
The Vantiq REST and WebSocket APIs provide programmatic access to the resources managed by the Vantiq server. This includes both system defined resources provided by Vantiq and custom resources created by Vantiq developers as part of their “event driven applications” (EDA). After presenting some general information about resources, this document focuses on the Vantiq system resources. For information about how to define and access custom resources, refer to the API Reference Guide.

Resource Definition

All resources have a “type” (referred to as a “resource type”) which describes the structure of the resource’s instances. The type defines the properties available and characteristics for each property such as its VAIL type, whether or not it is required, any default value, and a description (see the types resource for more details).

Each resource instance is uniquely identified by its “resource id”. For system resources, the definition of the resource id is part of the resource type definition. For custom resources it is always the system defined _id property.

Resource Security Model

As described in the API Reference Guide, all resource requests must be made by an authenticated user identity. When this identity is established, the system creates a security context which includes:

Users have potential access to resource instances in two namespaces, the one to which they are bound and the system namespace. The precise details of what access is permitted for each specific resource is governed by the user’s assigned profiles. Each user has exactly 2 profiles – one which governs access to their local namespace and one which governs access to the system namespace. For each of these, the system creates 2 default profiles: user and admin. The administrator of a namespace may create additional, non-default profiles for their namespace and assign these to users in that namespace as desired (bearing in mind that each user must have exactly one such profile).

In the description of each resource we will outline the access levels granted for each resource by the default user and admin profiles. The description of the Types resource includes a discussion of how to describe the default access levels for a user-defined type and how to create custom access levels for use when designing custom profiles.

Default Access Levels

The default access levels that are available when defining any resource type are:

  • ars_denied – grant no access to the resource.
  • ars_readOnly – grant read access to all available resource instances.
  • ars_readWrite – grant read-write access to all available resource instances.
  • ars_readByOwner – grant read access to resource instances which have been created by the requesting user.
  • ars_writeByOwner – grant read-write access to resource instances which have been created by the requesting user.

Public Resources

To access any resource, regardless of access level, the user is required to have some level of authorization. That authorization is typically communicated by an access token which identifies the user, and by extension their associated authorizations in a namespace. To expose access to an instance of any system resource without any authorization at all, set the ars_public system property of the instance to true.

For more information on how to interact with public resources via the REST API, please refer to the API Reference Guide.

Resource Relationship Model

The resource relationship model describes the semantic relationships that exist between the resources that
comprise a complete Vantiq Application. This relationship data can be useful when analyzing or visualizing the
elements of a Vantiq Application. For example, Modelo uses the relationship model to construct the
Resource Graph.

Vantiq will try to infer the possible relationships between resources. However, there are cases in which inference may fall short such as when resources are referred to using hard-coded strings
or in Client Buidler javascript code. In these cases, users may create explicit relationships between resources as well.

For more information see the API Reference Guide.

The following are the possible relationships between two resources:

  • dependency: One resource depends on another resource’s existence. Example: A Procedure which inserts into a Type has a dependency on that Type.
  • executes: A resource that executes a Procedure has an executes relationship to that Procedure.
  • publishes: A resource that publishes to a Topic or Source has a publishes relationship to that resource
  • subscribes_to: A resource that is subscribed to events from another resource. Example: A rule triggered by publishes to a Topic has a subscribed_to relationship to that Topic.
  • implements: The relationship between a generated Service and the App or Collaboration Type it implements
  • contains: The relationship between a meta-resource and the resources it contains. Example: A project has a contains relationship with all the resources in the Project. A Service has a contains relationship with all of the Procedures in that Service.
  • triggers: The relationship between an App and a Collaboration Type that is started by that App
  • tests: The relationship between a Test or Test Suite and the resource (Procedure, Rule, Project) that it tests.

The Relationships sub-section for each Vantiq resource describes the relationships that may be inferred for that resource (if any).

Vantiq Resources

The following resources are part of the core resource model and available for use by all Vantiq applications:

  • audits: objects created automatically to record important events within the system
  • assemblyconfigs: contains the configuration for a particular assembly
  • captures: contains all of the recorded events from an event capture
  • configurations: defines sets of rules which share the same activation state
  • debugconfigs: configures the logging and tracing levels for groups of rules and procedures
  • delegatedrequests: defines a resource operation which can be executed through use of a one-time “code”. This allows the execution to be deferred in time and also delegated from one user to another.
  • documents: static content generally loaded from a file
  • eventgenerators: defines a resource which can generate any type, topic, or source event
  • groups: defines a collection of users with access to a set of resources.
  • images: static content generally loaded from file. Restricted to image types.
  • k8sclusters: information about Kubernetes clusters with managed resources
  • k8sinstallations: managed installations in Kubernetes clusters
  • k8sworkitems: transient work to be performed in Kubernetes clusters
  • llms: represents a Large Language Model (LLM).
  • logs: log messages written using the built in log procedure.
  • namespaces: defines a namespace allocated to an organization
  • nodes: identifies remote Vantiq federated installation(s)
  • organizations: a tenant who has been provisioned to manage a collection of users and namespaces.
  • procedures: a procedure available for use in rules and other procedures as documented in the Rule and Procedure Reference Guide
  • profiles: defines capabilities assigned to a user
  • projects: defines a collection of Vantiq resources that is a deployable unit
  • rules: defines user-created rules for processing incoming data
  • secrets: passwords, tokens, certificates, or any other secure piece of text that can be used to configure sources without exposing the secret value in the configuration
  • semanticindexes: some content which has been indexed and made available for Semantic Search.
  • serviceconnectors: the implementation of a service via an external process.
  • services: encapsulate behavior associated with a specific functional aspect of an application, including any interactions with the application data model related to that behavior.
  • scheduledevents: events that have been scheduled to be delivered at some point in the future. The event may be delivered once or on a periodic basis.
  • sources: external sources of data, e.g. MQTT, AMQP, RESTful
  • storagemanagers: managers for external data stores, enable “plug-in” of remotely accessible databases, e.g. InfluxDB Cloud or MongoDB Atlas
  • tensorflowmodels: TensorFlow models used for neural net processing. (TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.)
  • tests: A test for a Rule, Procedure, or Project defined by a series of input events and expected asynchronous output events
  • testsuites: A series of tests for a particular resource
  • testreports: The result of a test run containing any errors that may have occurred during the test
  • topics: user-created identifiers that may be published to drive rules and trigger notifications
  • trackingRegions: user-created areas used in motion tracking.
  • types: defines the objects the Vantiq System operates on. Types represent traditional objects stored in a database.
  • users: authorized users of Vantiq
  • videos: static content generally loaded from file. Restricted to video types.

The section for each resource type describes the type’s structure and the available operations. It also describes the access privileges granted by the built-in admin and user profiles. By default, admin users will have full access to all resource instances in their namespace and users will have read-only access to all resource instances in their namespace. There are exceptions, however, which are described below.

Note that all examples in this document illustrate the use of the REST API to manage the resources. Refer to the WebSockets section of the API Reference Guide for general information on managing resources using the WebSocket API.

The Vantiq server may have an environment specific domain name. In this document the default development server,, is the server used in statement syntax blocks and examples.

Resource Events

Some resources generate events when specific operations are performed. These events can be referenced in the WHEN statement of a rule or event stream, allowing them to trigger user-defined processing whenever the event occurs. Event bindings use the “path” of the event which is always of the form: /<resource>/<resourceId>/<op> (for example /namespaces/myNamespace/authorized). The operations that trigger events and the data associated with them is described in the Events section of each resource description.

Assembly Configs

Assembly Configurations contain the consumer supplied configurations for an Assembly.

Assembly Configurations have the following properties:

  • name: the unique identifier for the assembly configuration. This will default to the name of the assembly being configured
  • assembly: the name of the assembly being configured
  • configuration: an object containing the configuration properties. That is, key-value pairs where the keys are the names of the configuration properties of the Assembly and the values are the consumer supplied values for each property. See the Assembly Guide for more details.

Inserting or updating the assemblyconfig will automatically apply the configurations to the resources in the Assembly according to the configuration mappings.
Deleting the assemblyconfig will revert any previously configured resources back to their unconfigured state.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all assemblyconfig instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all assemblyconfig instances in their namespace.


Audits are objects created automatically by the system to track the modification of other resources in the system. A type can be defined with the “audited” flag to denote that all inserts, updates and deletes on that type should be audited. By default, operations on the following system resources will be audited:

  • namespaces
  • users
  • profiles
  • nodes
  • sources
  • tokens

The additional security related events will also be audited:

  • Authentication using username/ passwords
  • Authorization failures

Audits are required to have the following properties:

  • entity – A resource reference used to identify the object that was manipulated to produce the audit record
  • message – A human readable message that will be displayed when displaying audit records

Audits can optionally have the following properties:

  • op – The name of the operation that produced this audit record

When an audit record is created the system will assign the following additional properties to the audit record:

  • node and nodeUUID – Strings used to identify the node on which the audited event occurred
  • timestamp – The time when the audit record was created (should be within milliseconds of when the audited event occurred).
  • auditId – A unique identifier generated to identify a specific audit record

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users can create and delete audits..
  • user – users can create audit records (operations they perform will create audits), but they cannot delete audits.

Audits cannot be updated.


Events are generated for the following operations:

  • audit – occurs when an audit record for a non-type resource (typically rules or sources) is generated. The event path is /audits/<resourceName>/publish. The data provided on the event is an object with the properties:
    • entity – a ResourceReference referring to the resource instance being audited.
    • op – the operation being audited.
    • message – the audit message.

User Defined Audits

Operations on types defined by users will be audited if the “audited” property on the type definition is set to true.

In addition, if more fine-grained auditing is required users can define their own rules which create audits. For instance, in order to audit incoming messages from a source, you could do something like:

RULESET AuditPublishesToMySource
// Triggering condition is on any message arriving from a source named MySource
WHEN EVENT OCCURS ON "/sources/MySource" AS myVariable
// Construct an audit object with entity, op, ars_properties and message defined
var audit = {"entity": {resource: "sources", resourceId: "MySource"},
             "op": "publish",
             "ars_properties": { "importantProp": myVariable.importantProp },
             "message": "Message received from source MySource with value: " + myVariable.toString()}
// Manually insert the audit record
INSERT audits(audit)

This rule would create an audit record every time a message was received from the source MySource. Audits can be created from any rule or procedure, the only requirement is that the entity and message fields must be set when the audit is created.


Captures are described in detail in the Capture Reference Guide.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all capture instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all capture instances in their namespace.


Catalogs are the resources used to create and communicate with the server’s catalog functionality.
They handle creating and deleting catalogs, connecting to and disconnecting from catalogs, creating and deleting entries
in a catalog, and registering and unregistering for entries in a catalog.

Catalogs have the following properties:

  • name – The name of the catalog, as generated by the procedure Broker.makeNodeName() in the host namespace.
  • host – A boolean indicating whether or not a catalog is being hosted. Setting this to true will make the current namespace a catalog host.
  • allowEdge – A boolean indicating whether or not a hosted catalog will allow connections from the edge. Setting this to true will let edge connections use the catalog as a bridge when necessary. Setting this to false will disconnect any members that connected from the edge.
  • requestedEntries – A list of all entries that the current namespace should be registered for in this catalog. This is an array of objects with the properties below. Note that this value cannot be edited directly, and should instead be changed using the register and unregister operations.
    • type – The type of the entry. Valid options are “service” and “event”. More information on these types can be found in the Service Catalog and Event Catalog
    • operation – The operation for this entry. The values for this can depend on type. Valid operations for services and events are “publish” and “subscribe”.
    • <other values> – Every typeoperation combination has certain values needed to identify it. Services just require the name for both publish and subscribe. Events require the name and another value that depends on the operation, as seen here.
  • catalogNode – The name of the node used by members to communicate with the catalog. This is automatically set when hosting or connecting, and cannot be edited by users.
  • localNode – The name of the node used by the catalog to communicate with the catalog. This is automatically set when hosting or connecting, and cannot be edited by users.
  • namespace – The catalog’s namespace. This is automatically set when hosting or connecting, and cannot be edited by users.

Synthetic Properties

Catalogs also have several synthetic properties, which are dynamically generated on selects and cannot be directly edited.

  • resolved – This is a list of all the entries that have successfully resolved. It is in the same format as requestedEntries.
  • unresolved – This is a list of all the entries in requestedEntries that have not successfully resolved. It is in the same format as requestedEntries.

