching collaboration.<collaborationPropName>GetAll_<serviceEventType>():system.collaborations ARRAY
– Returns the collaboration results for all collaborations currently in the Service state.<collaborationPropName>Reset()_<serviceEventType>
– Resets the Service State for the collaboration partitioned property.<collaborationPropName>UpdateStatus_<serviceEventType>(collaborationId String, status String)
– Updates the collaboration status to the specified value. This is either completed or failed.<collaborationPropName>WriteAll_<serviceEventType>
– Persists each of the collaborations in memory onto the database. The Write Procedure will be scheduled to execute automatically every 5 minutes. Updating the writeFrequency for the App will modify the interval at which the Write Procedure is executed.<collaborationPropName>CloseAll_<serviceEventType>
– Persists each of the collaborations in memory onto the database and then updates the status of all collaborations toclosed
Each collaboration task will also generate a unique Update Procedure which updates the results for that task in the collaboration results <collaborationPropName>Update<task name>_<serviceEventType>(collaborationId String, event Object):system.collaborations
Compatibility Note: Unlike the now-deprecated Collaboration Builder, the variable
is not available to be used as part of task configuration. However, acollaborationId
is available to be used wherever necessary. The current Collaboration instance can be fetched either by using a GetCollaboration Task or by configuring a Procedure task to execute the generated Get Procedure passing in the collaborationId as the first parameter.
Entity and Collaborator Roles
Roles effectively identify the responsibility of each participant in the collaboration: At execution time collaborator roles are bound to actual users that are tasked with executing each activity. Collaboration Types define a list of Collaborator Roles. Each collaborator role implicitly identifies a set of responsibilities for the user assigned to that role in the form of the activities in which the role participates.
Entity roles are bound to objects that represent the domain model entities impacted by each activity. By convention, Entity Roles refer to the entities impacted by the execution of the collaboration. At runtime, objects are bound to the Entity Roles identifying the actual entities on which the collaboration is operating.
The tasks SubmitPrompt and AnswerQuestion may optionally participate in conversations. Vantiq records their submissions and associated LLM responses in conversation state. Each collaboration instance has a default conversation identified by its collaborationId. If the application needs to engage in more than one conversation, the user may declare conversation names in collaboration properties then reference those names in the collaboration tasks’ conversationName
configuration property. This allows multiple independent conversations to be managed within a single collaboration instance. Also, conversant tasks may use the self
conversation name to indicate that the conversation state be kept private to the task.
Conversation state has a lifecycle that corresponds to the collaboration instance in which it was created. When a new collaboration opens, the system starts referenced conversations with the ConversationMemory service. When a collaboration is written to the database, the system writes the current conversation state along with it. When a collaboration loads from the database the system re-establishes its conversation state if necessary. When a collaboration closes, the system ends its conversations in the ConversationMemory service and records the final state of all conversations in the closed instance.
Write Frequency
The write frequency determines the interval at which the generated Write procedure will persist the in-memory collaboration state to the database. By default, the collaboration will persist the Service state every 5 minutes. At runtime, collaborations are updated and managed entirely within the Service State. However, it can be useful for long-running collaborations to store the results to the database at some interval such that the service state does not become too large. Persisting the results can also serve as an audit log of historical collaborations.
Reliable Apps
When the source of the events for an App is configured to be reliable, the Vantiq platform will ensure that the reliability guarantee is extended to the App as a whole. This means that if the App terminates due to a system failure (such as a Vantiq server instance being shut down), processing will be restarted at the appropriate point such that the semantics of the App are preserved. In keeping with the low-code nature of the App Builder, this is done automatically and does not require that the App developer explicitly manage event acknowledgment or redelivery.
To be fully reliable, the service must also be marked as “replicated” (for reasons that we discuss in the next section).
Tracking Progress
As a reliable event is processed, the system keeps track of the event’s progress through the event handler. This is done by recording “checkpoints” as the event (and those that it “produces”) are processed by the various App tasks. Checkpoints are stored in the owning service’s state and are partitioned using the event UUID values. As a result any service with a reliable event handler is automatically stateful. It also means that to be fully reliable, the service must be replicated. That way the checkpoint state is also reliable and can survive various system failures.
When a task completes, it will update the checkpoint to indicate the “child” tasks that will be triggered next. Note that this is only done for children of the primary event output. Secondary event outputs (those denoted by a “triangle” in the connector) are not part of the reliable processing. In addition, the Rate and Missing Activity Patterns are considered “terminal” when it comes to reliable processing since the events they produce are not direct dependents of a single source event.
Once there are no more child tasks to be executed, the initiating reliable event will be acknowledged.
Event Redelivery
Should a system failure occur before an event is fully processed, it will be redelivered (per the at least once delivery semantics). When this occurs, the App will use the stored checkpoint information to determine where it should continue processing. In general this avoids rerunning tasks that have already been completed, with one important caveat. Due to the way task execution works, there is a small window between when the task’s “work” completes and when the checkpoint is updated. If a failure occurs during that window, then the checkpoint will still indicate that the task has not yet completed. This means that the task may be repeated in this case. The implications of this depend on the task’s Activity Pattern.
Activity Patterns that operate on service state have been implemented such that should this repetition occur, any attempts to repeat a state change will be ignored. This includes all of the stateful patterns such as AccumulateState and Dwell (see the pattern descriptions for details). Tasks based on any other pattern have no option but to be repeated since there is no internal indication of whether or not they have been done. As a result the developer must be aware that this may occur and be prepared to mitigate as necessary. For example, ensuring that a given procedure can be executed multiple times without adverse side-effects mitigates against the repetition of a Procedure task.
Error Handling
Unless otherwise specified, errors that occur during the execution of a task are considered by be “application” errors and thus will not trigger redelivery of the initiating event. The reason for this is that such errors are typically triggered by the contents of the event and thus redelivery would only result in repeated generation of the same error. Encountering a non-transient error triggers acknowledgment of the event and clears any associated checkpoint.
The exceptions to this behavior are:
- Errors which are known to be due to “cross-cluster” communication failures. These errors are typically the result of some transient condition in the cluster (a member being restarted, temporary network issues, etc…).
- Errors flagged as transient by a handler provided by the following Activity Patterns:
Transient errors are recorded, but do not trigger either acknowledgment or a checkpoint update. Processing will continue from the point just before the error when the event is eventually redelivered.
App Activity Tasks
Tasks in an App are configurations of predefined Activity Patterns. Each Activity Pattern represents a generalized process that can be expressed with just a few configuration properties. Given an Activity Pattern and a configuration of the pattern, we can produce VAIL code that implements the specifics of the task in the App Builder.
Below are brief descriptions of the existing Activity Patterns and the configuration properties that each contains:
Accumulate State
Keep track of state across a series of events with Accumulate State. Initially, the state value is null. For each inbound event the state object is updated by calling the configured accumulator procedure (or VAIL block) with the existing state object as the first parameter, and the new event as the second parameter. The updated state can then be ignored (recommended), assigned to a property in the outbound event, or it can replace the outbound event completely. The first option is recommended because it is much more efficient and because the state is available to any consumers via the App Service interface.
For example, consider the following accumulator procedure that keeps track of the number of events with temperatures above and below 100 degrees:
PROCEDURE accumulateHighLowTempCounts(existingState, event)
if (!existingState) {
existingState = {
lowCount: 0,
highCount: 0
if (event.temp > 100) {
} else {
return existingState
And consider the following sequence of three events:
"temp": 88,
"sensorId": "XYZ"
"temp": 111,
"sensorId": "XYZ"
"temp": 109,
"sensorId": "XYZ"
The return from the state getter after each event would be:
"lowCount": 1,
"highCount": 0
"lowCount": 1,
"highCount": 1
"lowCount": 1,
"highCount": 2
AccumulateState has the following optional configuration parameters:
- procedure – two options:
- The name of the accumulator procedure to call for each event to update the accumulated state. The procedure should take two parameters, both objects, as described above.
- A block of VAIL code to run that uses
to modifystate
. No return value should be used in this case. - If not specified, this will default to
state = event
, allowing AccumulateState to store the most recent event in Service state.
The code specified for the
Accumulate State
task may be executed more than once for a given event (due to retries necessary to implement optimistic concurrency control (OCC)). If/when this occurs, only the result of the final execution will be used to update the state. However, it means that the code block should not have any external side-effects or affect state outside of that being managed by the Accumulate task.
- outboundBehavior – Chosen from a list of three options:
- Emit original event – Emit the original inbound event as the outbound event.
This is the default behavior if no option is selected.
In this case, the state code executes asynchronously, so may not be finished by the time any following app tasks run.
This works well for applications that only need to show the stats and later tasks in the app do not depend on the
exact results of this task. - Attach state value to outboundProperty – Attach the state value to the configured outboundProperty.
- Replace outbound event with state value – Emit the state value instead of the inbound event.
- Emit original event – Emit the original inbound event as the outbound event.
- outboundProperty – The property that will contain the state on event emission when the
Attach state value to outboundProperty
is chosen. - imports – A list of resources referenced by the VAIL block procedure that must be imported.
- stateProperty – The name of the state property (global of partitioned) that this accumulator will update. If not specified, a unique state property will be generated.
- resetFrequency – Frequency with which the Reset Procedure should be automatically called. This will reset the state to null and emit a reset event.
- schema – The name of a type that defines the schema of the output of the outbound state. Specifying the schema here will simplify the configuration of downstream tasks.
Accumulate State produces the following events:
- event (default) – The event emitted depending on the outboundBehavior. This can either be the original event, the original event + state, or the state value.
- reset – If a resetFrequency is specified, the App will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the state just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The Analytics activity computes one or many of the following statistical operations: mean, median, count, min, max, standard deviation, geometric mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.
The Analytics activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- inboundProperties – The list of property names (e.g. “speed”, “temperature”, etc.) on the inbound events to compute statistics for. Each property must be numeric.
