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How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq Version Control System

Keep track of your progress and merge multiple projects with the Vantiq VCS!

How the VCS Works
The Version Control System downloads your project files to the local file system so progress can be tracked using your favorite versioning software.
The VCS can also upload files into your project when:
  • You want to back out of a project change
  • You want to merge in work from another developer

Steps to Versioning the Project:

1.   Start a VCSSERVER from a terminal window (use Vantiq CLI)
2.   Create a directory to hold project files
3.   Initialize versioning in the project directory
4.   In the IDE, record the pathway to the project file directory
5.   In the IDE, sync the project files to the directory
6.   In the terminal window, add the files and commit changes
7.   Repeat Steps 5 & 6 through the development process

Steps to Restoring or Merging the Project:
1.   Projects –>  Combine Project From VCS
2.   Input desired filesystem directory & project name
3.   Create a View for seeing changes, and click OK
Caution:   Any resources of the same name and type will be overridden by incoming material!

Use the VCS to Keep Projects on Track
Vantiq’s Version Control System can be used with any local filesystem architecture, and with whatever versioning software you prefer.  Sync and commit often to keep track of progress, back up projects, revert to previous versions, and combine the work of multiple developers seamlessly.
For more information, refer to the CLI Reference Guide (for starting the VCSSERVER) and the IDE User’s Guide for more about the VCS tool.
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