Hosting and Connecting

Hosting, connecting, and disconnecting are all done through upserts and deletes.


Upsert has a few special cases for catalogs. It can be used without a resource id to connect to a catalog, and is used
to host a catalog or append to requestedEntries.

  • Hosting a catalog – To create a catalog, you need to upsert a catalog instance with host set to true. Note that the name of this instance must match the name generated by Broker.makeNodeName().
  • Connecting to a catalog – To connect to a catalog, upsert an instance with the uri and accessToken fields set to the uri of the target catalog and an access token with permissions in that namespace, and optionally useVQS set to true if connecting from an edge namespaces. When doing this all other fields (including name) will be ignored, and the name of the created catalog will be given in the response.
  • Adding multiple requestedEntries – Users cannot directly change the requestedEntries field. Setting the field in an update or upsert will result in any new entries being merged with the current list, and it will attempt to resolve any unresolved entries. This can be useful when moving projects from one namespace to another, or when moving entries from one catalog to another. If you wish to remove entries, you’ll need to use the unregister operation.


Deleting a catalog instance will cause the namespace to disconnect from the catalog or, if it is a host, disconnect all members and delete all entries.


The response for the status operation on catalogs is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • name – The name of the catalog object.
  • connectionState – A string describing the connection state with the host namespace. The possible values are “connected”, “unconnected”, and “broken” (a node exists but cannot connect or the target namespace is not hosting a catalog)

Custom Operations

Most of the interactions with a catalog occur through special operations defined for the catalog resource. All of these
operations act on the “system.catalogs” resource and require the resourceId (name) to be specified. When using the
REST API, the HTTP method is POST
and the body must be formatted as {"op": <operation>, "data": <data object>}. Any calls using
remote processing must have the object formatted in the same way. For all
other cases and bindings, treat the op and object as normal for that binding.

Create Entry

Creates an entry in the catalog, that can be published or subscribed to. Note that services cannot be created through
this operation, and instead must be created by registering as a publisher. The body’s format depends on the type of the
entry, and can be found here.

Remove Entry

Removes an entry from the catalog. Only the host has permissions to remove event entries. The body must be a JSON object formatted as below

  • type – The type of the entry.
  • name – The name of the entry.


Register for an entry. The body is a JSON object in the same format as requestedEntries. The response is the given
entry with an additional error field if an error occurred while registering, or an error if the provided entry has an
invalid format. Unless the entry had an invalid format, the entry is added to requestedEntries regardless of success.


Unregister from an entry. The body is a JSON object in the same format as requestedEntries. The response is the given
entry with an additional error field if an error occurred while unregistering, or an error if the provided entry has
an invalid format. If the entry was in requestedEntries it is removed regardless of success.


Attempt to complete registration for any unresolved entries in requestedEntries. The response is an array of all
entries that failed to resolve with an additional error field in each.


The Catalog instance in a namespace may have either a publishes or subscribes_to relationship to each Catalog entry
in the requestedEntries property.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Catalog instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to Catalog instances.

Catalog Members

Catalog member objects are used by catalog hosts to represent the member namespaces. This resource is created
automatically when a namespace connects to a catalog host.

Catalog members have the following properties:

  • name – The name of the member.
  • edgeConnection – A Boolean indicating whether the member uses a VQS connection to communicate with the catalog. This is automatically set when the member connects, and cannot be edited by users.
  • memberNode – The name of the node used by the catalog to connect to the member. This is automatically set when the member connects, and cannot be edited by users.
  • namespace – The member’s namespace. This is automatically set when the member connects, and cannot be edited by users.


Deleting a catalog member resource forcibly disconnects the member namespace from the catalog.


The response for the status operation on catalog members is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • name – The name of the catalog member.
  • connectionState – A string describing the connection state with the member namespace. The possible values are “connected”, “unconnected”, and “broken” (a node exists but cannot connect or the member namespace is not connected to the catalog)

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Catalog Member instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to Catalog Member instances.


Configuration resources are described in detail in the Configuration and Deployment Guide.

Debug Configs

Debug Configurations are used to configure logging levels and turn tracing on for rules and procedures. When a procedure or rule is executed all of the debug configurations which refer to the rule or procedure are merged to determine the minimum logging level to allow and whether or not to enable tracing. If competing debug configurations specify different log levels for the same resource, the most verbose logging level is used. Debug configurations will be automatically generated if a logging level is set or tracing is enabled from the rule or procedure editing pane in the IDE.

Debug Configurations can be created using the standard resource API patterns:

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/debugconfigs
Body: { "name": "MyDebugConfig", 
        "type": "log",
        "value": "DEBUG",
        "resources": [
        "isGlobal": false,
        "expiresAt": "2019-10-25T06:04:48.112Z"

Debug Configuration properties include:

  • name – A unique, human-readable name, which identifies the debug configuration
  • type – Either “log”, “trace”, or “profile”, refers to whether the debug configuration species a log level, enables tracing, or enables profiling data (for Grafana dashboards).
  • value – For “log” configurations value must be one of “TRACE”, “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, or “ERROR”. For “trace” and “profile” configurations value should be “enabled”, anything else will be interpreted as “disabled”
  • resources – an array of resource references to each of the rules and procedures which the debug configuration applies to.
  • isGlobal – A Boolean that, when true, indicates the debug configuration applies to all rules and procedures. This property cannot be set to true if resources are specified in the resources array.
  • expiresAt – A DateTime property that specifies when the debug configuration should be automatically deleted. If not specified on insert, the value is set to 2 hours after the creation time.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Debug Configuration instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Debug Configuration instances in their namespace.

Delegated Requests

A delegated request represents a resource operation whose execution is deferred until the submission of an associated, one time use, code value. The user who creates a delegated request is known as the “creator” and the user who triggers its execution is known as the “processor” (these may or may not be the same user). Delegated requests can also specify one or more VAIL “scripts” (which consist of a list of VAIL statements) which will be run after completion of the initial operation. Depending on the definition of the request this execution can occur using the security context of the creator or the processor.

Currently the use of delegated requests is restricted to the Vantiq platform and they cannot be created by users (regardless of their authorizations). They are primarily used to perform on-boarding of new users and to grant new authorizations to existing users via the “invite” system (the links contained in an invite email trigger execution of a system created delegated request).

Custom Operations


Sends an existing delegated request to an email address–when executed, will grant the executing user access to the namespace. For REST this is a POST directly to the api/v<version>/resources/delegatedrequests URI. The argument to this operation is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “publish”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:
  • to – the address to which the message will be sent. Required.
  • source – the name of the source that will send the request. Optional – if not specified the installation’s default email source will be used.
  • callbackUri – the url to which the recipient will be redirected to once the request is accepted. Optional – if not specified the recipient will not be redirected.
  • from – the sender address of the message. Optional – if not specified then a default value will be used.
  • parameters – an object whose key-value pairs will be used to fill out the email template. Optional – the default templates do not require parameters, and any not specified here will be pulled from the delegated request instance. More information on parameters can be found here.
  • htmlTemplate – a string that is the name of the Document to use as a template. Can only find Documents in the current namespace. Optional – if not set then it will use the template from the delegated request or the default template if the delegated request does not specify. More information on template formatting can be found here.
  • subject – a string that will be the subject of emails sent by the request. If not specified and not part of a namespace invite, it will default to “Notification from Vantiq”.


A document represents a file stored in the Vantiq Database. Document instances are created by uploading the contents of the document using a multi-part MIME message of the following form:

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: <contentType>
<file content>
<your boundary marker>


  • <assignedName> is the name of the document as stored in documents instance.
  • <fileName> is the name of the file from which the content was obtained.

In addition, the appropriate HTTP headers must be set:

ContentLength: <length of http content in above message>
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=<your boundary marker>

Once the file has been uploaded its meta-data will be available via the resource URI: api/v1/resources/document/<assignedName>.
This will return the following JSON representation:

    "name": "assets/img/autopsy/statement1.png",
    "fileType": "image/png",
    "content": "/docs/assets/img/autopsy/statement1.png"

The content property is the absolute URI that can be used to retrieve the file’s content from the Vantiq server. The fileType property is set by Vantiq based on the uploaded file’s extension, but it can be changed once the file has been uploaded (this will influence whether the file is treated as text or binary data, so care must be taken when altering this value).

Vantiq uses documents to store the system documentation available on the Vantiq IDE. Vantiq reserves the system/ document name prefix for this purpose which means that no user created documents may begin with that prefix. Within the user’s namespace the public/ prefix is used to indicate that the document contents should be available without requiring an authenticated user via the URL /ui/docs/NS/<namespace>/<relativePath> where:

  • <namespace> is the namespace from which to obtain the document.
  • <relativePath> is the document name without the public/ prefix.

For example, if you upload a document under the path public/images/myImage.png in the namespace “example”, then it will be accessible without authentication via the URI

The document name can be any string, so long as the first character is not a /.

Note that the resource instance URI and the /docs URI always require authentication, even for public documents.


To copy a Document use either the upsert or duplicate operation. The upsert operation copies a document from a target Namespace (pull) while the duplicate operation copies a Document to one or more target Namespaces (push). Both operations can be used within the same namespace and are in that case semantically equivalent.


A Document can be copied from a target Namespace by issuing a POST of the following form:

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/documents
Body: { "name": "<copyName>", 
        "fromName": "<fromName>",
        "fromNode": { 


  • <copyName> is the name of the new Document.
  • <fromName> is the name of the existing Document to copy.
  • <nodeName> is the Node name specifying where the Document to copy is located.

Because a Document can be copied only from a single location, <nodeName> is a Node name, therefore resolving to a single Node. If <nodeName> is not specified, the Document is copied within the same Namespace.


A Document can be copied to one or more target Namespaces by issuing a POST of the following form:

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/documents/<resourceId>
Body: { "op": "duplicate", 
        "data": {
            "duplicateName": "<copyName>",
            "remoteNodes": { 


  • <copyName> is the name of the new Document.
  • <resourceId> is the name of the existing Document to copy.
  • <nodeQueryConstraint> is a query constraint defining the set of Nodes where the Document must be copied to.

The Document is copied to all Nodes that <nodeQueryConstraint> resolves to. If <nodeQueryConstraint> is not specified, the Document is copied within the same Namespace.

To duplicate a document using a WebSocket or VAIL binding, issue a request of the following form:

  "op": "duplicate",
  "resourceId": "<resourceId>",
  "resourceName": "documents",
  "object": {
    "duplicateName": "<copyName>",
    "remoteNodes": {

For both upsert and duplicate operations, any Node referenced in <nodeName> or <nodeQueryConstraint> must be defined with an HTTP URI scheme. The WebSocket scheme is not supported.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Document instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to any Document instance which they have created.


Create or Update Document

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sampleDocument"; filename="sourceFile.html"
Content-Type: text/plain
This is the actual two lines of text
that is being upload as the content of the document.    
<your boundary marker>

The headers:

ContentLength: 209
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=dLV9Wyq26L_-JQxk6ferf-RT153LhOO

Delete Document


Event Generators

Event Generators allow Vantiq developers to simulate data from any Type, Topic, or Source.

An Event Generator is defined by:

  • name: A unique name for the generator
  • events: a list of event descriptors defining the events to be generated

An Event Descriptor defines one or more events that will occur on a specified resource, and how each event message will be generated.
Each Event Descriptor defines:

  • resource (ResourceReference) required: Reference to the resource that will generate the event
  • op (String) required for type resources: Type of operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) of the event if applicable
  • ruleList (List of Objects) required: List of Generator Rules that will determine how each event message is constructed
  • qual (Object) required for update/delete events: Qualifier object describing which instances should be updated or deleted
    For Example: {name: “abc”} would apply to all instances where name == “abc”
  • startAfter (Integer): Duration (milliseconds) before this descriptor begins producing events (after Event Generator begins running).
  • periodic (Boolean): true if this is a repeated event. Periodic events must specify either a duration or number or iterations as well as an interval
  • duration (Integer): Duration (milliseconds) that this event descriptor should actively produce events. The total number of produced
    events will be equal to duration/interval.
  • iterations (Integer): Number of events that this Event Descriptor will produce
  • interval (Integer) required if periodic: Duration (milliseconds) between periodic events produced by the Event Generator.
    Note: Either the Duration or Iterations property may be set but not both. If either is set, the interval property is required.