- reservoirType – The type of reservoir used to store data points. The type will determine which algorithm is used for computing aggregate statistics and when to purge old data points.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. All events that occured within the specified time window will be used to calculate statistics (e.g. all events in the last 5 minutes) - Sliding Count – Computes statistics using
values. The last n events will be used to calculate the statistics - Fixed Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. A fixed time window will add events to the window until the time of the next reset. For example, a fixed time window of 1 hour will calculate analytics for all events within the hour, starting at the top of the hour and ending at the top of the new hour. - Fixed Count – Computes statistics using
values. Calculate analytics on all of the events until the specified number of events has been reached. Then the analytics will be reset back to null.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
- windowLength – How long events should stay in the window. For time based reservoirs this is an interval string (e.g.: “10 minutes”). For count based reservoirs this should be the number of events.
- operations – A selection of which statistics operations should be applied to the data
The Analytics activity contains the following optional configuration property:
- dimension – The hierarchical dimensions that the statistics will be applied. The data will automatically be partitioned at the highest dimension. Statistics will be calculated at the lowest dimension. Each subsequent dimension will return an aggregate of the lower level aggregates. For example, a two level hierarchy “warehouse”, “machine” will first calculate averages on each machine, then calculate the average of averages for all machines in each warehouse to produce per warehouse analytics.
Analytics activity pattern produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If the reservoirType is set to Fixed Time Window or Fixed Count, the Event Handler will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the analytics just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The Analytics activity pattern generates three Procedures: Get, Update, and Reset. The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the analytics. An example return value is shown below:
"speed": {
"count": 3,
"min": 10,
"max": 28,
"mean": 19.333333333333332,
"median": 20
"temp": {
"count": 3,
"min": 20,
"max": 60,
"mean": 40,
"median": 40
For more information, refer to the Apache Math Descriptive Statistics Documentation.
Answer Question
The Answer Question activity uses a specified semantic index to answer a question derived from an inbound event. The result is returned in the specified property of the outbound event. The result is an Object with the properties:
- answer (String) –the answer to the submitted question.
- metadata (Object) – the metadata associated with the entry(ies) used to provide context when answering the question. The semantic index can be configured to not include this.
- rephrasedQuestion (String) – the question rephrased by the LLM using the relevant context. If rephraseQuestion is set to
in the semantic index this will still contain the rephrased question, but it will not be the question asked to the LLM. This property is only included if the semantic index is configured to include it.
The Answer Question activity has the following required configuration properties:
- semanticIndex – the name of the semantic index used to answer the question.
- question – the VAIL expression used to compute the question. The expression result must be a
The use of an expression to produce the question provides a lot of flexibility. For example, while it could be used to obtain the question directly from the event contents, it can also be used to construct it dynamically. For example, consider an App that processes sensor temperature readings from machine. Each sensor reading looks like this:
"sensorId": "sensor12345",
"machineId": "machineXYZ",
"temperature": 67.25
We could use the Template service to fold the event data into a question using a template like:
What corrective actions should be taken when the machine temperature is ${temperature}?
The Answer Question activity has the following optional configuration parameters:
- returnProperty – the name of a property of the outbound event in which to store the response. Defaults to
if not specified. - qaLLM – the name of the generative LLM to use to synthesize the answer. If none is provided, then the index’s default Q&A LLM will be used (if set).
- minSimilarity – a number between 0 and 1 denoting the minimum similarity score that must be achieved for a document in the semantic index to be considered relevant. If not specified, the index’s default minimum similarity will be used (if set). If neither is set, then answer question leverages the most relevant documents it finds in the index for context in answering the question regardless of the score. Should a minimum similarity specification result in no relevant documents, then answer question will return “I don’t know” without consulting the qaLLM.
- useConversation – a Boolean indicating whether the task should participate in a conversation when asking the question. Use of this option requires an active collaboration. By default, the collaboration ID is used as the id of the conversation meaning that multiple AnswerQuestion tasks can participate in the same conversation (as long as they are operating on the same collaboration instance).
- conversationContextPrompt – This parameter can be used to help focus the LLM on particular context in the conversation to be referenced when rephrasing a follow-up question from the ongoing conversation. For example, if the conversation has details on a data payload and the follow-up question has new data points, the context prompt could focus the LLM on the differences between those payloads as they relate to the follow-up.
- conversationName – a String indicating the name of a conversation in which the task should participate. If not specified, then the collaboration’s default conversation will be used. Use of this option allows two or more tasks to share conversation state within the collaboration instance that is separate from the default collaboration-wide conversation. Conversation names must be declared in the collaboration’s properties. If an AnswerQuestion task requires its own separate conversation state, it can specify the conversation name
. This will create a conversation that is private to the task.
The Assign activity updates the collaboration by setting the specified collaborator or entity role to the incoming event. The Assign activity emits the original event. The Assignment can later be fetched by using the GetCollaboration task or the generated Get Procedure in the Service.
The Assign activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- roleType – either entity, collaborator, or result.
- roleName – the name of the entity or collaborator role (when using entity or collaborator roleType). When using the result roleType, this is the name of the result property being assigned. By default this is the name of the current task, but it can be changed to any legal property name. Multiple Assign tasks in the same app may refer to the same result property.
The Assign activity contains the following optional configuration properties:
- entityId – an optional VAIL expression used to determine the id of the entity being assigned. i.e:
event.machineId or event.farmId + event.barnId
. - assignedValue – an optional VAIL expression used to determine the value being assigned. The expression must evaluate to an
. Only used when assigning to the result role type. By default, the entire event will be used as the assigned value. The current value of the result property (if any) will be available via the predefined variablecurrentValue
imports – A list of resources referenced by theassignedValue
For example, if the following event is processed by an Assign task configured with entity as the roleType and machine as the roleName:
"temp": 88,
"sensorId": "XYZ"
The collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"entities": {
"machine": {
"temp": 88,
"sensorId": "XYZ"
If the same event is processed by an Assign task named RecordTemp
configured with result as the roleType, currentTemp
as the roleName and the expression event.temp
as the assignedValue expression, then the collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"currentTemp": 88
Build and Predict Path
The BuildAndPredictPath activity
- Constructs path information about objects tracked with
activities, - Tags Path members’ locations with the region in which they are found if TrackingRegions are defined.
- Adds velocity information to the path steps if the
contain distance and/or direction information, - If requested, predict the location of objects when they are dropped from tracking.
The BuildAndPredictPath activity is generally found after a Track Motion activity. BuildAndPredictPath constructs a path from the TrackMotion output. This path is assembled incrementally (i.e. over a number of calls) and can grow to a specified maximum size. In the event that the maximum size is exceeded, the latest entries are saved. That is, locations are removed from the oldest part of the path.
Once the activity is complete, emit the current list of paths in the property defined by the outboundProperty
The BuildAndPredictPath Activity Pattern requires the following configuration properties:
- motionTrackingProperty – the name of the property from which to gather the set of tracked objects. This is generally the same as the
of theTrackMotion
activity. - outboundProperty – the name of the property to which to attach the list of paths.
- refreshInterval – an interval string (e.g. 10 minutes) specifying how often the list of TrackingRegions should be refreshed. In a mature application where region definitions do not change, a large interval may be appropriate.
- lastLegOnly – a boolean indicating that, when true, velocity calculations should be performed based on the last two items in the path. If false, the velocity is based on first and last items in the path.
Additionally, one can provide these optional parameters:
- maximumPathSize – the maximum length of the calculated path. If unspecified, the default is 10. Care should be taken here as if exceeded, the “first” object may change with each path addition. This will change the velocity calculations (if
is not checked). - coordinateProperty – the name of the property from which to glean the coordinates from the tracked objects. The default value is
. - pathProperty – the name of the property into which each object’s tracked path will be placed. The default is
. - predictPositionsAfterDrop – whether to add a predicted position to a path when it is dropped.
- timeOfPrediction – if predictPositionsAfterDrop is true, the time to give for the predicted position. The default value is
. - trackingRegionFilter – an expression that limits the set of
considered for the position’s tracking region. This expression will be added to the WHERE clause used to select the regions to consider. If absent or empty, allTrackingRegions
in the namespace are considered. Please see the tracking regions information for more information.
In the example above, we’ll use only the last leg for velocity calculations for the motion of objects found in the trackedState
property, producing the results in the pathList
property. The task will update our list of regions every 10 minutes.
The BuildAndPredictPath activity produces an object containing
– a set of objects with paths, anddroppedPaths
– a set of objects dropped in this pass.
Objects are dropped when no information about that object is presented. This is normally the case when the Track Motion task’s maximumAbsentBeforeMissing
threshold has been met.
The property defined by outboundProperty
contains this object, with each object within trackedPaths
containing a set of path elements (named by the pathProperty
, defaulting to trackedPath
). Each path element contains location information (bounding box, center, etc.), and the trackingId
and timeOfObservation
(see Track Motion) properties.
If present, the droppedPaths
property contains the same information. However, if the predictPositionsAfterDrop
was set to true
, then there will be a final predicted position. This predicted position will based on the last two observed points for the object and the observation time between them. Using the distance traveled and the time between those observations, the predicted position will be calculated, based on the timeOfPrediction
presented. Predicted positions will have an additional property isPredicted
set to true
If TrackingRegions
are defined in the namespace, the regions
property will be present. The regions
property is a list of the regions in which this step’s center point is found. Regions are not mutually exclusive, nor must they cover all possible locations, so the regions
property can be a set of regions or empty.
If the trackingRegionFilter
is provided, the set of regions considered will be limited. For example, if trackingRegionFilter
contains name in ["mainStreet", "bikePath"]
, then the only regions considered for each position will be the TrackingRegions
with names mainStreet and bikePath.
When using the trackingRegionFilter
value name in [name in ["mainStreet", "bikePath"]
, that expression is added to a SELECT query on the TrackingRegions
in the namespace. If no TrackingRegions
qualify, then the set of TrackingRegions
considered will be empty.