See the Event Generator Documentation for running a generator
and stopping a generator.

Standard Operations


The response for the status operation for an event generator will reveal whether the generator is currently running.
The response will be an object with the following properties:

    <GeneratorName>: [
            _id: <runningGeneratorId if currently running>,
            startTime: <runningGeneratorStartTime if currently running>


The event generator instance has a dependency relationship for every Type, Topic, and Source on which the generator
produces events.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all eventgenerator instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to any eventgenerator instances in their namespace.


A group is a set of users and access tokens with shared access to a collection of resources. Instances of types can be defined with an ars_group field which restricts access to the record to only members of the group. Members must be defined as resource references defining the resource (either tokens or users) and the resourceId specifying the username or token name.

Types that are going to have group-restricted access need to be defined with the groupEnabled flag set to true on the type definition. This flag will add the extra qualifications to any query performed on the “grouped” type. The groupRequired flag can be set on the type definition as well to indicate that all inserts on the type must specify a non-null value for ars_group. Groups can be enabled without being required, in which case records with a null ars_group value will be visible to all users with access to the type.

Access Rights

  • owner – The owner of a group is specified when the group is created and is the only user who can add members to the group or delete the group
  • member – Members of the group have access to records tagged with an ars_group value of the group name. Members can remove themselves from a group, but not add other users to the group.
  • admin – The namespace admin can see all records in the namespace, regardless of groups.
  • users – General users can see which groups exist, and see who owns the group, but can not access any of the elements tagged with an ars_group value of the group name.


Create a group

{ "name": "myGroup",
  "owner": "myUsername",
  "members": [
      "resource: "users", 
      "resourceId": "myUsername"
      "resource": "users",
      "resourceId": "anotherUser"
      "resource": "users",
      "resourceId": "aThirdUser"

Add a member to the group

{ "op": "add",
  "path": "/members/-",
  "value": {
    "resource": "users",
    "resourceId": "newUser"

Adding members can also be done via POST

  "members": [
      "resource: "users", 
      "resourceId": "myUsername"
      "resource": "users",
      "resourceId": "anotherUser"
      "resource": "users",
      "resourceId": "aThirdUser"
      "resource": "users",
      "resourceId": "aFourthUser"

The list provided via a POST will overwrite the existing list of members, so don’t forget any old users from the members list.

Remove a member from the group

{ "op": "remove",
  "path": "/members/-",
  "value": {
    "resource": "users",
    "resourceId": "newUser"

Remove members with a POST

  "members": [
       "resource: "users", 
       "resourceId": "myUsername"
       "resource": "users",
       "resourceId": "aFourthUser"

This would remove “anotherUser” and “aThirdUser”.

It is not possible to remove the owner from a group, so the owner can safely be omitted from the members list without risk of dropping the owner from the group.


An image represents image content stored in the Vantiq Database. Image instances are created by uploading the contents of the image using a multi-part MIME message of the following form:

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: <contentType>
<file content>
<your boundary marker>


  • <assignedName> is the name of the image as stored in images instance.
  • <fileName> is the name of the file from which the content was obtained.
  • <contentType> is the mime type of the image (e.g. image/jpeg, image/png)

In addition, the appropriate HTTP headers must be set:

ContentLength: <length of http content in above message>
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=<your boundary marker>

Once the file has been uploaded its meta-data will be available via the resource URI: api/v1/resources/images/<assignedName>.
This will return the following JSON representation:

    "name": "assets/img/cars/mycar.png",
    "fileType": "image/png",
    "content": "/pics/assets/img/cars/mycar.png"

The content property is the absolute URI that can be used to retrieve the file’s content from the Vantiq server. The fileType property is set by Vantiq based on the uploaded file’s extension, but it can be changed once the file has been uploaded.

The image name can be any string, so long as the first character is not a /.

Note that the resource instance URI and the /pics URI always require authentication, even for public documents.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Image instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to any Image instance which they have created.


Create or Update Image

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sampleImage"; filename="mycar.png"
Content-Type: image/png
<bytes for the image>    
<your boundary marker>

The headers:

ContentLength: Varies, based on boundary & image bytes length
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=dLV9Wyq26L_-JQxk6ferf-RT153LhOO

Delete Image


K8s Clusters

A K8s Cluster defines a Kubernetes cluster that is known to Vantiq.
This is a Kubernetes cluster to which Vantiq is given access,
and it may have K8s Installations deployed.
It is not necessarily a Kubernetes cluster in which the Vantiq system is running.

K8s Clusters are created using the usual DDL operations.
To create/update a K8s Cluster, POST the following JSON document to the resource URI:

      "name": "<name by which Vantiq will know the cluster>",
      "ingressDefaultNode": "<node name for access to installations with inbound ports>"


  • The name property is the name by which Vantiq users will refer to this cluster
  • The ingressDefaultNode is the default name of the DNS node used to route to any
    K8s Installation with an inboundPort,
    when that K8s Installation’s inboundPort does not include
    a host specification.

    • If the value is not provided, Vantiq will generate a name based on the cluster name itself.
      This value is a default value only.
    • It is up to the system administrators to define DNS entries
      (in /etc/hosts or local DNS servers as appropriate) for any hosts used in inboundPort
      definitions (either explicitly or the ingressDefaultNode used by default).
    • This value is used for routing to a K8s Installation with an inboundPort.
      If the default value is not used,
      no DNS routing is necessary.
    • Each K8s Installation with an inboundPort should use its own
      host value.
      Please see Regarding Host Names for Inbound Port Specifications
      for more information.
  • The lifecycleOperationCount is an approximate count of the number of operations
    performed on this K8sCluster.

Once created the K8sCluster resource has the following JSON representation:

      "name": "<name by which Vantiq will know the cluster>",
      "ingressDefaultNode": "<Default DNS name on which Ingress operations are defined>"
      "lifecycleOperationCount": <number of operations performed on this cluster>

If you’ve created a cluster named aCluster with an ingressDefaultNodeName of aClusterNode,
the resulting K8sCluster would look like this:

      "name": "aCluster",
      "ingressDefaultNode": "aClusterNode"
      "lifecycleOperationCount": 14

(assuming that about 14 operations have been completed).

To delete a K8sCluster, use the DELETE method on the resource URI.
Note that it is an error to DELETE a K8sCluster that has
K8s Installations or K8s Workitems
To delete a K8sCluster,
please delete the K8s Installations first.

Custom Operations

K8s Clusters support the following custom resource operations.
Each of these operations returns an K8s Workitem.
These operations are asynchronous – the call creates and enqueues the request to perform
some action on the associated K8sCluster.
A worker service will pick up the request and process it,
and the completion of that request will update the data model
(e.g. cause the installation to be created).
There may be some delay before this happens.


Causes the creation of a K8s Installation running an image
in this cluster.
It is assumed that appropriate resources exist in the cluster – Vantiq is not involved in that work.
Note also that performing a deploy operation on an existing
K8s Installation will update that installation
with the new configuration.

To perform the deployment, POST a request to the resource URI with the suffix “/command”.
(Note that the following presumes some familiarity with Kubernetes.)
The argument to this operation is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “deploy”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:
    • name – The name to be assigned to the running instance of this deployment. This will also be the name of the K8s Installation in Vantiq.
    • k8sNamespace – the Kubernetes namespace in which the set is to be created.
    • config – Any configuration information required by the image. The config property is a List of JSON objects with the following properties, where each object has a type property, and other properties depending upon their type.
      One instance with type image is required.
      All other types are optional.

      • type: image– (exactly one instance of this is required.)
        • name: name of the image for the Kubernetes system to fetch.
          May include a repo name.
        • imagePullSecret: name of the Kubernetes secret necessary to pull the image from its repo, if any.
          This may be required if the repository from which the images is to be pulled is not public.
        • serviceAccount: name of the Kubernetes service account
          under which the installation will run.
          Note that if the service account has the appropriate image pull secret associated with it,
          the imagePullSecret entry here is not necessary.
        • replicaCount: number of replicas the installation will contain.
          The default value is 1, and that number should not be changed unless the image being
          deployed is specifically designed to support multiple replicas.
      • type: file – defines a file and content to be added to the installation
        • path – where in the instance the file is to be mounted
        • filename – the name of the file to place at the path
        • dataSource – the Kubernetes resource type that will be created or referenced, must be one of the following:
          configMap or secret (if not specified, will default to configMap)
        • File Content – file content can be specified a number of ways
          using different sets of properties. These sets are mutually exclusive.

          • Content provided directly
            • content – the contents of the file.
              We support only text files.
          • Content obtained from an existing Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret
            that is already present in the Kubernetes namespace to which you are deploying

            • name – name of an existing ConfigMap or Secret (in the same Kubernetes namespace)
              from which to obtain the content
            • key – the ConfigMap or Secret key referencing the desired content.
          • Content from a Vantiq document, image, or video
            • resourceType – the Vantiq resource type – must be one of
              • documents
              • images
              • videos
            • resourceName – name of an existing Vantiq resource.
              Note that in this case, the filename can be omitted.
              If no filename is provided, we will use the last part of the resourceName as the name of the file.
              That is, if the resourceName is document/name.txt, name.txt will be used as the fileName.
            • treatAsText – (optional) treat the resource as a text resource
              when providing the data to Kubernetes.
              Kubernetes mounts data differently for text vs. binary data.
              This is necessary when the Vantiq document does not have a fileType that starts with text.
      • type: inboundPort – defines an inbound port to be opened on behalf of this installation.
        This would be the case when a connector acts as a server (for example, the UDP Source).
        Properties as follows (required unless otherwise specified).

        • host – name of host for this port.
          This specifies that anything directed to this host name will be directed to this inbound port.
          This host must resolve to the cluster address for the K8s cluster in question.
          If this is missing, the K8sCluster’s ingressDefaultNode is used.
        • port – (required) integer specifying the port number expected to be opened
          This is the port the image is expecting to use.
        • protocol – (required) Kubernetes supported protocol (TCP (includes HTTP/HTTPS), UDP)
        • portName – (optional) name to be assigned to the port
        • serviceType – (optional) the K8s service type. Defaults to “NodePort”
        • serviceName – (optional) a name to give the service.
          We generate a reasonable one, but you can override it.
        • clusterIP – (optional) IP address to be assigned to the created pod.
          This should be very rarely used.
      • type: environmentVariable (optional) – this indicates that an environment variable with the indicated name and value should be in place when the image runs.
        • name – the name of environment variable
        • value – the value to be assigned to the environment variable. To provide the value from a Vantiq Secret, use the construct @secrets(VantiqSecretName), where VantiqSecretName is the name of the Vantiq Secret from which to obtain the value. If this construct is used, the value will be stored as a Kubernetes secret (that is, the asSecret value will be set to true). If you wish to set the environment variable’s value to “@secrets(someSecretName)”, place a backslash (\) before the @secrets string.
        • asSecret – boolean indicating whether this value should be stored as a Kubernetes secret
        • secretName – name of the Kubernetes secret from which the value is to be taken.
          If the secretName value is present, the value of that Kubernetes secret will be used (with the key named by the key).
          If the secretName is not present, a new Kubernetes secret will be created and the value stored there.
          The properties value and secretName are mutually exclusive.
          That is, if you are using an existing Kubernetes secret,
          the setting of the value is not permitted.
        • key – name of the key within the Kubernetes secret named by secretName from which to extract the value.
      • type: persistentVolumeRef (optional) – this indicates that the installation will
        refer to an existing volume in the cluster to which it is being deployed

        • name – name of the volume to which to refer.
        • path – path in the installation at which to mount the named volume
      • type: annotation (optional) – this indicates that the deployed installation should have this K8s annotation
        • name –- name of the annotation
        • value –- Value to give the annotation
        • targetResource (optional) – the Kubernetes resource type to which this annotation should apply. This will add the annotation to the Kubernetes resources created as part of this K8s Installation. Valid values are configmap, ingress, pod, secret, service, and statefulset. If this property is absent, the annotation will apply to all Kubernetes resources created as part of this K8s Installation.
      • type: label (optional) – this indicates that the deployed installation should have
        this Kubernetes label applied

        • name –- name of the label
        • value –- value to give the label
        • controlsRouting (optional) – -a boolean value indicating whether
          this label should be used to link the service and underlying stateful set.
          This means that this label is used to route messages to the deployed entity.
          (Note: this behavior is primarily of interest to NodePort services.)
          If no labels are specified as routing controllers,
          the system will generate something appropriate.
          The value here can be a boolean or string value.
          If supplied as a string, any value not interpreted as true will be considered false.
        • targetResource (optional) – the Kubernetes resource type to which this label should apply. This will add the label to the Kubernetes resources created as part of this K8s Installation. Valid values are configmap, ingress, pod, secret, service, and statefulset. If this property is absent, the label will apply to all Kubernetes resources created as part of this K8s Installation.
      • type: hostAlias (optional) – a name to IP address mapping to be configured for
        this installation

        • name – the host name to define
        • hostIP – the IP address to supply
      • type: probe (optional) adds a Kubernetes probe definition to the installation.
        Kubernetes probes are used to help Kubernetes determine when your installation has
        completed its startup functions (a startup probe),
        whether the installation can accept requests (a readiness probe),
        or whether the installation is still functional (a liveness probe).

        • probeType – one of startup, readiness or liveness
        • initialDelaySeconds – the number of seconds to wait before running this probe
        • periodSeconds – how often to run the probe
        • timeoutSeconds – (optional) number of seconds after which the probe times out.
          If not provided, Kubernetes defaults apply.
        • successThreshold – (optional) number of successful probe attempts
          to consider the installation operational.
          If not provided, Kubernetes defaults apply.
        • failureThreshold – (optional) number of failed probe attempts required
          to consider the installation failed.
          A failed installation will be terminated and restarted (by Kubernetes).
          If not provided, Kubernetes defaults apply.
        • requestType – one of command, http, or tcp. Based on the request type,
          the following additional properties are specified

          • requestType: command
            • commands – a list providing the command and parameters (list of strings).
              For example,
              if an installation created a file named /installation/up when it was ready,
              a commands entry might be ['cat', '/installation/up'].
              This would have Kubernetes execute the command cat /installation/up to run that probe.
          • requestType: tcp
            • port – the name or integer port number to which to connect.
              You can specify this as the numeric port number OR
              the portName defined as part of an inboundPort specification.
          • requestType: http
            • path – the path to use in constructing the URL for making this probe
            • port – the port to be used in constructing the URL for making this probe.
              As with the tcp probe above,
              you can use the portName associated with an inboundPort.
            • headers – a set of key/value pairs sent as part of the request.
              Both the key and the value must be strings.
      • type: resourceRequest – specifies the minimum requirement for the following resources, and
      • type: resourceLimit – specifies the absolute maximum for the following resources
        • The following resources are used to enumerate both the resourceRequest and resourceLimit areas. They are specified using Kubernetes resource terms. For example, to request one half of a CPU, use 500m meaning 500 millicpus. See
          the Kuberenetes documention for further details.
        • cpu: the number of CPUs for the deployed installation
        • memory: the amount of memory for the deployed installation
        • the number of NVidia GPUs required
        • the number of AMD GPUs required.
      • type: hardAffinity – specifies a key/values pair that is set as the Kubernetes Node Selector for the deployed pod. To use this, consult your Kubernetes administrator. Note that you may see these added to installations deployed to the self cluster. This is part of Vantiq’s management of the cluster in which it operates.
        • key – The key value to which the values will apply.
        • values – A list of values for the key specified that are acceptable. The node selector will be generated using the in operator (meaning that nodes whose key value is contained in this list are valid for use for this installation).
          • Note that you must take care with this specification. If the key or value is misspecified, generally no error will result. Instead, Kubernetes will wait for an appropriate node to appear.
    • configRef – Instead of the config property, the configRef property can be provided. This will be a Resource Reference to a document whose contents contain what would be in the config property as described above.

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.
Note that this is the only way to create or update a K8sInstallation.

Regarding Host Names for Inbound Port Specifications

If an installation has an inbound port, that installation will be available at URL
http://host:80, assuming the cluster is set up correctly.
The host here will be either the host value from the inboundPort configuration item
or, if no such value is provided,
the K8s Cluster’s ingressDefaultNode value.
You should always provide the host property here;
each K8s Installation that has
an inboundPort should have its own value for host.
That host name is used by Kubernetes to route requests to the installation.

Moreover, as noted,
the host name given (or the K8s Cluster’s ingressDefaultNode if that is used)
must resolve to the cluster address for the Kuberetes cluster in question.
That is,
the URL http://host:80 must be a valid, resolvable URL.
Requests sent to the Kubernetes cluster using that host name will be routed to the K8s Installation
It is up to the system administrators to define DNS entries
(in /etc/hosts or local DNS servers as appropriate) for any hosts used in inboundPort
definitions (either explicitly or throught the use of the ingressDefaultNode used by default).

(Please see the External Lifecycle Management Guide for more information
concerning defining K8sClusters).


Fetches the pod logs for an installation.
A pod is the K8s reference for the running component(s) of an installation.
this operation fetches the log output of the installation,
storing it as a Vantiq document (or collection thereof).
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “fetchLogs”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:
    • name – The name of K8s Installation for which to fetch the logs.
    • podName – (optional) The name of the pod for which to fetch logs.
      If not present, this will fetch all logs for the installation.
      (This parameter is not often used.)
    • documentGroup – (optional) Where to upload the logs.

All pod logs are uploaded as Documents in the namespace
in which the Vantiq K8sCluster is found,
with the logs named with the document group followed by the pod name with a timestamp.
The individual pod logs are named with the pod name followed by a timestamp.
The default document group name will include the name of the cluster and the installation name.

For a cluster named cluster and an installation named inst,
a pod log for an installation named jdbc will be uploaded to the document named


if the fetchLogs request was processed at exactly 14 seconds after the 12:13 on the 14 July 2021 (Pacific Daylight Time).

Assuming the same installation and time of request execution,
if the documentGroup is set to my/group,
the pod log will be uploaded to


This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Restarts a k8s installation (as above).
As with deploy,
send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “restart”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Shuts an installation down.
Send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “shutdown”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Removes an installation from its K8s Cluster and from the Vantiq system.
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “undeploy”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.

Access Rights

  • admin have the rights to modify the K8s Clusters.
  • users have no access to K8s Clusters.



        "op": "deploy",
        "data": {
            "name": "SourceDeployment",
            "k8sNamespace": "myNamespace",
            "config": [
                          "type": "image",
                          "name": "myRepo/connectorImage"
                          "type" : "file",
                          "content" : "some data",
                          "path" : "/app/somedirectory",
                          "filename": "myfile",

Note that the config data will be image specific.
Each image may require different data.
It is up to the deployer to understand the image requirements.

This operation will return the K8s Workitem for the request created.
For the operation performed above, this will look like the following:

       "requestId": "<some UUID>",
       "clusterName": "aCluster",
       "operation": "deploy",
       "timestamp": <time of request>
       "status": "REQUESTED"
       "request": <config value from request>
       "requestedBy": "<name of the Vantiq user who performed the deploy>"


        "op": "restart",
        "data": {
            "name": "SourceDeployment"

K8s Installations

K8s Installations represent Kubernetes installations (Stateful Sets with services, etc.) in a Kubernetes Cluster that have been deployed by Vantiq.
K8s Installations are created using the Deploy operation on a K8s Cluster.

The representation of a K8s Installation is as follows,

       "name": "SourceDeployment",
       "clusterName": "aCluster",
       "installationDate": "Date & Time of deployment"
       "installationStatus": statusValue,
       "installedBy" : <name of user who performed the deploy>
       "replicaCount": <number of instances>
       "configSpec": <specification used to create the installation>
       "k8sState": <information about the installation as reported by Kubernetes>
       "k8sNamespace": "myNamespace",
       "k8sInstallationInfo": Object containing information about the Kubernetes deployment
       "k8sInstallationType": generally STATEFUL_SET
       "k8sInstallationIdentifier": <Kubernetes identifier>
       "k8sAssociatedServices": <List of services created to support the installation>
       "k8sAssociatedIngresses": <List of ingresses created to support the installation>
       "k8sAssociatedConfigMaps":< List of config maps created to support the installation>
       "k8sAssociatedSecrets": <List of secrets created to support the installation>
       "quotaConsumed": <Object containing the quota consumed by this installation>


  • name is the name of the installation
  • clusterName is the name of the cluster within which this installation is running
  • installationDate is the date/time of the most recent deployment attempt
  • intallationStatus is Vantiq’s view of the it’s interactions concerning this installation
  • installedBy is the name of the Vantiq user who performed the deploy operation
  • replicaCount is the number of replicas
  • configSpec is the configuration used to create the installation
  • k8sState is the current state of the installation as reported by Kubernetes
  • k8sNamespace is the name of the Kubernetes namespace within the cluster
  • k8sInstallationInfo general Kubernetes information about the installation
  • k8sInstallationType Kubernetes component type for installation. Currently STATEFUL_SET.
  • k8sInstallationIdentifier Identifier proved by Kubernetes
  • k8sAssociatedServices List of Kubernetes services created to support this installation
  • k8sAssociatedSecrets List of Kubernetes secrets created to support this installation
  • k8sAssociatedConfigMaps List of Kubernetes config maps created to support this installation
  • k8sAssociatedIngresses List of Kubernetes ingresses created to support this installation
  • quotaConsumed For installations in the Vantiq system self cluster, the quota consumed by this installation. This may have values for vCPU, memory, gpuAmd, and/or gpuNvidia. This will be present only for installations deployed to the Vantiq system’s self cluster

The installationStatus is a string containing one of the following values:

  • STARTING – Vantiq has asked K8s to restart the deployment
  • STOPPING – Vantiq has asked K8s to shutdown the deployment
  • RUNNING – The deployment has succeeded and the deployment is operating
  • FAILED – The last operation (deploy, restart, shutdown) failed
  • STOPPED – The shutdown operation succeeded
  • DAMAGED – The installation has been altered in an unexpected way. This might indicate that some component of the installation has been removed.

Custom Operations

K8s Installations support the following custom resource operations.


Fetches pod logs from the installation, storing them in documents.
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “fetchLogs”
  • data – an JSON document with the following optional properties
    • podName – (optional) The name of the pod for which to fetch logs.
      If not present, this will fetch all logs for the installation.
      (This parameter is not often used.)
    • documentGroup – (optional) Where to upload the logs.

If neither property is provided, the data property will be an empty JSON document.

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Restarts an installation (as above).
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “restart”
  • data – an empty JSON document

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Shuts down an installation.
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “shutdown”
  • data – an empty JSON document

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.


Removes an installation from its k8s cluster & from Vantiq.
Again, send the following to the resource URI with “/command” appended to the end.
The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “undeploy”
  • data – an empty JSON document

This operation returns the K8s Workitem for the request.

Access Rights

  • admin have the rights to view the K8s Installations.
  • users have no access to K8s Installations.
  • No direct update operates are allowed.
    • Updates are performed only using the custom operations described above.



        "op": "shutdown",
        "data": {}

K8s Workitems

K8s Workitems represent Kubernetes work to be performed on a K8s Cluster. K8s Workitems result from the various command operations performed on a K8s Cluster or K8s Installation.

The representation of a K8s WorkItem is as follows,

       "requestId": "<some UUID>",
       "clusterName": "<name of the K8sCluster to which the work item is directed",
       "operation": "<operation name>",
       "timestamp": <time of request>
       "status": "<operation status>"
       "request": <config value from request>
       "requestedBy": "<name of the Vantiq user who performed the deploy>"
       "ancillaries": <Object describing additional items required to perform the work>


  • requestId is the unique identity of the work item
  • clusterName is the name of the cluster within which this deployment is running
  • operation is the operation to be performed – deploy, shutdown, restart, or undeploy
  • timestamp is the date/time at which the work item was last altered
  • status is Vantiq’s view of status of the work item.
  • request the config value from the request
  • requestedBy is the name of the Vantiq user performing the deploy operation.
  • ancillaries is an object containing the set(s) of
    Kubernetes components created to support this installation

The status is a string containing one of the following values:

  • REQUESTED – Vantiq has asked K8s to perform the deployment
  • PENDING – a worker has picked up the work
  • FAILED – the operation (deploy, restart, shutdown) failed
  • INVALID – a problem was found with the request

Access Rights

  • admin have the rights to modify the K8sWorkitems.
  • users have no access to K8sWorkitems.