Path elements will contain velocity information if any of the TrackingRegions
selected contain distance
or direction
definitions. The velocity
property is an object containing speed
and direction
properties. Either, neither, or both may be present depending upon the TrackingRegions
definitions and selection (based on the expression present in the trackingRegionFilter
property). Please see the Tracking Regions section of the Resource Guide and the Motion Tracking section of the Image Processing Guide for more details.
The following is an example of output from a BuildAndPredictPath
activity. Here, we are observing a traffic intersection. A set of TrackingRegions
is defined, including one region for an intersection, one for the main street, and a bike path. (Note – the example is long. To reduce the length, we’ve remove repeated common structures. These are shown as …position info….)
In this example, this is the output after the third image is examined. You will see that a car has been tracked for all three images, and a truck was visible in only the first and third images (based on the timeOfObservation
"confidence": 0.9738035,
"location": {
"centerY": 698.32983,
"top": 613.84503,
"left": 248.22499,
"centerX": 449.8205,
"bottom": 782.8147,
"right": 651.41595,
"trackingId": "2c2a450a-d011-438b-bf59-505ab069ff36",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:25:50.951Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
"label": "car",
"trackedState": [
"centerY": 698.32983,
"top": 613.84503,
"left": 248.22499,
"centerX": 449.8205,
"bottom": 782.8147,
"right": 651.41595,
"trackingId": "2c2a450a-d011-438b-bf59-505ab069ff36",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:25:50.951Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
...position info...
"trackingId": "2c2a450a-d011-438b-bf59-505ab069ff36",
"delta": 227.29758889770193,
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:26:20.714Z",
"regions": ["intersection"],
"velocity": {
"speed": 0.6386117789508797,
"direction": 178.31846108202308
...position info...
"trackingId": "2c2a450a-d011-438b-bf59-505ab069ff36",
"delta": 573.5204100376408,
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:26:22.558Z",
"regions": ["mainStreet"],
"velocity": {
"speed": 26.00798831086019,
"direction": 190.53958118873743
"confidence": 0.56739765,
"location": {
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a360bc",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:25:50.951Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
"label": "truck",
"trackedState": [
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a360bc",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:25:50.951Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a360bc",
"delta": 166.20815098458465,
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:26:22.558Z",
"regions": ["intersection"],
"velocity": {
"speed": 0.43973176788635465,
"direction": 38.12289240559642
"confidence": 0.56739765,
"location": {
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a376ab",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:21:02.974Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
"label": "van",
"trackedState": [
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a376ab",
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:21:02.974Z",
"regions": [],
"velocity": {}
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a376ab",
"delta": 100.000,
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:21:22.558Z",
"regions": ["intersection"],
"velocity": {
"speed": 0.53978476734534675,
"direction": 46.356892976559642
...position info...
"trackingId": "77557464-56ac-42a2-a550-9653a5a376ab",
"delta": 500.000,
"isPredicted": true,
"timeOfObservation": "2020-07-09T19:26:22.558Z",
"regions": ["intersection"],
"velocity": {
"speed": 0.43973176788635465,
"direction": 38.12289240559642
Velocity information is interpreted as follows:
- speed – Units/second where units is the same unit used to specify the
property. The time (in number of seconds) is based on thetimeOfObservation
entries for the points in question. This value is provided via theTrackMotion
activity. - direction – Compass direction, 0 is north. This is based on the specification of the
It is possible to have a partial velocity. If there is only a
property, the velocity will only contain thespeed
property. Similarly, if the theTrackingRegions
but nodistance
, only thedirection
property will be present.
Cached Enrich
Associate the inbound event with data from a persistent type and cache the association for reuse to avoid extra database queries. The cached association is refreshed from the database after a configurable interval. CachedEnrich is useful for situations where there is a high volume of events, but the associated data changes relatively infrequently so a separate database lookup is not required. This will typically yield better performance than the normal Enrich activity pattern.
For example, consider an App that processes sensor temperature readings from machine. Each sensor reading looks like this:
"sensorId": "sensor12345",
"machineId": "machineXYZ",
"temperature": 67.25
That machineId value may specify an associated record in the Machine type, which has information about the acceptable temperatures for that specific machine:
"machineId": "machineXYZ",
"maxTemp": 90,
"minTemp": 60
Use CachedEnrich to find the associated Machine record with a matching machineId property. The outbound event would look like:
"sensorId": "sensor12345",
"machineId": "machineXYZ",
"temperature": 67.25,
"Machine": {
"machineId": "machineXYZ",
"maxTemp": 90,
"minTemp": 60
The Machine record will be looked up once per specified refreshInterval, and the result will be cached and used for all subsequent events until the refreshInterval passes, at which point the cache will be updated by querying the Machine type again.
Since CachedEnrich only stores a single record at a time, it is best to use it after a SplitByGroup. For each group created by a split, CachedEnrich will separately query the database for the associated Machine record and will be refreshed independently.
The CachedEnrich Activity Pattern requires three configuration properties:
- associatedType – The type in which the associated data is defined. In the above example the associatedType would be Machine.
- foreignKeys – An array of property names that exist in both the inbound event and the associatedType that can be used to uniquely identify an instance of the associatedType. In the above example there would be only one foreign key: “machineId”.
- refreshInterval – An interval string such as
1 minute
or2 hours
that expresses how often the associated Machine record should be fetched and cached from the database.
The CachedEnrich pattern does not create the state “update” procedure. Instead it creates the procedure <taskIdentifier>StateGetForEvent
which does the work necessary to attach the cached data with the incoming event. The signature of this procedure corresponds to the standard “update” procedure.
The Chat activity pattern is used to start a new chatroom in the Vantiq Mobile App.
The Chat activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- users – an array of usernames that will be added to the chatroom. This may either be an actual array of vail expressions or a single vail expression which will evaluate to an array (for example: event.userList).
The Chat activity also contains the following optional configuration properties:
- chatbotSourceName – The name of the Chatbot source that should be used to listen for new messages in the chatroom. This is not required if there is only one CHATBOT source in the namespace or if no messageBehaviors are defined.
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the activity pattern.
The Chat activity produces the following outbound events:
- message (default) – The event received when a user sends a message to the Chatroom.
- type: The type of chat event produced. This should always be ‘message’.
- id: The id for the message generated by the Microsoft Azure Chatbot.
- timestamp: The timestamp for the message.
- serviceUrl: The Microsoft Azure Bot Services URL for the service that acts as an intermediary between the chatroom and Vantiq.
- channelId: A String representing the service on which the chat message was sent. For messages in the Vantiq Mobile App this should always be ‘directline’.
- conversation: An object containing a unique id the Microsoft Azure Bot Service has assigned to the chatroom.
- from: An object containing the name of the user who sent this message in the chatroom.
- recipient: An object containing the name and id of the bot that detected the message in the Microsoft Azure Bot Services.
- text: The text of the actual message sent in the chatroom.
- channelData: An object containing a unique id for the chatroom assigned by the Microsoft Azure Bot Services and the name of the chatroom.
- authorization: A String containing a bearer token used to authorize the chatroom message with the Microsoft Azure Bot Services.
- event – Emits the original incoming event.
For example, if the a user in the Chatroom asked: “What time is it?” the following message event would occur:
"type": "message",
"id": "<id>",
"timestamp": "2022-05-31T23:58:48.8469026Z",
"serviceUrl": "",
"channelId": "directline",
"from": {
"id": "<Vantiq username>",
"name": "<Vantiq username>"
"conversation": {
"id": "<chat room id>"
"recipient": {
"id": "<bot id>",
"name": "<Bot name>"
"text": "What time is it?",
"channelData": {
"id": "<unique channel id>",
"name": "<app name>_<task name>: <collaboration id>"
"authorization": "Bearer <token>"
The collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"<chat task name>": {
"chatId": "<chatroom id>"
The Chatroom id may be used to send messages or delete the chatroom using the Chat Service Procedures (Chat.sendMessage and Chat.deleteChatroom).
For information about using Natural Language processors to interpret and react to chat messages see the Natural Language Guide.
Collaboration Status
The CollaborationStatus activity pattern is used to update the status of a collaboration when it has finished.
The CollaborationStatus activity pattern has one required configuration property:
- status: The status to set on the collaboration instance. This must be either completed or failed.
The task is always a leaf task within an App as it can have no children.
Compute Statistics
The ComputeStatistics Activity Pattern computes the min, max, mean, median, standard deviation and count for a single property of events that pass through the task. There are 4 types of reservoirs that can be used to contain the events used to compute the aggregate statistics (all based on HDR Histogram):
- Exponentially Weighted – computes statistics using
values. More recent events contribute more to the aggregate than older events. - Sliding Time Window – computes statistics using
values. Events stop being used in the aggregate statistics after a configurable interval of time. - Double Histogram – computes statistics using
values. All events are equally weighted in the histogram, and values only reset when an App is updated or the server restarts. - Double Histogram With Reset – computes statistics using
values. Events are only counted within the window before the aggregate stats are emitted. After the statistics are emitted for the configured outputFrequency the histogram is reset.
The ComputeStatistics Activity Pattern has two required configuration properties:
- inboundProperties – The properties for which stats will be computed. Each property must be a numeric property.
- reservoirType – Choose between different implementations that determine how and for how long events are counted towards aggregate statistics.
It also has two optional properties:
- windowLength – Used to specify how long events should count towards aggregate statistics. Only applies to Sliding Time Window reservoirs.
- resetFrequency – How often should the histogram be reset (as an interval string). Only applies to ‘Double Histogram With Reset’.
Compute Statistics produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If a resetFrequency is specified, the App will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the state just before the state is automatically reset.
The ComputeStatistics pattern has no impact on the structure of the events that pass through it.
The ComputeStatistics activity pattern generates three Procedures: Get, Update, and Reset. The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the analytics. An example return value is shown below:
"mean": 250.87244897959184,
"min": 200,
"max": 313.125,
"median": 244,
"stdDeviation": 36.683330907259204
Convert Coordinates
Convert the coordinates resulting from YOLO image analysis according to the calibration information provided. Such an analysis may be the result of a YOLO From Images or YOLO From Documents activity. A YOLO neural net model reports on objects found in an image. For each object found, it reports, among other things, the label for the object and the coordinates within the image. The ConvertCoordinates Activity Pattern augments the images results with coordinates in an different coordinate system. This might be used if an image is scaled (made smaller or larger), or to convert the image coordinates into a completely different coordinate space (e.g. GPS).