LLMs represent a Large Language Model that can either be run by the Vantiq platform or which is hosted somewhere else, but reachable via some remote protocol (most often REST over HTTP). Vantiq has preconfigured support for the following models: GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Open AI Embeddings and Sentence Transformers. It is also possible for customers to configure access to additional, “custom” models (contact Vantiq Support for more details).

See also built-in service

LLMs have the following properties:

  • name (String) – the name of the LLM. Must be unique in a given Vantiq namespace. May include a package name.
  • type (String) – the type of LLM. The value is immutable once set. Indicates what functions the LLM performs. Possible values are:
    • embedding – the LLM is used to create vector embeddings when loading a semanticindex.
    • generative – the LLM is used to generate responses based on user input.
  • modelName (String) – the name of the actual model used by this LLM. The value is immutable for embedding models. If the model is not one that is known to the Vantiq platform, the user must supply the information necessary to configure access to the model at runtime. The recognized models are:
  • description (String) – an optional description of the LLM.
  • config (Object) – optional configuration used when constructing the runtime form of the LLM. Some common properties are:
    • temperature – the sampling temperature to use (floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0, default is 0.0).
    • max_tokens – maximum number of tokens to use for any individual request.
    • class_name – only needed for custom models. Python class used to access the model (typically a LangChain class).
  • vectorSize (Integer) – the size of the vector produced by an embedding model.
  • distanceFunction (String) – the distance function used to compare vectors produced by the model.

Custom Operations


Submits a user supplied prompt to the target LLM. Accepts the following parameters:

  • llmName (String) – the name of the generative LLM used to process the submitted prompt.
  • prompt – the prompt to process. This must be either a String value or an array of io.vantiq.ChatMessage instances (see ConversationMemory).
  • conversationId (String) – the optional id of a conversation used to provide additional context for the submitted prompt (see ConversationMemory).

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all LLM instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all LLM instances in their namespace.


Logs provide access to any messages that have been logged by rules executing in the current namespace. A log message resource has the following JSON representation:

    "invocationId": "4de70a07-043e-43da-a407-8a9266692282",
    "level": "WARN",
    "message": "First Test",
    "sequenceId": 0,
    "timestamp": "2016-05-25T06:04:48.112Z"

The invocationId can be used to group messages produced by the same rule invocation. The sequenceId is used to provide an exact ordering of the messages.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Log instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to all Log instances that they have created.


Namespaces define an isolated environment for a user of the Vantiq Services. Each namespace guarantees complete separation of the data, situations, recommendations and rules from those of all other namespaces. Namespaces may optionally be associated with an organization for purposes of billing and quota management.

The namespace is established at the time the user logs in based on the users identity. Each authenticated identity is associated with one and only one namespace. To create a namespace POST the following JSON document to resource URI:

  "namespace": "<namespaceName>",
  "organization": {
    name: "<organizationName>",
    description: "<organizationDescription>"
  "username": "<adminUsername>",
  "password": "<adminUserPassword>",
  "encryptionKey": "<encryptionKey>"


  • The namespace property consists of alphanumeric characters and may contain embedded underscores(_).
  • The organization is an optional organization instance that should be created and associated with the new namespace.
  • The username and password are both optional with a default value of admin__<namespaceName>.
  • The encryptionKey is optional and if provided is used to encrypt any sensitive data stored in the namespace.

Once created the namespace resource has the following JSON representation:

  "namespace": "<namespaceName>",
  "organizationRef": "<organizationRef>"

Custom Operations

Namespaces support the following custom resource operations.

List Authorized Users

  • op – “getAuthorizedUsers”

Returns a list of the users who are authorized in the namespace, along with the profiles that they have been granted. The operation has no arguments. See example here.

Authorize User

Creates a delegated request which, when executed will grant the executing user access to the namespace. The argument to this operation is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “delegateUserAuthZ”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:
    • profiles – a list of profiles to grant to the user. Optional – if not specified user is granted minimum privilege.
    • requireExisting – a boolean which can be set to true to indicate that the user being authorized must already be a known Vantiq user. Optional – if not specified then new users are allowed as long the requester is permitted to create them.
    • parameters – an object whose key-value pairs will be used to fill out the email template. Optional – the default templates do not require parameters, and they can be set on the publish operation as well. More information on parameters can be found here.
    • htmlTemplate – a string that is the name of the Document to use as a template. Can only find Documents in the current namespace. Optional – if not set then it will use the default template, or the template specified in the publish operation. More information on template formatting can be found here.
    • subject – a string that will be the subject of emails sent by the request. Defaults to “Vantiq – Namespace Authorization” and may be overridden when publishing the delegated request.

Revoke Authorization

Revokes authorization for a user to the namespace. This will return a success while doing nothing if you do not have sufficient permissions. The argument to this command is a JSON document with the following properties:

  • op – “revokeUserAuthZ”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties:
    • username – the username property of the user to revoke.
    • transferResources – Optional boolean. Whether to transfer certain resources of the revoked user. If set to true and the revoke succeeds, all resources owned by the revoked user will be transferred to the revoking user.
Transferred Resources

When transferring resources, the below resources will be affected in the specified ways.

  • Non-personal tokens. Tokens are typically deleted upon revocation, but will instead have their ownership transferred to the target user. Personal tokens will still be removed, as they use the original creator’s username and may have the original creator’s permissions in other namespaces.
    • The tokens transferred will be any with ars_createdBy equal to the revoked user and will have their ars_createdBy field set to the new owner.
  • Groups. Only the owner of a group is allowed to edit the group. To avoid needing to recreate a group when its owner is kicked out, the group’s ownership will be transferred.
    • The groups with owner equal to the revokes user will have their owner and ars_createdBy fields changed to the new owner.
  • Rules and Apps. These resources use the permissions of the last user to edit the resource. To avoid them becoming non-functional on revocation, these resources will be transferred.
    • Rules and Apps with either the revoked user in ars_modifiedBy or the revoked user in ars_createdBy while ars_modifiedBy is unset, will have ars_modifiedBy changed to be the new owner. Rules will be regenerated at this time. Apps will not be fully regenerated, but the underlying Rules and Event Streams will be regenerated.
  • Custom Types. Custom types can be made write- or read-by-owner. For resources that are limited to write-by-owner for admins, all instances of that type created by the revoked user will be transferred.
    • Instances of any write-by-owner or read-by-owner custom types with the revoked user in ars_createdBy will have ars_createdBy changed to the new owner.

Find Orphaned Resource Owners

Removing users from a namespace can leave non-functional resources behind. This operation returns the owners of any orphaned resources in the namespace, for use with the transfer orphaned resources operation.

  • op – “findOrphanOwners”

The results will be an array of the usernames for all orphaned resources in the namespaces. These will be the true usernames rather than the preferred usernames, so they may not be human-readable.

Transfer Orphaned Resources

This will transfer all resources orphaned by a specific user to the caller. See the list of transferred resources to see what exactly will be transferred. Note that any tokens will have already been deleted, so transferring will not give the caller any new tokens.

  • op – “transferResourceOwnership”
  • data – a JSON document with the following properties
    • existingOwner – The username of the current owner of the target resources. If the user still has permissions in the namespace, an error will occur. The find orphaned owners operation should be used to identify valid targets.

Access Rights

  • system admin – the system admin has full access rights to all namespaces and can create new organizations as part of namespace creation.
  • organization admin – the organization admin has the same rights as a standard namespace admin and can additionally create new namespaces which will automatically be part of their organization.
  • developer – developers have the same rights as a standard namespace admin and can additionally create new namespaces with themselves as the administrator.
  • admin – admin users have read and update rights to the namespace instance. Namespaces may only be deleted by the system admin.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to the namespace instance.


Events are generated for the following operations:

  • authorized – occurs when a user is authorized for a namespace. The data provided is an object with the properties:
    • username – the user’s username property.
    • preferredUsername – the user’s preferredUsername property.
    • profiles – the qualified names of the profiles authorized.
  • revoked – occurs when a user has their authorization for a namespace revoked. The data provided is an object with the properties:
    • username – the user’s username property.
    • preferredUsername – the user’s preferredUsername property.
    • profiles – the qualified names of the profiles authorized.


Create Namespace with default admin user and password

  "namespace": "exampleNamespace"

Create Namespace with default admin user and password and create new organization

  "namespace": "exampleNamespace",
  "organization": {
    "name": "MyOrganization"
    "description": "The description of my organization."

Delete Namespace

A namespace is deleted using a DELETE REST request:


This operation can only be performed by a namespace admin and it will remove all resource instances associated with the


A node identifies a remote Vantiq installation that has agreed to federate with the installation in which the node is defined. A node agrees to federate with a remote node when an administrator authorized to access both the local node and the remote node, defines a node that identifies the remote installation and includes valid credentials to access the remote installation.


A node is registered or updated by issuing a POST on the nodes resource type.

Nodes have the following properties:

  • name – the local name assigned to the remote node.
  • uri – the URI(URL) used to access the remote installation. For example, to access the Vantiq public developer installation the URL would be assigned the value: In addition to http(s) it is also possible to use ws(s) in order to use web sockets as the transport or vqs to reuse a named web socket connection.
  • username – the username used to access the remote installation. The username must be a valid username in the remote installation.
  • password – the password used to authenticate the username.
  • accessToken – the token used to access the remote installation. Either username/password or accessToken must be specified.
  • credentialType – set it to the value userpass or token. Defaults to userpass if not specified.
  • deliveryMode – currently unused but set it to the value bestEffort.
  • properties – a JSON object that identifies properties that can be used to characterize the remote node. The properties are generally used to identify classes of remote nodes when targeting remote invocation in VAIL. See documentation on Selecting Remote Targets.
  • clientOptions – the JSON object form of Vert.x HTTP Client Options used to configured the client used when connecting to the node.
  • reconnect – a boolean value indicating whether the node should automatically reconnect if the connection is lost. This property only applies
    to nodes defining a ws(s) URI with the vqs option. Defaults to false if not specified.

Common uses of clientOptions are:

Disable the SSL trust check:

   "trustAll" : true 
Enable the use of an HTTP proxy:

   "proxyOptions" :    {
      "host": "hostABC",
      "port": 8080,
      "password": "pwd123",
      "username": "uuuu"

Named WebSocket connection

If a Node uses web sockets as the transport, it is possible to name the web socket connection using the optional vqs parameter: ws(s)://<host>?vqs=<name>. Naming a web socket connection allows the remote installation to communicate back through the same open socket using the URI: vqs://<name>.

For example, let’s assume that a firewall prevents the cloud installation from directly accessing an edge server while the edge server can connect to the cloud installation. To allow communication from cloud to edge, we can create a Node definition on the edge (e.g., named EdgeToCloud) with the URI wss:// and a Node definition on the cloud installation (e.g., named CloudToEdge) with the URI vqs://myEdge. As the edge connects to the cloud with the URI wss://, the name myEdge gets transmitted to allowing the cloud to name the open socket. As the CloudToEdge Node definition gets used, the URI vqs://myEdge gets resolved to the existing named open socket connection providing a communication channel to the edge.

While a Node with the URI syntax vqs://<name> can be defined at any point in time, the Node does require a named open socket connection of the specified <name> to resolve to an active connection. For example, as long as the Node EdgeToCloud does not establish a connection, the Node CloudToEdge won’t be able to communicate to the edge server.

If you need to have a vqs connection always active, specify the reconnect property as true in the Node defining the URI ws(s)://<host>?vqs=<name>. This will cause the Node to automatically connect as it gets defined and added and also automatically reconnect whenever the connection is lost.
To use the above example, the reconnect option would be specified on the EdgeToCloud Node definition and it would ensure that EdgeToCloud always keeps the connection open, allowing the CloudToEdge Node vqs referenced named socket to always be active.

Note that several Nodes on the same installation can be defined using the same named socket (i.e., using the same URI vqs://<name>).

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Node instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Node instances in their namespace.


Register Node

    "name": "exampleNodeName",
    "uri": "",
    "username": "myRemoteUsername",
    "password": "myRemotePassword",
    "deliveryMode: "bestEffort",
    "properties": {
        location: "CA",
        nodeType: "gateway"

Delete Node



An organization represents a tenant to whom the system administrator has delegated the authority to create new namespaces. In the case of the Vantiq cloud deployment this is used to represent customers with whom Vantiq has established some form of relationship.

Organizations are created as part of creating their root namespace (see Namespace for details). They have the following properties:

  • name – the primary id of the organization, consists of alphanumeric characters and may contain embedded underscores(_).
  • description – an optional description of the organization.
  • k8sResourceUsage – an optional property containing the organization’s current resource usage in the K8s Cluster named self (the cluster in which Vantiq runs). This property is present only if the organization has quota to deploy into the self cluster and has made use of it.

Access Rights

All users except for the system admin have read-only access to the organization with which their namespace is associated (if any).


Procedures are named operations that may be invoked from the body of a rule or another procedure.

Procedures can also be invoked directly via the REST API by issuing a POST operation on the procedure resource instance. The body of the POST contains a JSON document describing the parameters to pass to the procedure. The result of the procedure is returned as the body of the request. Parameters may be passed by name or by position. Note that a mix of named and positional parameters are not supported. For example, the request below would invoke the procedure ConvertToCelsius with the parameter temperature set to 32.

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/procedures/ConvertToCelcius
Body: { "temperature": 32 }

Similarly, to pass the parameter positionally:

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/procedures/ConvertToCelsius
Body: [32]

Procedures are identified by their fully qualified name which is a combination of their simple name and the name of the service that they are a part of, if any. For example, the following request invokes the procedure named ConvertToCelsius which is part of the MetricConversions service.

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/procedures/MetricConversions.ConvertToCelcius
Body: { "temperature": 32 }

User defined procedures are described in the VAIL Reference Guide.

Custom Operations

Procedures support the following custom resource operations.


This operation executes the procedure and returns the result. This operation accepts a single argument which can either be a JSON array or object. If an array is provided then the procedure is invoked using positional parameters where each element in the array is mapped to a procedure parameter in order. If an object is provided then the procedure is invoked using named parameters based on the property names in the supplied JSON object.


Procedures may have any of the following relationships:

  • publishes relationship to any topics that are published to within the Procedure text
  • executes relationship to any Procedure executed within the Procedure
  • dependency relationship to any Type, Source, or Service referenced within the Procedure text or parameters
  • dependency relationship to any Unit Test or Unit Test Suite that tests the Procedure

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Procedure instances in their namespace and read-only rights to any system defined procedures.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Procedure instances.

Group Enabled

Topics are a “group enabled” resource. Placing a “topic” into a group restricts use of the topic (for both publish and subscribe) to identities which are members of the group.


A profile contains capabilities with which the user assigned the profile can access data and behaviors defined in the namespace. If a user attempts an operation that is not authorized by their assigned profile, the request will fail returning an authorization error.

Capabilities are defined in the profile properties as follows:

  • dml – the user can issue select, insert, update, delete and aggregate operations on the collections named in the capability.
  • invoke – the user can invoke the operations named in the capability.

The profile contains the following properties:

  • name – the name of the profile. Profile names must be unique. A profile name is a alphanumeric string which may contain embedded underscore characters. No other characters are allowed in a profile name.
  • dml – defines the capabilities assigned to the user for one or more types defined in the namespace. If capabilities for a specific type are not included, the user has no access capabilities for that type. See DML Capabilities below for additional detail.
  • invoke – unused except by Vantiq defined types.

The JSON representation of a profile:

  "name": "<profileName>",
  "dml": { "<typeName">: 
        "select": {<typeConstraint>},
        "insert": {<typeConstraint>},
        "update": {<typeConstraint>},
        "delete": {<typeConstraint>},
        "invoke": []
  "invoke": {"createType": true}

Default Profiles

When a namespace is created the system will automatically create two default profiles named user and admin. These profiles are immutable and are updated automatically as new types are defined in the namespace.

The specific access level assigned in each profile is determined by the definition of the type. The default is that user will be assigned read access and admin will be assigned read/write access. If needed, the access level can be changed for an individual type by setting the properties userAccessLevel or adminAccessLevel in that type.

Possible System Permission Levels

The admin profile for system types – admin__system – can have several different levels of permissions depending on the namespace. When a resource talks about admin access levels, it is for all of the following unless otherwise specified.

  • System administrator – Only exists in the system namespace. Can create organizations and new resources available to all namespaces. Uses the system.admin profile.
  • Organization administrator – Only exists in the initial organization namespace for each organization. Can create new users and a variety of different namespaces. Uses the system.federatedOrgAdmin profile.
  • Namespace administrator – The level for most deployed namespaces. Can create new users in their namespace but cannot create namespaces. Uses the system.federatedAdmin profile.
  • Developer – The level for namespaces created by developers. Cannot create users, though can authorize users into their namespaces and create new namespaces. Uses the system.federatedDeveloper profile.

The user profile for system types – user__system – always has the same level of permissions. It uses the system.federatedUser profile.

DML Capabilities

The dml property value is an object with a property for each type the user is authorized to access. The name of the property is the name of the type. The value associated with the property is an object describing the detailed capabilities assigned to the user for that type using the properties:

  • select – the value is the constraint(s) on the objects that can be read or null if all objects can be read. For example, a user is only allowed to see financial transactions with values < $100 (‘ars_substitution_’ is defined later in this document):{"select": {"total": {"ars_substitution_lt": "USD:100"}}}
  • update – the value is the constraint(s) on the objects that can be updated or null if all objects can be updated. For example, a user is only allowed to update financial transactions with values > $100 (‘ars_substitution_’ is defined later in this document):{"update": {"total": {"ars_substitution_gt": "USD:100"}}}
  • insert – the value is the constraint(s) on the objects that can be inserted or null if all objects can be inserted. For example, a user is only allowed to update financial transactions with values > $100 (‘ars_substitution_’ is defined later in this document):{"insert": {"total": {"ars_substitution_gt": "USD:100"}}}
  • delete – the value is an object containing the constraint on the objects that can be deleted or null if all objects can be deleted. For example, the user can delete objects only if the total value of the instance is less than $100:{"delete": {"qual": {"total": {"ars_substitution_lt": "USD:100"}}}}
  • aggregate – the value is an object containing the constraint(s) on the objects that can be aggregated. For example, The user can aggregate the total property of financial transactions with a total > $100.{"aggregate": {"total": {"ars_substitution_lt": "USD:100"}}}

If a type is not named in the dml property, the user had no access rights for that type.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Profile instances in their namespace and read-only access to all system profiles.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Profile instances.


Create Profile
{ "name": "myProfile",
   "dml": {"myType": {
          "select": {},
          "insert": {},
          "update": {"total" : {"ars_substitution_lt": "USD:100"}},
          "delete": {},
          "invoke": []
"invoke": ["createType", "deleteType"]

Delete Profile



A Vantiq Project is an collection of resources in the namespace that represent a single deployable unit. Projects are
used as part of the Deployment Tool as well as for Integration Tests.

Projects contain the following properties:

  • name (String): the unique name for the assembly
  • resources (Array of Objects): An array of objects each of the form {resourceReference: </resource>/<resourceId>} defining each of the resources contained by the Assembly.

Assemblies are special instances of Projects which are configurable and reusable and may be shared via the Vantiq Catalog. Assemblies contain the following additional properites:

  • isAssembly (boolean): a boolean flag that must be set to true if the project is an Assembly
  • configurationProperties (Object): an object containing the configuration properties, where each key is the name of the configuration property and the value is the property description. See below for how to define Configuration Properties
  • configurationMappings (Object): an object describing how each configuration property is applied to the Assembly resources. See the Assembly Guide for how to define Configuration Properties mappings or usage.
  • visibleResources (Array of Strings): a list of resource references describing which of the Assembly resources are visible to Assembly Consumers.
    The Services in this list are considered the Assembly Interface. All other resources listed are simply “Visible Resources”.
  • selectData (Object): an object describing the data to include in the Assembly where each key is a Type name and the value is the “where clause” to use for the SELECT statement.

Custom Operations


Projects may have any of the following relationships:

  • contains relationship to project resource contained by the Project
  • dependency relationship to any Unit Test or Unit Test Suite that tests the Project
  • dependency relationship to the assemblyconfig used to configure the Project if the Project is an Assembly

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all project instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to project instances.


Rules provide a way for an application to respond to the occurrence of events related to the application model. These events might indicate the arrival of data from an external system, the receipt of data from another application, or a change to the application’s persistent data.

See the VAIL Reference Guide for a detailed description of a rule definition.


A new or updated rule or component may be submitted using the register command:

<rule definition>

If active is set to false, the rule is initially placed in the inactive state. By default, new or updated rule definitions are placed in the active state.

See VAIL Reference Guide for a detailed description of a rule definition.


A rule or component may be deleted by issuing the delete command:


Delete the named rule or component.

Change Rule Activation State

A rule or component can be set to the active state via a REST request:


with the JSON message body:

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/active",
        "value": true

A rule can be set to the inactive state via a REST request with the JSON body:

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/active",
        "value": false


Rules may have any of the following relationships:

  • subscribes_to relationship to the resource that produces the Rule’s triggering event(s)
  • publishes relationship to any topics that are published to within the Rule text
  • executes relationship to any Procedure executed within the Rule
  • dependency relationship to any Type, Source, or Service referenced within the Rule text
  • dependency relationship to any Unit Test or Unit Test Suite that tests the Rule

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Rule instances in their namespace and read-only access to all system rules.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Rule instances.

Scheduled Events

Scheduled Events are events which have been scheduled for delivery at some later point in time. The schedule may specify that they be delivered once or repeatedly until deleted. Such events can be created via the resource API or by using the PUBLISH statement in VAIL.

Scheduled Events have the following properties:

  • name – the name of the scheduled event. This is a read-only property which serves as the resource identifier. It must be provided when creating a periodic event, but can be left off of requests to create a one-time event (which will result in a system generated name).
  • periodic – a Boolean which indicates whether this is a one-time or periodic event. This value is immutable.
  • isTransient – a Boolean which indicates whether this is a “transient” (in-memory only) scheduled event.
  • occursAt – a DateTime which indicates when the next delivery of the event is scheduled. For one-time events this will be the only time the event is delivered.
  • interval – an Integer which indicates how frequently an event should be delivered. The value is given in milliseconds. Can be used when creating either one-time or periodic events, but will only be returned for periodic events.
  • topic – the topic on which the event will be published.
  • message – the message data to publish.

Once created, one-time events can only be deleted, they may not be updated.

Custom Operations


Scheduled Events have a publishes relationship to the Topic that it is scheduled to publish to.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Scheduled Event instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Scheduled Events instances in their namespace.


Create a one-time Scheduled Event

Here we create a one-time event that will be delivered 1 minute after our request:

  "interval": 60000,
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }
  "name": "12345678",
  "periodic": false,
  "occursAt": "<ISO date string one minute from request time>",
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }

Here we create a one-time event that will be delivered at the specified time (which must be in the future):

  "occursAt": "<ISO date string specifying a time in the future>",
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }
  "name": "9081399291",
  "periodic": false,
  "occursAt": "<ISO date string specifying a time in the future>",
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }

Create a periodic Scheduled Event

Here we create a scheduled event that will be delivered one hour from the request and every subsequent hour.

  "name": "myEvent",
  "periodic": true,
  "occursAt": "<ISO date string specifying a time in the future>",
  "interval": 3600000,
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }
  "name": "myEvent",
  "periodic": true,
  "occursAt": "<ISO date string specifying a time in the future>",
  "interval": 3600000,
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }

Get a Scheduled Event definition

  "name": "myEvent",
  "periodic": true,
  "occursAt": "<ISO date string specifying a time in the future>",
  "interval": 3600000,
  "topic": "/myTopic",
  "message": { "value": "This is a string" }

Update Scheduled Event interval

  "name": "myEvent",
  "interval": 60000


Secrets are storage containers for secure text that can be written once, and then never seen again by users in the namespace.
Secrets can be used to configure certain properties in source configurations, which adds a layer of security to the source
by hiding the secret value to users viewing the source configuration.

Secrets have 3 properties (all strings): name, description, and secret. When secrets are selected from the database,
the secret property is not returned, and the secret value can only be utilized by sources that reference the secret by
name. The secret property is encrypted in the database as an extra layer of security.