The result of a ConvertCoordinates activity is a copy of the input event where each object’s location
is replaced with the converted coordinates (as specified by the calibrationKey
The ConvertCoordinates activity requires a single configuration property:
- calibrationKey – This is a VAIL expression that contains two (2) properties:
. Each of these is a list of four (4) pairs (x & y values) that describe 4 non-collinear points in their respective coordinate spaces. That is, they describe a quadrilateral where each point in theimageCoordinates
list corresponds to the same listed point in theconvertedCoordinates
space. It is important that no three (3) of the points are collinear. When the points are collinear, the conversion can produce unexpected results. The system will attempt to check for collinearity, but developers should be aware of this restriction.
The ConvertCoordinates activity has two (2) optional configuration properties:
- outboundAsGeoJson – a boolean indicating that the converted coordinates should be expressed as GeoJSON. This is most appropriate (though not restricted to) cases where the converted coordinates are intended to represent GPS coordinates. The default value is
. - outboundProperty – The name of the property into which to place the converted coordinates. The default value is
As an example, consider a Convert Coordinates activity with an identity calibrationKey
. That is, a calibration key where the input & output coordinates are the same. Such a key would be specified as a VAIL expression:
imageCoordinates: [ {x:1, y:1}, {x:2, y:1}, {x:3, y:3}, {x:4, y:3} ],
convertedCoordinates: [ {x:1, y:1}, {x:2, y:1}, {x:3, y:3}, {x:4, y:3} ]
Here, you can see that the imageCoordinates
and convertedCoordinates
are the same and neither is collinear.
In the App Builder, this would appear as follows:
If we feed the YOLO output from an image containing a car to this activity, we will get the result shown below.
"target": {"name": "car.jpg", "fileType": "image/jpeg", ... },
"results": [{
"confidence": 0.9961914,
"location" : {
"centerY": 324.67153930664062,
"top" : 153.53375244140625,
"left" : 71.24849700927734375,
"centerX": 497.45350265502929375,
"bottom": 495.809326171875,
"right" : 923.65850830078125
"label" : "car"]
"convertedResults": [{
"confidence": 0.9961914,
"location" : {
"centerY": 324.67153930664062,
"top" : 153.53375244140625,
"left" : 71.24849700927734375,
"centerX": 497.45350265502929375,
"bottom": 495.809326171875,
"right" : 923.65850830078125
"label" : "car"]
If we change that activity so that we specify the outputAsGeoJSON
as true and the outboundProperty
as “geoJSONResults”, our conversion results in the following event:
"target": {"name": "car.jpg", "fileType": "image/jpeg", ... },
"results": [{
"confidence": 0.9961914,
"location" : {
"centerY": 324.67153930664062,
"top" : 153.53375244140625,
"left" : 71.24849700927734375,
"centerX": 497.45350265502929375,
"bottom": 495.809326171875,
"right" : 923.65850830078125
"label": "car"]
"geoJSONResults": [{
"confidence": 0.9961914,
"location" : {
"bottomRight": {
"coordinates": [495.809326171875, 923.65850830078125],
"type": "Point"},
"topLeft": {
"coordinates": [153.53375244140625, 71.24849700927734375],
"type": "Point"},
"center": {
"coordinates": [324.67153930664062, 497.45350265502929375],
"type": "Point"}
"label": "car"
The DBScan activity uses a DBScan (density based clustering) algorithm to cluster the data using the specified distance measurement.
The DBScan activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- XYProperties – The property names (e.g. “speed”, “temperature”, etc.) on the inbound events to compute clusters for. Users may specify either X and Y properties for 2 dimensional analysis or just one property for one dimensional analysis. Each property must be numeric.
- reservoirType – The type of reservoir used to store data points. The type will determine which algorithm is used for computing aggregate statistics and when to purge old data points.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. All events that occured within the specified time window will be used to calculate statistics (e.g. all events in the last 5 minutes) - Sliding Count – Computes statistics using
values. The last n events will be used to calculate the statistics - Fixed Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. A fixed time window will add events to the window until the time of the next reset. For example, a fixed time window of 1 hour will calculate analytics for all events within the hour, starting at the top of the hour and ending at the top of the new hour. - Fixed Count – Computes statistics using
values. Calculate analytics on all of the events until the specified number of events has been reached. Then the analytics will be reset back to null.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
- DistanceMeasure – The distance measuring algorithm to use. This may be: Euclidean Distance, Manhattan Distance, Canberra Distance Earth Mover’s distance, Chebyshev Distance. For more information, refer to the Apache Math Distance Measure Documentation.
- minPoints – The minimum number of points needed for a cluster
- maxRadius – The maximum radius of the neighborhood to be considered
- windowLength – How long events should stay in the window. For time based reservoirs this is an interval string (e.g.: “10 minutes”). For count based reservoirs this should be the number of events.
DBScan activity pattern produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If the reservoirType is set to Fixed Time Window or Fixed Count, the Event Handler will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the analytics just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The DBScan activity pattern generates three Procedures: Get, Update, and Reset. The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the analytics. An example return value is shown below:
"speed": [
[0, 50],
[1, 51],
[2, 52]
[0, 20],
[1, 21],
[2, 22]
For more information, refer to the Apache Math DBScan Documentation.
Delay the emission of an inbound event for some duration of time. The delay interval is expressed as a VAIL expression that evaluates to the number of milliseconds to delay the event. For example, if the delay configuration is set to event.delayLength
and the inbound event looks like:
"name": "machine1",
"temperature": 55.1,
"delayLength": 5000
the event will only be sent to the downstream task after 5 seconds have passed. It’s also possible to set the delay configuration property to an interval string that is constant for all events, like 5 seconds
or 2 hours
The Delay Activity Pattern has only one required property:
- delay – An expression evaluating to the number of milliseconds to delay the event.
The Delay Activity Pattern also supports one optional property:
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the delay expression that must be imported.
Dwell can be used to identify a state that hasn’t changed for a duration of time across sequential events. For instance, a stream of events might contain temperature readings from a sensor on a machine, and it’s dangerous for the machine to have a temperature greater than 100 degrees for more than a minute. If the temperature jumps over 100 degrees temporarily, that’s not necessarily dangerous. This is an ideal use case for Dwell, which can be configured to only emit an event when the condition event.temperature > 100
is true for 60 seconds.
Once a Dwell task has emitted an event because the condition was true over the specified duration, no more events are emitted as long as the condition holds true. If the condition evaluates to false, this resets the dwell detection. Then when the condition evaluates to true again for the specified duration, another event is emitted. The emitted event is the last event that the Dwell task observed matching the condition.
The Dwell Activity Pattern contains the following configuration properties:
- condition – A VAIL boolean expression that expresses the state which must be maintained to trigger the dwell task. The condition can reference any property of the inbound event like
event.propX > event.propY AND == "XYZ"
. - duration – How long the condition must hold true across sequential events to trigger output from the dwell task.
The Dwell Activity Pattern contains one optional configuration property:
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the condition that must be imported.
Establish Collaboration
The Establish Collaboration activity pattern allows an Event Handler or App to run in the context of an existing active collaboration for the same entity.
The Establish Collaboration activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- entityId – The vail expression describing the unique identifier for the entity (e.g.
orevent.farmId + event.barnId
). - roleName – The name of the entity role
- behavior – The behavior for the task if it finds a matching collaboration for the entity.
- Do not open multiple collaborations for one entity – If an active collaboration for the matching entity exists, EstablishCollaboration will act as a Filter and the event will not flow to any downstream tasks
- Establish existing collaboration – Find a matching collaboration for the entityId if one exists and execute any downstream tasks in the context for that collaboration.
- Establish existing collaboration or create new collaboration: Behaves the same as “Establish existing collaboration”, however if a matching collaboration is not found, a new one will be opened.
Event Stream
The root tasks in any App are Event Streams. Event Streams identify a resource on which events occur, and an optional constraint that restricts which events to include in the stream. The currently supported resources are types, sources, and topics, so any insert on a type, message arriving on a source, or publish to a topic can be the root of an App. Apps can have multiple event streams which identify completely different pieces of data, and these can be joined downstream to detect more complex situations in parallel streams.
The Event Stream Activity Pattern contains the following configuration properties:
- inboundResource – One of types, sources, or topics. This describes the resource on which raw events that enter the Event Stream occur.
- inboundResourceId – Specifies which type, source or topic the events occur on for this Event Stream. For instance, if your App needs to process all messages coming in from the Kafka source named MyKafkaSource, the inboundResource would be sources, and the inboundResourceId would be MyKafkaSource.
- op – One of INSERT, UPDATE, or BOTH. Only applies if inboundResource is types, in which case the op restricts whether the event stream should listen for only inserts or updates on the type, or if both should be processed.
- schema – The name of a type that defines the schema of the inbound events. Specifying the schema here will simplify the configuration of downstream tasks.
The Enrich task is useful for attaching persistent data to a stream of events. For instance, an event stream may produce temperature readings for a motor that look like:
"engineId": "XYZ",
"temp": 165
And there could be an existing Engine Type that contains data associated with each engine that looks like:
"engineId": "XYZ",
"manufacturer": "Ford",
"modelYear": 2010,
"optimalTemp": 155,
The enrich task would automatically join the Engine data to the event to produce outbound events that look like:
"engineId": "XYZ",
"temp": 165,
"Engine": {
"engineId": "XYZ",
"manufacturer": "Ford",
"modelYear": 2010,
"optimalTemp": 155,
The Enrich Activity Pattern requires two configuration properties:
- associatedType – The type in which the associated data is defined. In the above example the associatedType would be Engine.