The source configuration properties that can reference secrets include:

  • MQTT – password
  • AMQP – password
  • REMOTE – password and accessToken
  • CHATBOT – clientSecret
  • EMAIL – password
  • PUSH_NOTIF – aPNSPKCS12Password and firebaseServerKey
  • SMS – twilioAuthToken


Create a Secret

  "name": "MySecret",
  "description": "This is a description of my secret.",
  "secret": "mypassword"

Fetch a Secret

  "name": "MySecret",
  "description": "This is a description of my secret."

Notice that when performing a GET on a secret, the secret property is omitted from the response. The secret value can
be overwritten with an update, but can never be selected by a user request.

Updating Secrets

While secret values cannot be seen after they are initially set, the secret value can be updated. One note about updating
secret values is that any source that references the updated secret must be deactivated and reactivated to have the
secret change take effect. Until the source is reactivated, the source will continue using the old secret value.

Semantic Indexes

Semantic Indexes support semantic search over specific content contained in each index instance.
See also built-in service

Semantic Indexes have the following properties:

  • name (String) – the name of the semantic index. Must be unique in a given Vantiq namespace. May include a package name.
  • embeddingModel (String) – the name of the LLM used to create vector embeddings for any content. The LLM type must be embedding. The property is immutable once set.
  • description (String) – an optional description of the index.
  • config (Object) – Configuration for the semantic index. The configurable properties are:
    • rephraseQuestion (Boolean) – whether to use conversation history and other context to rephrase the question provided. Defaults to true.
    • returnGeneratedQuestion (Boolean) – whether to include the rephrased question in the returned object when answering a question. Note that if rephraseQuestion is false, the rephrased question will be returned but the original question will be used. Defaults to false.
    • returnSourceDocuments (Boolean) – whether to return the metadata on the documents included as context for the question. Defaults to true.
  • defaultMinSimilarity (Real) – the default minimum similarity score required for a document in the semantic index to be considered relevant in answering a question. When no value is provided, the semantic index will always return the most relevant documents available regardless of similarity score.
  • databaseConfig (Object) – an optional configuration document used to configure the index’s vector DB collection. The property is currently ignored.
  • entries (Array of – a read-only list of the entries that have been loaded into the index. The properties are:
    • id (String) – the entry’s id (used to identify the entry when performing a delete or update).
    • status (String) – the entry’s status. Possible values are uploadPending, loading, loaded, and failed.
    • contentType (String) – the MIME type of the content.
    • fileName (String) – the optional name of the file containing the content.
    • metadata (Object) – metadata associated with the entry.
    • uri (String) – the optional URI for the content.
    • resource (ResourceReference) – the optional Vantiq resource from which the content was obtained.
    • error (String) – an optional error message. Will only be set when the status is failed.
  • defaultQAModel (String) – the optional name of a generative LLM used when answering questions against the index.

Custom Operations

Add Entries

Accepts an Array of instances describing content to be loaded into the index. The expected properties are:

  • id (String) – the entry’s id. This value is optional. If not provided, then an id will be generated for the new entry. If a value is provided and it refers to an existing entry, then the entry will be “updated” using the new content.
  • contentType (String) – the optional MIME type of the content.
  • fileName (String) – the optional name of the file containing the content.
  • metadata (Object) – metadata associated with the entry.

The following properties are all optional, but one of them must be provided. The first one found (in the order given below) will be used:

  • content (String) – the content to be loaded. If the content type is binary, then it is assumed that this value will be Base64 encoded.
  • resource (ResourceReference) – the Vantiq resource from which to read the content.
  • uri (String) – the URI from which to read the content.

Remove Entries

Accepts an Array of String values, each of which is assumed to be the id of an existing entry (any values that don’t match will be ignored). The referenced entries will be removed from the index.

Clear Entries

Removes all entries from the index.

Answer Question

Uses a generative LLM to synthesize an answer to a submitted question using context obtained from the target semantic index.

Accepts the following parameters:

  • question (String) – the question to answer using the context provided by the index.
  • qaLLM (String) – the optional name of a generative LLM to use to produce the answer. If no value is provided, then the index’s default Q&A LLM will be used (assuming it has been set).
  • conversationId (String) – the optional id of a conversation used to provide additional context for the question being asked. See ConversationMemory.
  • minSimilarity (Real) – an optionally specified number between 0 and 1 denoting the minimum similarity score required for a document in the semantic index to be considered relevant in answering the question. If unspecified, the default is taken from the semantic index definition. If no value is specified in the definition, answer question proceeds without considering a minimum score threshold using the most similar documents. Should the minSimilarity threshold result in no relevant documents from the semantic index, answer question returns “I don’t know” without consulting the qaLLM.
  • contextPrompt (String) – an optional parameter that can prompt the LLM to focus on particular context within the ongoing conversation that is most relevant to answering the follow-up question.

The result is an Object value with the following properties:

  • answer (String) –the answer to the submitted question.
  • metadata (Object) – the metadata associated with the entry(ies) used to provide context when answering the question. Excluded if returnSourceDocuments is set to false.
  • rephrasedQuestion (String) – the question rephrased by the LLM using the relevant context. If rephraseQuestion is set to false this will still contain the rephrased question, but it will not be the question asked to the LLM. Included only if returnGeneratedQuestion is set to true.


Semantic Indexes may contain the following relationships:

  • dependency relationship on the embedding and (if set) default Q&A LLMs.

Service Connectors

Service Connectors represent the implementation of a Service outside of the Vantiq Platform using a language other than VAIL. These implementations can either be deployed and managed “externally” (with no support from Vantiq) or managed as a resource in a Kubernetes cluster. That cluster can be an external Kubernetes cluster or the Vantiq Kubernetes cluster. Either way the connector must be reachable over a network using WebSockets and must implement the Vantiq Service Connector protocol.

Service Connectors have the following properties:

  • name (String) – the name of the service connector. Must be unique in a given Vantiq namespace. May include a package name.
  • isExternal (Boolean) – indicates whether the connector will be deployed externally or in the Vantiq Kubernetes cluster.

External connectors have the following additional properties:

  • host (String) – the name of the host on which the service connector is running. The default value is localhost.
  • port (Integer) – the port at which the service connector can be contacted. The default value is 8888.

Kubernetes based connectors have the following additional properties:

  • image (String) – the name of a Docker image containing the runtime implementation of the connector. Required when deploying via Kubernetes.
  • vCPU (Integer) – an optional number of virtual CPUs required by the connector.
  • memory (Integer) – an optional amount of memory (in KB) required by the connector.
  • secret (ResourceReference) – a reference to a Vantiq Secret resource which will be mounted as the file /opt/vantiq/secret/ in the service connector’s file system.
  • replicaCount (Integer) – the number of connector instances to start (default is 1).
  • pullSecret (io.vantiq.k8s.HybridResourceRef) – a reference to secret value used as the Kubernetes “pull secret”. The reference can be to either a Vantiq Secret or an existing Kubnernetes secret (only valid for service connectors in the system namespace).
  • pullPolicy (String) – the pull policy to use for the connector’s image. Legal values are IfNotPresent (default), Always, or Never.
  • resourceMounts (io.vantiq.k8s.ResourceMount Array) – an optional list of resources that should be mounted into the service connector’s file system. Each mount has the following properties:
    • resourceRef (ResourceReference) – the Vantiq or Kubernetes resource whose content should be mounted.
    • mountPath (String) – the file system path used to mount the resource.
    • volumeName (String) – the optional name of the volume to be mounted.
    • isExternal (Boolean) – if true then the resource reference is to a Kubernetes resource. Otherwise (the default) it refers to a Vantiq resource.
    • optional (Boolean) – indicates whether the service connector will start if the target resource does not exist. The default value is false.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all ServiceConnector instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all ServiceConnector instances in their namespace.


Services encapsulate behavior associated with a specific functional aspect of an application. Services expose that behavior via their interface, which consists of a list of procedures and/or Event Types which are available to consumers of the Service. Services may be shared with other applications via the Vantiq Catalog which allows their interface to be accessed remotely.

Services have the following properties:

  • name – the name of the service. This is a read-only property which serves as the resource identifier.
  • description – the description of the service
  • globalType – the name of the type that represents the state for global stateful procedures. Each field in the type will be a stateful variable of the same name in all global procedures of the service.
  • partitionedType – the name of the type that represents the state for partitioned stateful procedures. Each field in the type will create a stateful variable of the same name in all partitioned procedures of the service.
  • scheduledProcedures – an object that identifies the scheduled procedures and their intervals. Only valid for stateful services. Each scheduled procedure must be either global or multi-partitioned. If a listed procedure is neither of these (or doesn’t exist) then the service cannot run. The format is {<procedure name>: <interval in ms>, ...}.
  • eventTypes – an object that identifies the event types used to describe the production and consumption of events by the owning Service. The keys are the name of the Event Types which must be legal identifiers and unique for a given Service. The values are the Event Type definitions:
    • description – the description for the Event Type.
    • direction – indicates which way the events associated with the Event Type “flow”. Must be one of:
      • OUTBOUND – indicates that events flow from the Service to the consumer of the Service. Outbound Event Types can be referenced by the WHEN clause of a rule or as the triggering condition of an App.
      • INBOUND – indicates that events from the consumer to the Service for processing. Inbound Event Types can be used as the target of a PUBLISH statement.
    • implementingResource – The resource, either a Rule or an App that consumes the Inbound Event and implements its behavior.
    • isReliable – indicates whether the Service Event Type will be processed “reliably” (see the Reliable Messaging Guide for more details).
    • eventSchema – a reference to a Type which describes the structure of the data associated with events of this type.
  • interface – a list of the interfaces of all public procedures in the service. This is may be explicit set or otherwise dynamically generated for local and system services, and must match the publisher’s interface for catalog services. Its name and typedParameters fields will be validated against the actual procedures when publishing and subscribing. The fields for each Object are below, and typically match fields of the same name in procedures:
    • name – the name of the procedure. Must not include the service name.
    • returnType – an object identifying the type of the return value. Can be null or unspecified. Format is as follows:
      • type – a string that is name of the return type. Must be one of the valid VAIL types or a custom type.
      • multi – a boolean stating whether to expect an array as a result.
    • description – a string describing the procedure. Can be null or unspecified.
    • parameters – a list that provides details for each parameter. It must be in the same order as the actual parameters. The fields for each Object are as follows:
      • name – the name of the parameter. This value will always be used in validation.
      • type – a string identifying the type of the parameter. Must be one of the valid VAIL types or a custom type. If the actual procedure is typed, then this will be used in validation. Note that the actual parameter’s type should be Object if the listed type is a custom type.
      • multi – a boolean indicating whether the parameter is expected to be an array. This value will always be used in validation.
      • description – a description of the parameter. This value is never used in validation. It may be null or unspecified.
      • required – a boolean indicating whether the parameter is required by the procedure. This value is never used in validation. It may be null or unspecified.

Standard Operations


Services support the execute operation on their procedures. The resource id for the request is the qualified service procedure name of the form <serviceName>/<procedureName>. The body of the request is the parameters to be passed to the procedure. These can be given in either positional form (an array) or named parameters (an object):

    <procedure parameters>


Services support the publish operation on their inbound event types. The resource id for the request is the qualified service event type of the form <serviceName>/<eventTypeName>. The body of the request is the data to be published. For example in the REST binding the request would be:



In addition to the standard health and metrics properties, the response from the status operation may include:

  • stateInitializedBoolean value indicating whether or not the service’s state has been initialzed. Will only be present for stateful services.
  • scheduledProceduresObject value containing information for each of the service’s scheduled procedures (if any). The names of the Object properties correspond to currently known scheduled procedures. Each procedure entry may have the following properties:
    • interval – the current scheduling interval for the procedure.
    • eventName – the name of the scheduled event used to execute the procedure (if not present then the scheduled procedure is not currently active).

Custom Operations


An event is published to a Service Inbound Event Type by issuing a publish request on the Event Type name with the body of the request containing the event data associated with the publication.



Services may contain the following relationships:

  • contains relationship to all of the Procedures within the Service.
  • dependency relationship on any Types used to contain the Service State or referenced as the event schema on any Service Event Types.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Service instances in their namespace and read-only access to all system services.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Service instances.


Get a Service definition

  "name": "MyService",
  "description": "This is a description of my service.",
  "interface": ["firstProcedure", "secondProcedure"]

Update Service description

  "name": "MyService",
  "description": "This is a new description for my service."


A source describes an external system that either sends data to the Vantiq server or receives data and notifications from the Vantiq server.