- foreignKeys – An array of property names that exist in both the inbound event and the associatedType that can be used to uniquely identify an instance of the associatedType. In the above example there would be only one foreign key: “engineId”.
Escalations trigger an event after a certain amount of time if they are not cancelled first. Escalations are a useful way to verify something happens within a set amount of time and triggering some additional behaviors if the thing doesn’t happen. Escalations can be cancelled or triggered early using the EscalateState activity pattern. Escalate contains the following configuration parameters:
- escalationTime – The amount of time, in milliseconds, before the escalation event is triggered. May be an integer, a duration string, or a VAIL expression.
- outboundBehavior – Optional. What the output event will look like. Chosen from a list of three options:
- Replace outbound event with Escalate results – Send the default event for Escalate tasks.
This is the default behavior if no option is selected. - Emit original event – Send the event that began the escalation. Note that this option will store the entire event in the collaboration, so if the events are large it may cause memory or database pressure.
- Attach results to outboundProperty – Add the normal Escalate event to a property in the original event, then send that. Note that this option will store the entire event in the collaboration, so if the events are large it may cause memory or database pressure.
- Replace outbound event with Escalate results – Send the default event for Escalate tasks.
- outboundProperty – Optional. The property to attach the results to if outboundBehavior is “Attach results to outboundProperty”. Does nothing for other settings of outboundBehavior.
When an Escalate Activity Type is referenced as a behavior associated with another activity, the only required parameter is the collaboration instance.
Escalate activities produce the following events:
- escalate – This event is generated if the escalation has not been cancelled within escalationTime of the escalation beginning. This event will only occur once, and will not occur if the escalation is cancelled.
- escalateCancelled – This event is generated if the escalation is cancelled. This event will only occur once, and will not occur if the escalation has already occurred.
Escalate activities produce the following results in the collaboration:
- state – The state of the escalation. Can be one of “waiting”, “cancelled” or “expired”.
- updateTime – The time that the escalation was created, or the time that it was updated to be in the “cancelled” or “expired” state, whichever happened most recently.
- event – The event that started the escalation. Only present if outboundBehavior is “Emit original event” or “Attach results to outboundProperty”.
Escalate activities add or produce the following event when outboundBehavior is Attach results to outboundProperty or Replace outbound event with Escalate results, respectively.
- collaborationType – The name of the collaborationType that the task is in.
- collaborationId – The id of the collaboration that the escalation is a part of.
- activityType – The name of the Escalate task.
- escalationDeadline – The time at which the escalation should expire.
- escalationUpdateTime – The time that the escalation was created, or the time that it was updated to be in the “cancelled” or “expired” state, whichever happened most recently.
- state – The state of the escalation. Can be one of “waiting”, “cancelled” or “expired”.
The EscalateState task exists to manually either trigger or cancel an Escalate task. It will throw an error if the escalation has already expired or has been updated by another EscalateState task.
- escalateTask – The name of the task to be triggered or cancelled.
- state – The state to set for the task. Chosen from a list of two options:
- cancelled – Cancels the escalation, triggering the original task’s “escalateCancelled” event.
- expired – Triggers the escalation immediately as if the escalation’s deadline had expired.
A simple task that restricts which events flow through to downstream tasks. The condition is specified as a VAIL conditional expression and can operate on any of the properties in the inbound event.
The Filter Activity Pattern contains only one non-standard configuration property:
- condition – The VAIL expression that restricts which events flow through the filter to downstream tasks. Only events which satisfy the condition will continue onward.
The Filter Activity Pattern contains one optional configuration property:
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the condition that must be imported.
Get Collaboration
The Get Collaboration activity pattern returns the results for the current collaboration. The GetCollaboration activity pattern will first look in the Service State for a collaboration matching the current collaborationId (the collaboration id for this root to leaf path). If no collaboration is found, the database will be queried for such a collaboration.
Get Collaboration tasks may only appear as children of a task that creates a collaboration.
The Get Collaboration activity pattern defines the following optional configuration properties:
- taskName – The name of the collaboration task, entity role, or collaboration role. If no task name is provided, the full collaboration instance will be returned.
- returnBehavior – Chosen from a list of two options:
- Use Return Value as Outbound event – Emit the result of the procedure call as the outbound event. This is the default behavior if no option is selected.
- Attach Return Value to returnProperty – Emit the original event, with an extra property containing the procedure results.
- returnProperty – The name of a property to assign the result of the procedure to on the outbound event. NOTE: This property is only used when “Attach Return Value to returnProperty” is selected for returnBehavior.
The Join Activity Pattern allows users to identify conditions that occur across multiple event streams and merge these into singular events for the consumption of downstream tasks.
For an example, consider the engine monitoring demo application, which detects when the engine enters a bad state. There are two independent streams in the demo, one containing engine speed readings and another with the engine temperature. Each reading is associated with a specific engineId, so to identify an engine in a bad state we need to be able to identify readings on the engine speed stream which have a speed over 1000 and readings on the engine temperature stream over 140, with the same engineId, where both events occur within 30 seconds of each other.
This “Bad Engine” situation can only be captured by identifying conditions on two parallel streams that occur within a constrained time window.
The Join Activity Pattern includes the following configuration properties:
- joinOrder – Specify an ordering for the parent tasks. The join will then be applied left to right given the parent ordering.
- order – One of BEFORE, AFTER, or EITHER. The order in which the parent events should occur for the join task to trigger, when ordering the parent tasks from left to right. If order doesn’t matter, select EITHER.
- withinDuration – A duration string like
30 seconds
which describes the time window in which the events must occur on all parent streams to trigger the Join task. Keep in mind that wider windows will perform worse, as they require the system to keep track of more historical data. - constraints – An array of constraints that need to be true for the join condition to be satisfied. Constraints can be specified on each stream individually or on both events together. The event emitted by each parent is identified by the parent task name, so if a join task has two parents: engineSpeedStream and engineTempStream, one constraint could be
engineSpeedStream.engineId == engineTempStream.engineId
. Another constraint might beengineSpeedStream.rpm > 1000
. All of the conditions must be satisfied for the join task to execute. - imports – A list of resources referenced by the constraints that must be imported.
An important note about joins is the order of the upstream tasks matters. The leftmost stream above the join determines the maximum frequency with which joins can be made. The output from a join task is unique for each unique event from the leftmost parent task. If the leftmost parent of the join produces events once every 10 seconds, the join will emit events at most once every 10 seconds, regardless of the frequency of the other parent tasks.
Note: A Join task cannot be used beneath a SplitByGroup task.
Interpret Conversational Language
The Interpret Conversational Language (or, more simply, Interpret CLU) activity pattern interprets the Natural Language Interpretation of an Utterance from an external source using the Azure Conversational Language Understanding (CLU) services. For more information about using Natural Language processors refer to the Natural Language Guide. The Interpret CLU task expects to receive an event in the format produced by the Chat task’s message event. More specifically the Interpret activity pattern requires the event to contain:
- text: The text to be interpretted.
- channelData: An object containing a unique id for the chatroom assigned by the Microsoft Azure Bot Services and the name of the chatroom.
The Interpret CLU activity pattern contains the following required configuration properties:
- naturalLanguageSource – The name of the Vantiq source to call to evaluate the language provided,
- cluModel – the trained CLU model to be used
- cluDeployment – the name of the CLU deployment containing the model,
The Interpret CLU activity pattern also contains the following optional configuration properties:
- performSystemIntentsDirectly – Instructs the interpreter to immediately process system intents. If not selected, the system intents must be processed by an activity based on the events associated with this activity.
Interpret produces the following outbound events:
- processIntent (default) – This event is generated whenever text is interpreted.
- processCustomIntent – This event is generated whenever text is interpreted, resulting in a custom intent.
- processSystemIntent – This event is generated whenever text is interpreted, resulting in a system intent.
Below is an example of an event that produced by the processIntent, processCustomIntent, or processSystemIntent events:
"intentSpecification": {
"intent": "<intent>",
"score": "<score>",
"query": "<message text>",
"rawIntent": {
"topIntent": "<intent>",
"intents": {
"<possible intent>": {
"score": "<intent score>"
"cluVersion": 1
The collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"<interpret task name>": {
"intent": "<interpreted intent>"
K-Means Cluster
The K-Means Cluster activity uses a K-Means Clustering algorithm to cluster the data into the specified number of clusters using the specified distance measurement.
The K-Means Cluster activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- XYProperties – The property names (e.g. “speed”, “temperature”, etc.) on the inbound events to compute clusters for. Users may specify either X and Y properties for 2 dimensional analysis or just one property for one dimensional analysis. Each property must be numeric.
- reservoirType – The type of reservoir used to store data points. The type will determine which algorithm is used for computing aggregate statistics and when to purge old data points.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. All events that occured within the specified time window will be used to calculate statistics (e.g. all events in the last 5 minutes) - Sliding Count – Computes statistics using
values. The last n events will be used to calculate the statistics - Fixed Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. A fixed time window will add events to the window until the time of the next reset. For example, a fixed time window of 1 hour will calculate analytics for all events within the hour, starting at the top of the hour and ending at the top of the new hour. - Fixed Count – Computes statistics using
values. Calculate analytics on all of the events until the specified number of events has been reached. Then the analytics will be reset back to null.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
- windowLength – How long events should stay in the window. For time based reservoirs this is an interval string (e.g.: “10 minutes”). For count based reservoirs this should be the number of events.
- DistanceMeasure – The distance measuring algorithm to use. This may be: Euclidean Distance, Manhattan Distance, Canberra Distance Earth Mover’s distance, Chebyshev Distance. For more information, refer to the Apache Math Distance Measure Documentation.
- numClusters – The number of clusters to split the data into.
K-Means Cluster activity pattern produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If the reservoirType is set to Fixed Time Window or Fixed Count, the Event Handler will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the analytics just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The K-Means Cluster activity pattern generates four Procedures: Get, Update, Reset, and Predict. The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the analytics. An example return value is shown below:
"speed": [
"points": [
{"point": [20]},
{"point": [21]},
{"point": [22]}
"center": [21]
"points": [
{"point": [80]},
{"point": [81]},
{"point": [82]}
"center": [81]
"points": [
{"point": [50]},
{"point": [51]},
{"point": [52]}
"center": [51]
The Predict Procedure can be used to predict which of the existing clusters the test point would best fit into. Using the clusters above, executing the Predict Procedure with the parameters: value=25
and yPropName=speed
the return value would be:
"center": [21],
"points": [
{"point": [20]},
{"point": [21]},
{"point": [22]}
"distance": 4
For more information, refer to the Apache Math K-Means Clusters Documentation.
Linear Regression
The Linear Regression activity uses a linear regression algorithm to determine the slope and intercept given recorded x/y pairs as well as predict future values.
The Linear Regression activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- XYProperties – The property names (e.g. “speed”, “temperature”, etc.) on the inbound events to compute clusters for. Each property must be numeric.
- reservoirType – The type of reservoir used to store data points. The type will determine which algorithm is used for computing aggregate statistics and when to purge old data points.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. All events that occured within the specified time window will be used to calculate statistics (e.g. all events in the last 5 minutes) - Sliding Count – Computes statistics using
values. The last n events will be used to calculate the statistics - Fixed Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. A fixed time window will add events to the window until the time of the next reset. For example, a fixed time window of 1 hour will calculate analytics for all events within the hour, starting at the top of the hour and ending at the top of the new hour. - Fixed Count – Computes statistics using
values. Calculate analytics on all of the events until the specified number of events has been reached. Then the analytics will be reset back to null.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
- windowLength – How long events should stay in the window. For time based reservoirs this is an interval string (e.g.: “10 minutes”). For count based reservoirs this should be the number of events.
Linear Regression activity pattern produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If the reservoirType is set to Fixed Time Window or Fixed Count, the Event Handler will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the analytics just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The Linear Regression activity pattern generates four Procedures: Get, Update, Reset, and Predict. The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the analytics. An example return value is shown below:
"intercept": 0,
"slope": 10,
"meanSquaredError": 0,
"r": 1
The Predict Procedure can be used to predict the y-value for a given input. Using the linear regression above, executing the Predict Procedure with the parameters: value=25
and yPropName=speed
returns the value 250
For more information, refer to the Apache Math Linear Regression Documentation.
The limit Activity Pattern allows users to define a max number of events, and an interval over which that maximum will be applied. For every interval, events will be allowed to flow through the limit task until the max is hit, at which point all future events until the end of the interval are discarded.
The required configuration properties include:
- maxCount – The maximum number of events that are allowed through the limit within the interval.
- interval – an interval string such as
1 second
or10 minutes
that defines the timeframe in which the maxCount limit should be applied.
Log Stream
The Log Stream task is useful for debugging purposes. It takes no configuration properties, and simply logs each event that reaches the log stream task at the INFO level. When developing an app, it’s often useful to attach a log stream to each task as you experiment with its configuration in order to check the output of a task. Then, once the task is properly configured, remove the log stream, begin adding a new task and attach a new log stream to the new task.
Loop While
The Loop While activity pattern acts like a visual while loop within the App Builder.
The Loop While activity pattern has the following required configuration properties:
- condition (VAIL Expression) – while the condition holds true, the loop will continue. The condition may refer to the counterProperty directly (for example: counter < event.list.size() or retryCount < 10)
The Loop While activity pattern has the following optional configuration properties:
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the condition property
- maxRetryCount (Integer) – The maximum number of times this loop can occur. Even if the condition still evaluates to true, if the loop counter exceeds the maxRetryCount, the loop will terminate and emit a maxRetriesExceeded event
- counterProperty (String) – the variable that represents the loop counter (the number of times the loop has been executed). If not set, this defaults to retryCount. The counterProperty may be referenced directly in the condition and will be attached to the event object in any task that is part of the loop body.
Loop While produces the following events:
- whileTrue (default) – The event emitted when the condition evaluates to true. This event will contain the counterProperty and its current value. Any tasks connected beneath the whileTrue event are part of the loop body meaning they will be repeatedly executed as part of the loop.
- onceFalse – The event that occurs when the condition is evaluated to false.
- maxRetriesExceeded – The event that occurs if the success condition has not been met and the maxRetryCount has been exceeded.
- event – Emits the original incoming event.
The loop body will repeatedly execute the tasks from the whileTrue event to its leaf. The leaf is considered the end of the loop and the loop is restarted again at the top. The only exception to this is that if a Filter task somewhere between the LoopWhile task and a leaf evaluates to false, the loop will continue to the next iteration without terminating. The whileTrue event to leaf path is a path of synchronous tasks. This does not include any asynchronous events (represented by triangles). The whileTrue branch may only contain one leaf task.
The example below is a piece of the Advanced Collaboration Tutorial. The loop will iterate through the recommended first responders. A responder is sent a Notification and must respond within 1 minute. If the responder does not reply within 1 minute, the notification is retracted and the next iteration of the loop begins notifying the next responder. The loop condition is: counter < event.recommendedResponders.size(). Once the condition is false, the loop exit tasks are executed. If the assignment has been made, the collaboration completes successfully. Otherwise, it is marked as failed.
The loop body is the path from NotifyFirstResponder -> AwaitResponse -> GetPayloadId -> Retract. Notice that the notification response and AssignResponder are not part of the loop body because the response event is asynchronous.
Sometimes it is possible to end up in a situation where multiple streams are producing identical data, and in these cases it is often helpful to merge them into a single stream that can be consumed by downstream tasks. The Merge task does this for any number of streams. For best results, the inbound data on each of the independent parent streams should adhere to the same schema so that downstream tasks can all process the output of the merge in a consistent way.
The Merge task takes no configuration parameters.
The Missing Activity Pattern detects the absence of an event for a fixed time duration. This can be useful for monitoring the heartbeat or pulse of a system (or person). The Missing task takes inbound events and produces no output as long as events occur within the specified window; but if no event is detected for the specified duration, then an output event is produced indicating no inbound event was received. As long as no new inbound event is received, an output event will be produced for every interval that passes without an inbound event.
The Missing Activity Pattern accepts two additional configuration properties:
- duration – An interval string like
3 minutes
or20 seconds
that expresses how frequently inbound events should arrive. An absence of an event for this duration triggers the emission of an outbound event.
The output of the missing task looks like:
"missingAt": "2017-10-09T21:45:28.231Z",
"task": "MissingMyTopic",
"lastEvent": {
... // Copy of last event received
The Notify activity pattern sends a Notification to one more Vantiq users using the Vantiq Mobile Client. The contents of this notification are defined by the title, body, and a Vantiq Client.
The Notify activity pattern has the following required configuration properties:
- title (VAIL Expression) – The title of the notification.
- body (VAIL Expression) – Body text of this notification.
- users (Array of VAIL Expression) – List of usernames to send this notification to. This may either be an actual array of VAIL expressions or a single VAIL expression which will evaluate to an array (for example: event.userList).
- clientName (Enumerated) – The name of the Client that will be displayed when the user opens and interacts with this notification.
Compatibility Note: The Notify pattern does not support ${variable}
notation for substitution. Instead, use "my message... " + <variable> + "..."
The Notify activity pattern has the following optional configuration properties:
- imports – A list of resources to be imported for this activity.
- maxResponseTime (VAIL Expression) – The maximum amount of time (ie: “20 minutes”) that the notified users have to reply. Otherwise, a responseTimeout event is raised.
- pushSourceName (Enumerated) – The name of the push notification source used to send out this notification. If not specified, one will be auto-generated.
- firstResponseFilter (VAIL Expression) – WHERE clause for the firstResponse event. If specified, the firstResponse event will only be raised if the response passes the filter.
Notify produces the following events:
- response (default) – The event that occurs when a response to the notification is received.
- value: The response object containing the values the user selected in the input fields of the notification.
- submitValue: The submit value the user selected.
- responseTopic: The topic the response was published to which triggered this response event.
- username: The Vantiq user who responded to the notification.
- state: An object containing the collaborationId for the collaboration instance which sent this notification. May also contain any other data specified in payload.state in the configuration.
- arsInfo: An object containing metadata collected by the device which published this response, including the deviceName, deviceId, and location (in GeoJSON format) from which the response was sent.
- firstResponse – The event arrives when the first notified user responds to this notification.
- value: The response object containing the values the user selected in the input fields of the notification.
- submitValue: The submit value the user selected.
- responseTopic: The topic the response was published to which triggered this response event.
- username: The Vantiq user who responded to the notification.
- state: An object containing the collaborationId for the collaboration instance which sent this notification. May also contain any other data specified in payload.state in the configuration.
- arsInfo: An object containing metadata collected by the device which published this response, including the deviceName, deviceId, and location (in GeoJSON format) from which the response was sent.
- responseTimeout – The event that is emitted a notification does not receive a response within the configured “maxResponseTime”.
- payloadId: _id for the ArsPayloadMessage instance.
- users: the array of notified users.
- event – Emits the original incoming event.
An example response event is detailed below:
"values": {},
"submitValue": 0,
"arsInfo": {
"deviceId": "9BC12C06-134A-40B2-9271-F6B121E1D663",
"localeLanguage": "en",
"responseTimestamp": "2022-06-01T17:53:47.949Z",
"localeVariant": "*",
"clientName": "FirstResponderResponse",
"deviceName": "<device name>",
"responseLocation": {
"altitudeMeters": 60.94035339355469,
"longitude": -122.06644349836851,
"horizontalAccuracyMeters": 35,
"speedMetersPerSecond": -1,
"bearingDegrees": -1,
"latitude": 37.90660164348477,
"verticalAccuracyMeters": 8.852736473083496
"username": "<username>",
"localeCountry": "us"
"deviceName": "<device name>",
"deviceId": "<device id>",
"responseTopic": "/patient.monitoring.HeartRate.MonitorReading/tasks/NotifyFirstResponder/response/trigger",
"responseResource": "topics",
"username": "<username>",
"responseResourceId": "/patient.monitoring.HeartRate.MonitorReading/tasks/NotifyFirstResponder/response/trigger",
"state": {
"collaborationId": "<collaborationId>"
The collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"<notify task name>": {
"payloadId": "<_id for the ArsPayloadMessage instance>",
"responses": "<array of response events>"
The payloadId may be used to retract messages using the Notification Service Procedure Notification.retractPayload.
Polynomial Fitter
The Polynomial Fitter activity uses a Polynomial Curve fitter to determine the coefficients and residuals for a given set of points. This Activity Pattern will generate Predict and Derivative Procedures that may be used to predict a value along
the curve and the rate of change at a certain point, respectively.
The Polynomial Fitter activity contains the following required configuration properties:
- XYProperties – The property names (e.g. “speed”, “temperature”, etc.) on the inbound events to compute clusters for. Each property must be numeric.
- reservoirType – The type of reservoir used to store data points. The type will determine which algorithm is used for computing aggregate statistics and when to purge old data points.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. All events that occured within the specified time window will be used to calculate statistics (e.g. all events in the last 5 minutes) - Sliding Count – Computes statistics using
values. The last n events will be used to calculate the statistics - Fixed Time Window – Computes statistics using
values. A fixed time window will add events to the window until the time of the next reset. For example, a fixed time window of 1 hour will calculate analytics for all events within the hour, starting at the top of the hour and ending at the top of the new hour. - Fixed Count – Computes statistics using
values. Calculate analytics on all of the events until the specified number of events has been reached. Then the analytics will be reset back to null.
- Sliding Time Window – Computes statistics using
- windowLength – How long events should stay in the window. For time based reservoirs this is an interval string (e.g.: “10 minutes”). For count based reservoirs this should be the number of events.
- degree – The degree of the polynomial.
Polynomial Fitter activity pattern produces the following events:
- event (default) – Emits the original incoming event.
- reset – If the reservoirType is set to Fixed Time Window or Fixed Count, the Event Handler will automatically emit a reset event with the value of the analytics just before the state is automatically reset to null.
The Polynomial Fitter activity pattern generates six Procedures: Get, Update, Reset, Predict, Derivative, and Integral.
As an example below, say the following events are processed by a Polynomial Fitter task configured with degree 2.
"time": 1,
"temperature": 38
"time": 2,
"temperature": 68
"time": 3,
"temperature": 120
The Get procedure can be used to retrieve the current result of the polynomial fit. An example return value is shown below:
"coefficients": [
"RMS": 0,
"cost": 0,
"residuals": {
"l1Norm": 0,
"linfNorm": 0,
"norm": 0,
"dataRef": [0, 0, 0],
"dimension": 3,
"naN": false,
"infinite": false,
"minIndex": 2,
"maxIndex": 2,
"minValue": 0,
"maxValue": 0
The Predict Procedure can be used to predict the y-value for a given input. Using the example above, executing the Predict Procedure with the parameters: value=4
and yPropName=temperature
the return value is 194
The Derivative Procedure can be used to calculate the rate of change at a particular point. Using the example above, executing the Derivative Procedure with the parameters: value=2
and yPropName=temperature
the return value is 41
The Integral Procedure can be used to calculate the area under the curve between two points. Using the example above, executing the Integral Procedure with the parameters: from=1
, to=3
, and yPropName=temperature
the return value is 143.33333333333331
For more information, refer to the Apache Math Polynomial Documentation.
Predict Paths By Age
The PredictPathsByAge Activity Pattern predicts the next location in paths. This is generally used for paths that have not recently been updated. This Activity Pattern processes a set of paths, producing a prediction for paths not updated since some expiration time.
The PredictPathsByAge Activity Pattern has the following required configuration properties:
- expirationTime – the latest time for which a prediction will be made.
- lastLegOnly – a boolean indicating that, when true, velocity calculations should be performed based on the last two items in the path. If false, the velocity is based on first and last items in the path.
- outboundProperty – the name of the property into which to place the output information.
- pathHistory – VAIL expression containing the path histories from which to predict positions.
- refreshInterval – interval at which to refresh the set of regions (e.g. 30 seconds).
In addition, the following optional configuration properties may be provided:
- pathProperty – the name of the property at which tracked paths are found. Default is
. - timeOfPrediction – the time to give for the predicted position(s). The default value is
. - trackingRegionFilter – an expression that limits the set of
considered for the predicted positions’ tracking regions. This expression will be added to the WHERE clause used to select the regions to consider. If absent or empty, allTrackingRegions
in the namespace are considered. Please see the tracking regions information in the BuildAndPredictPath Activity Pattern for more information.
The PredictPositionsByAge Activity Pattern will often be found after a Missing Activity Pattern, acting here to predict positions when no updates have happened for some period of time. It behaves much like Build and Predict Path Activity Pattern,
invoked by something other than a position update (typically, the passage of time via the Missing Activity Pattern).
The Procedure Activity Pattern executes a procedure and emits the results.
The Procedure Activity Pattern has only one required configuration property:
- procedure – The name of the procedure to execute.
If only the procedure name is specified, then the procedure must take exactly one parameter (the inbound event), and the return value from the procedure will be used as the outbound event. This behavior can be changed in a couple ways using the optional parameters described below. These optional parameters allow you to specify additional parameters to the procedure and override the return behavior so the returned value as attached to the inbound event for output purposes, rather than replacing the inbound event entirely.
The Procedure Activity Pattern has the following optional configuration parameters:
- parameters – An array of VAIL expressions evaluated against the inbound event to produce the parameters to the procedure. When not specified, the procedure will be passed the inbound event as it’s only parameter.
- returnBehavior – Chosen from a list of three options:
- Use Return Value as Outbound event – Emit the result of the procedure call as the outbound event. This is the default behavior if no option is selected.
- Attach Return Value to returnProperty – Emit the original event, with an extra property containing the procedure results.
- Ignore Return Value – Emit the original inbound event as the outbound event (unchanged)
- returnProperty – The name of a property to assign the result of the procedure to on the outbound even. NOTE: This property is only used when “Attach Return Value to returnProperty” is selected for returnBehavior.
- schema – The name of a type that defines the schema of the output of the procedure. This is used to populate downstream event property suggestions.
- imports – A list of resources referenced by the parameters
that must be imported. - partitionKey – The VAIL expression used to compute the partition key used to route the procedure invocation. This is only required when invoking a private procedure for a stateful service.
- redeliverOnError – The name of a procedure used to determine if a reliable event should be redelivered after an error. If procedure returns
, then the error is considered transient and will be redelivered. The procedure will be provided with 2 parameters, the original event and the exception that occurred.
Process Intent
The Process Intent activity pattern expects an Intent produced by an
Interpret Conversational Language task and then
executes that behavior.
The Process Intent activity pattern contains the following optional configuration properties:
- executeIntentProcedure – Procedure to be called to execute custom intents. Defaults to executing a system intent if null.
- imports – Should include the executeIntentProcedure or its Service if set.
- suppressChatroomSend – Should the system suppress sending results to chatroom. This may be useful for some complex collaborations.
The results of the ProcessIntent are added to the event as the outbound property “processedIntents”. The collaboration is updated with the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"<process intents task name>": {
"intentResponse": "<result of executing the executeIntentProcedure>"
The PublishToService Activity Pattern publishes events to an Inbound Event Type of a Service.
- service – The Service to which inbound events will be sent.
- eventTypeName – The name of the Inbound Event Type of the service which will process this event
PublishToService also contains the optional configuration property:
- processedByClause – The Processed By Clause used to describe the remote targets for this publish.
The PublishToSource Activity Pattern publishes inbound events to a source.
The PublishToSource Activity Pattern contains the following configuration properties:
- source – The name of the source to which inbound events will be sent.
- sourceConfig – A configuration object used when publishing to the specified source. This translates to the USING clause of a PUBLISH TO SOURCE in VAIL.
The PublishToSource Activity Pattern has the following optional configuration properties:
- redeliverOnError – The name of a procedure used to determine if a reliable event should be redelivered after an error. If procedure returns
, then the error is considered transient and will be redelivered. The procedure will be provided with 2 parameters, the original event and the exception that occurred. - retries – The number of times to try to publish to the source before failing. Every retry attempt is immediate. Defaults to 1.
The PublishToTopic Activity Pattern publishes inbound events to a topic.
- topic – The topic to which inbound events will be sent. Topic strings must be prefixed by a forward slash (/) character.
PublishToTopic also contains the following optional configuration properties that allow a user to become a publisher of a Catalog event:
- catalog – The name that identifies the catalog which defines the event for which the App will become a publisher.
- event – The name of the event type to which this task will publish events.
- processedByClause – The Processed By Clause used to describe the remote targets for this publish.
The Rate Activity Pattern keeps count of all events it sees in a time window. At the end of the time window, Rate emits the rate per second of events received in the window. The rate is the count of events seen since the last emission, divided by the number of seconds in the outputFrequency.
The Rate Activity Pattern has one required property:
- outputFrequency – An interval string indicating how often the rate should be emitted.
The Rate Activity Pattern has one optional property:
- rateInterval – Specifies the interval for which the event rate should be measured, e.g. events per 1 minute or events per 10 seconds. Defaults to 1 second.
The Recommend activity pattern generates a list of recommendations based on some input criteria. Recommendations use a procedure to determine how similar each candidate is to the target of the recommendation, and then the results are a limited subset of the most similar candidates.
The Recommend activity pattern contains the following required configuration properties:
- candidateType – The type of the results that are output by the recommendation activity.
The Recommend activity pattern also contains the following optional configuration properties:
- imports – A list of resources to be imported for this activity
- recommendationProcedure – The name of the procedure to execute to produce recommendations. If this is not specified the default recommender (Recommend.defaultRecommendations) will be used. This procedure must have the following signature:
procedureName(matchDirectives Object, pattern Object, candidateType String, matchType String)
- matchDirectives – An object containing extra information required by the recommendation procedure. This includes:
- excludeProperties: properties to be ignored by the recommender.
- maxDistance: the maximum distance a recommended match may be from the candidate.
- maxRecommendations the maximum number of recommendations to be returned by this task. This defaults to 10.
- matchType – The type of the input object against which recommendations will be evaluated. If not specified it is assumed this is the same as the candidateType.
- returnBehavior – Chosen from a list of three options:
- Use Return Value as Outbound event – Emit the result of the recommendation as the outbound event. This is the default behavior if no option is selected.
- Attach Return Value to returnProperty – Emit the original event, with an extra property containing the recommendation results.
- returnProperty – The name of a property to assign the result of the procedure to on the outbound even. NOTE: This property is only used when “Attach Return Value to returnProperty” is selected for returnBehavior.
The collaboration instance is updated to the following:
"id": "<collaboration id>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<app name>",
"results": {
"<recommend task name>": {
"recommendations": "<array of computed recommendations>"
The RecordEvent Activity Pattern records an instance of an Event Type in the Event Ledger as part of Vantiq Advanced Event Broker. Attach a RecordEvent activity to an Event Stream to record all of the events seen by a subscriber, or attach RecordEvent to an activity that publishes its events to the catalog to record all events published by the local namespace.
The RecordEvent Activity Pattern has the following required configuration properties:
- catalogName – The name that identifies the catalog which defines the event.
- eventName – The name of an Event Type in the specified catalog for which the event should be recorded.
To view the ledger in a namespace for a specific Event Type, open the catalog pane and click the book icon next to the Event Type.
Run TensorFlow Model On Document
TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.
This Activity Pattern may be constrained by installation-configurable resource consumption limits. See Operational Restrictions for details.
See Run TensorFlow Model On Image. This task is appropriate when the input event is a Document.
Run TensorFlow Model On Image
This Activity Pattern may be constrained by installation-configurable resource consumption limits. See Operational Restrictions for details.
RunTensorFlowModelOnImage and RunTensorFlowModelOnDocument tasks are used to perform analysis via a TensorFlow model. RunTensorFlowModelOnImage is used when the input event represents a system.images
resource; RunTensorFlowModelOnDocument is used when the input event represents a document
resource. They are otherwise identical. This section will refer to RunTensorFlowModelOnImage.
TensorFlow models can be used for many purposes. For more details on how to use TensorFlow models in the Vantiq system, please see the Image Processing Guide, specifically the Image Analysis section.
The RunTensorFlowModelOnImage and RunTensorFlowModelOnDocument Activity Patterns are designed to run TensorFlow models of type tensorflow/plain
. These are models where the semantics of the model are not understood by Vantiq. Because Vantiq is running without the benefit of that understanding, the use of such models requires a deeper understanding of the model’s input and output requirements, as well as lower-level interaction with the model by the calling application. This is described in the “Plain” TensorFlow Models section. Users of this Activity Pattern are assumed to be familiar with that section.
By contrast, when running, for example, YOLO models, Vantiq can take advantage of its understanding of those models to pre- and post-process the parameters, providing a semantically relevant interface. Other types of TensorFlow models can be invoked by using the Run TensorFlow Model Activity Patterns; in such cases, the callers do not gain the benefit of Vantiq’s understanding of these model type semantics.
The Run TensorFlow Model Activity Patterns will require input tensors to the model to be specified, and the output event will include a list of any output tensors. These input and output tensors will vary according to the model used, but callers should be aware that they can be quite large. Moreover, they will often require further intepretation – walking the output tensors to turn that raw material into a more consumable form.
The RunTensorFlowModelOnImage and RunTensorFlowModelOnDocument Activity Patterns contain the following configuration properties:
- inputTensorName – the name of the tensor to associate with the Image (or Document) comprising.
the input event - model – the model to run.
The two properties above are required. There is one additional, optional property:
- otherInputValues – a VAIL Object where each property describes an additional input tensor to the model. The property name is the tensor name, and each such property value must contain the following two properties:
- tensorType – the type of tensor to be constructed
- value – the value to be provided.
Using only the required parameters, a task specification might look like this.
If we choose to fill in the optional parameter otherInputValues
, we might provide something like the following.
(These examples parallel those provided in the Image Processing Guide. Please see “Plain” TensorFlow Models
for further details.)
The output event from the task contains two properties:
- target – the image that was the input to the task
- results – the results of the analysis. The
property will contain an Object analogous to theotherInputValues
parameter, an Object whose properties are the output tensor name, each of whose value contains two properties:tensorType
For example, running an image of a car through our identifyCars model might produce the following results.
"name": "mycar",
"fileType": "image/jpeg",
"contentSize": 71631,
"results": {
modelName: { tensorType: "string", value: "Fusion" },
manufacturer: { tensorType: "string", value: "Ford" }
As noted elsewhere, results
with such a simple and compact structure are atypical. A more common result would be a large array of REAL numbers from which a post-processing step would synthesize results. Taking a YOLO v3 model as an example, if it were run on an image as if it were a tensorflow/plain
model, the result would be a float
tensor of over 10,000 predictions, each of which would an array of REAL numbers.
TensorFlow models are not provided as part of the Vantiq product.
Run TensorFlow Model On Tensors
This Activity Pattern may be constrained by installation-configurable resource consumption limits. See Operational Restrictions for details.
The RunTensorFlowModelOnTensors task is used to perform analysis via a TensorFlow model. RunTensorFlowModelOnTensors is used when the input event consists of non-image data. This data is generally some form of numerical data from a sensor (e.g., to look for specific conditions) or from other inputs.
TensorFlow models can be used for many purposes. For more details on how to use TensorFlow models in the Vantiq system, please see the Image Processing Guide, specifically the Image Analysis section.
The RunTensorFlowModelOnTensors Activity Patterns are designed to run TensorFlow models of type tensorflow/plain
. These are models where the semantics of the model are not understood by Vantiq. Because Vantiq is running without the benefit of that understanding, the use of such models requires a deeper understanding of the model’s input and output requirements, as well as lower-level interaction with the model by the calling application. This is described in the “Plain” TensorFlow Models section. Users of this Activity Pattern are assumed to be familiar with that section.
By contrast, when running, for example, YOLO models, Vantiq can take advantage of its understanding of those models to pre- and post-process the parameters, providing a semantically relevant interface. Other types of TensorFlow models can be invoked by using the Run TensorFlow Model Activity Patterns; in such cases, the callers do not gain the benefit of Vantiq’s understanding of these model type semantics.
The Run TensorFlow Model Activity Patterns will require input tensors to the model to be specified, and the output event will include a list of any output tensors. These input and output tensors will vary according to the model used, but callers should be aware that they can be quite large. Moreover, they will often require further intepretation – walking the output tensors to turn that raw material into a more consumable form.
The RunTensorFlowModelOnTensors Activity Pattern contains the following configuration properties:
- model – the name model to run.
- inputValues – a VAIL Object where each property describes an additional input tensor value to the model. The property name is the tensor name, and each such property value must contain the following two properties:
- tensorType – the type of tensor to be constructed
- value – the value to be provided.
Using these parameters, a task specification might look like this.
In this case, we are using a model named engineAnalysis that evaluates events from some sensor monitoring an engine. The input tensors for this model are two float tensors, named s and t (for speed and temperature). Thus, the inputValues
parameter has properties named s and t, each with a tensorType
of float, with values taken from the incoming event. The model will report any faults detected or behavioral abnormalities.
The output event from the task contains the results
- results – the results of the analysis. The
property will contain an Object analogous to theinputValues
parameter, an Object whose properties are the output tensor name(s),
each of whose value contains two properties:tensorType
For example, running some sensor reports through an engine analysis model might produce the following results.
"results": {
faultsDetected: { tensorType: "integer", value: 0 },
behavior: { tensorType: "integer", value: [100, 127] }
In this case, our engine analysis model has returned a fault analysis for a fault of type 0, and some behavior reports with values 100 & 127. This type of report is not uncommon; it is up to the app developer to understand the model semantics for determining the meaning of these values.
As noted elsewhere, results
with such compact structure may not be typical. For scoring models, a relatively small set of outputs may be normal as these are generally evaluating specific transactions (e.g., our engine’s behavior, a particular credit transaction for fraud detection), so large amounts of data is not necessary. However, other models may return larger amounts of data.
TensorFlow models are not provided as part of the Vantiq product.
The Sample Activity Pattern is used to produce fewer events to the downstream tasks
The Sample Activity Pattern has the following required configuration property:
- probability – probability of emitting any event. This probability is independently computed for each event. Must be a real number between 0 and 1.
The Sample Activity Pattern has the following optional configuration properties:
- interval – an interval string such as
1 second
or10 minutes
that defines the timeframe in which the maxEventsPerInterval limit should be applied. - maxEventsPerInterval – The maximum number of events that are allowed through the task within the interval.
- emitAtLeastOnce – When true, guarantees at least one event is emitted per interval, even if no events are chosen by random probability.
The SaveToType Activity Pattern is used to save the inbound event to a type. Each inbound event is written to the database via an insert or upsert depending on the configuration.
The SaveToType Activity Pattern contains the following configuration properties:
- type – The name of the type in which the data will be stored. It’s expected that the inbound event will have a schema matching the schema of the specified type.
- upsert – When checked, upsert dictates that the operation to use when saving the event should be upsert rather than insert. Upsert can only be used when the specified type has a natural key.
The SaveToType Activity Pattern produces either an insert or update event on the configured type, which is used to trigger the next downstream task(s) in the app. Note that if you have other resources that also insert or update the configured type those operations will also produce events that trigger the downstream tasks in the app.
Split By Group
Split By Group replaces the use of the optional groupBy properties on many of the existing Activity Patterns in 1.25 and older Vantiq installations.
Split By Group partitions the service state into independent “groups”, where the group is keyed off of an expression evaluated for each inbound event. All stateful, downstream tasks operate independently on each partition. The split task has no impact on stateless tasks.