An overview of external system integration via sources can be found in External Source Reference Guide
There are a variety of external sources predefined in Vantiq:

Additionally, new external source types can be created using the Enterprise Connector capability. See Enterprise Connectors Reference Guide for details.

A source is created or updated by issuing a POST on the sources resource type. All sources must define a standard set of properties and an additional, source type specific set of configurations parameters. The JSON form of a source is as follows:

    "name": "<sourceName>",
    "type": "<sourceType>",
    "config": {
        <source type specific parameters>
    "autoUnwind": <automatically unwind events>


  • name – the name assigned to the source.
  • type – the type of source. Currently, a type specified by an Enterprise Connector or one of these string values:
    • EMAIL
    • SMS
    • MQTT
    • AMQP
    • REMOTE
    • KAFKA
    • GCPS
  • config – contains the source type specific parameters associated with the source. The detailed contents of config is defined in the source type specific documentation referenced above.
  • autoUnwind – indicates whether the source should automatically “unwind” any event data that it receives. If true, then if an array is received as event data, the system will immediately process the array and generate one event for each array member (instead of one containing the array itself).

A source is deleted by issuing a DELETE on the sources resource supplying the name of the source to delete.

Custom Operations

Sources support the following custom resource operations.


Publishes data to the specified source. This operation accepts one argument, the data to publish. This is expected to be a JSON document.


Performs a query operation against the specified source. This operation accepts one argument, a description of the query to perform. This is expected to be a JSON document. The details for which sources support querying and the format of their query document can be found in the documentation for each source type.


This deploys a connector image for the source.
The parameters are identical to those of the K8s Cluster Deploy operation with the addition of the clusterName which names the cluster to which to deploy.
(See the example below for details.)

The operation is invoked using the source’s resource URI with “/command’ appended.


This fetches the logs for a K8s Installation associated with a connector.
The parameters are identical to the
K8s Cluster FetchLogs operation
with the addition of the clusterName which names the cluster containing the installation
on which to operate.


This restarts a K8s Installation associated with a connector.
The parameters are identical to the
K8s Cluster Restart operation
with the addition of the clusterName which names the cluster containing the installation
on which to operate.

The operation is invoked using the source’s resource URI with “/command’ appended.


This shuts down a K8s Installation associated with a connector.
The parameters are identical to the
K8s Cluster Shutdown operation
with the addition of the clusterName which names the cluster containing the installation
on which to operate.

The operation is invoked using the source’s resource URI with “/command’ appended.


This performs an undeploy operation on the K8s Installation connector associated with this source.
The parameters are identical to the
K8s Cluster Undeploy undeploy operation
with the addition of the clusterName which names the cluster containing the installation
on which to operate.

The operation is invoked using the source’s resource URI with “/command’ appended.


Sources may have any of the following relationships:

  • dependency relationship to the Type used as the messageType
  • executes relationship to the Mock Publish or Mock Query Procedures
  • dependency relationship to the Source Implementation used by an Enterprise Connector

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Source instances in their namespace and read-only access to all system sources.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Source instances.

Group Enabled

Sources are a “group enabled” resource. Placing a “source” into a group restricts use of the source (for both publish and subscribe) to identities which are members of the group.


Create Source

Create (or update) an MQTT source:

        "name": "myMqttSource",
        "type": "MQTT",
        "direction": "SOURCE",
        "config": {
           "serverURIs": ["tcp://"],
           "topics": [""],
           "keepAliveInterval": 30,
           "connectionTimeout": 30,
           "cleanSession": true,

Delete Source

A user defined node may be deleted by using the deleteNode REST request supplying the name of the node to delete. Example:



        "op": "deploy",
        "data": {
            "clusterName": "clusterForMySource",
            "name": "connectorInstallation",
            "k8sNamespace": "myNamespace",
            "config": [
                  "type": "image",
                  "name": "myRepo/connectorImage"
                  "type" : "file",
                  "content" : "some data",
                  "path" : "/app/somedirectory",
                  "filename": "myfile",
                  "contentName": "configMapKey"

Note that the config data will be image specific.

This operation will return the K8s Workitem for the request created.
For the operation performed above, this will look like the following:

       "requestId": "<some UUID>",
       "clusterName": "clusterForMySource",
       "operation": "deploy",
       "timestamp": <time of request>
       "status": "REQUESTED"
       "request": <config value from request>
       "requestedBy": "<name of the Vantiq user who performed the deploy>"


Data retrieval needs for different applications can vary significantly. One application might work heavily with timeseries data, while another focuses on analytics. There is no one storage management solution that works well in all scenarios. Further, applications may need to work with data stored externally to Vantiq where it is not practical to import a copy. The storage manager resource addresses these issues by enabling users to add pluggable storage management capabilities to meet their specific needs. Once a user successfully installs and configures a storage manager, applications can access the external data as though it were stored locally to the Vantiq system. Further, an application may leverage any special capabilities inherent to the remote data storage system with the understanding that operations specific to a particular data store are unlikely to work in other contexts. The trade-off inherent in taking advantage of these specialized features is that applications give up some degree of data store independence.


In addition to the name there is a single property for a storage manager: implementingService. This identifies the service responsible for handling all requests for data associated with the storage manager.

Storage Manager Reference in Type Definition

Type definitions whose underlying data are handled by a storage manager contain a storage manager reference. In addition to naming the storage manager for the external data, the reference may also designate how to connect to the external store and may define additional properties as name, value pairs. This mechanism marries the type system with external storage management enabling applications to work with external data in the same manner as locally stored data subject to the capabilities of the underlying system. See also the storageManager property for the Types resource


A TensorFlow model (an instance of the tensorflowmodels resource) represents a
specific type of neural net model stored in the Vantiq system.

TensorFlow Model Parts

YOLO TensorFlow Models

(For more information about YOLO TensorFlow models,
please see the Image Processing Reference Guide.)

YOLO TensorFlow models require the uploading of two (2) files: a JSON file known as the meta file that contains the meta information (names of labels, controlling information about the model), and the model itself (a protobuf representation of the model).
The meta file is typically hundreds to thousands of bytes;
the model file can be hundreds of megabytes.

When creating a YOLO TensorFlow model,
use a modelType of tensorflow/yolo.
Note that the modelType tensorflow/yolo is used for both YOLO v2 and YOLO v3 models.
The associated meta file contains sufficient information to distinguish the versions.

Information about generating meta file and the model itself can be found in the Image Processing Reference Guide.

TensorFlow models (non-YOLO)

More general TensorFlow models can include a meta file,
but it is not required.
When used, only the meta file section describing the
input and output operations
is used.

When creating a (non-YOLO) TensorFlow model,
use a modelType of tensorflow/plain.

Creating & Updating Tensorflowmodel Instances

TensorFlow models that do not use a meta file are created or updated by sending the JSON representation of the model to the resource URI.
The JSON representation of the model is as follows:

    "name": "<model name>",
    "modelType": "tensorflow/yolo" | "tensorflow/plain",
    "contentSize": <size of model to be uploaded>

For TensorFlow models that use a meta file, upload the meta file using a multi-part MIME message as follows:

POST<name of model>&modelType=<appropriate model type>&modelLength=<length of model>
--<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: application/json
<meta content>
--<your boundary marker>

The modelLength is used by the system to know when all segments have been uploaded.

Uploading Model Content

In either case, the actual model content should be uploaded using the
tus protocol.
The tus protocol provides for segmented, restartable uploads.

Once the model as been created or updated, the instance will exist in the Vantiq system,
but it will be marked as incomplete.
Incomplete models cannot be used for analysis until they are made complete.
When the uploading of segments completes
(when sufficient data to satisfy contentSize or modelLength has been provided),
the model will be marked complete.

To complete the model, the model content will be uploaded by segment using the tus protocol.
The description of the tus protocol can be found in the tus specification.
At a high level, the sequence of events is as follows:

  • Issue an HTTP OPTIONS request against the TensorFlow model. The result will contain the following headers:
    • Tus-Max-Size – Upload size limit for each segment to be uploaded
    • Tus-Extension – Will contain information about extensions to the protocol
      • Vantiq-Patch-Multipart-Form – Indicates that we support multi-part MIME patch requests.
        Uploading via multi-part MIME is very strongly encouraged.
      • Vantiq-Multipart-Max-Size – Limit for upload size using this extension
      • Vantiq-Multipart-Max-Size – Value of ‘true’ indicates that this is an edge installation
  • Issue an HTTP HEAD request against the instance.
    The result will contain the following headers:

    • Upload-Length – Expected size of the complete model.
      This was included in the multi-part MIME request that created the tensorflowmodel.
    • Upload-Offset – The offset at which the next upload should start.
  • Upload the data segments
    • Each upload must contain the appropriate tus headers:
      • Tus-Resumable – should contain 1.0.0
      • Upload-Offset – the offset at which this segment is to be placed.
        This should match the Upload-Offset header returned by the HEAD request above.
      • Content-Type – should be set to multipart/form-data if using multi-part MIME, application/offset+octet-stream otherwise.
    • If multi-part form PATCH requests are supported,
      • PATCH the segment as form data, setting the part’s content-type: application/offset+octet-stream
    • If multi-part form PATCH requests are not supported (or not available),
      • send a PATCH request containing the segment to the URL.
  • Repeat the upload, updating the offset as each segment is uploaded.
    If desired, you can repeat the HEAD request, but it is not necessary.

Any HEAD request on a specific instance of tensorflowmodels will return
the current state of the upload process, as per tus.
If not all segments can be uploaded (e.g. some network disconnection occurs),
a subsequent HEAD request will let you know where in the process things are.
The next upload can, then, resume the process.

Additionally, on an edge installation, TensorFlow model instances may be created by uploading the model and meta file in one (typically, very large) multi-part MIME message.
It is not necessary to use this as
edge installations support the segment upload described above;
it is provided for simplicity.
Uploading a model using a multi-part MIME message is accomplished using a message of the following form:

--<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: application/json
<meta content>
--<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: application/octet
<model content>
--<your boundary marker>--


  • <assignedName> is the name of the TensorFlow model as stored in tensorflowmodels instance.
  • <fileName> is the name of the file from which the model content
    or meta information was obtained.

In addition, the appropriate HTTP headers must be set:

ContentLength: <length of http content in above message>
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=<your boundary marker>

Once the instance has been created,
the TensorFlow model’s information will be available via the resource URI:
This will return the following JSON representation:

    "name": "models/mymodel",
    "modelType": "<model type in question>",
    "metaFile": <some JSON object>,
    "content": "/tfmodels/models/mymodel"

The content property is the absolute URI that can be used to retrieve the file’s content from the Vantiq server.
The modelType property was provided when the model was created.

The model name can be any string, so long as the first character is not a /.

Note that the resource instance URI and the /tfmodels URI always require authentication, even for public documents.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all TensorFlow model instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to any TensorFlow model instance which they have created.


Edge: Create or Update TensorFlow model

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sampleModel"; filename="mymodel.bin"
Content-Type: application/octet
<bytes for the model>    
<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sampleModel"; filename="mymeta.json"
Content-Type: application/json
<bytes for the meta information>    
<your boundary marker>

The headers:

ContentLength: Varies, based on boundary & model bytes length
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=dLV9Wyq26L_-JQxk6ferf-RT153LhOO

Create TensorFlow model

  "name": "myModel",
  "modelType": "tensorflow/plain",
  "contentSize": 203959508

(Note that this is not an atypical content size.)

This would be followed by the loading of the model content using tus.

Delete model



Tests are the mechanism for testing the functionality of Vantiq resources or for a full Vantiq application.

The resource model for tests can be found in the Test Reference Guide.

Custom Operations


Tests may have any of the following relationships:

  • test_for relationship to the Rule, Procedure, or Project being tested
  • dependency relationship to the setup and cleanup Procedures as well as any resources used as Test inputs, outputs, or as validation Procedures

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all test instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to test instances.

Test Reports

Test Reports are the test history for previously run tests. They contain the following properties:

  • id – the unique identifier for the report
  • name – the name of the test that was run
  • status – the current status of the test which may be: preparing, generating, executing, analyzing, complete, or cleaned.
  • successes – the list of expected outputs that were successfully received by the test
  • failures – the list of expected outputs that were not received by the test or errors that occurred in the namespace during the test
  • startTime – the time the test began to execute
  • endTime – the time that test execution completed
  • isUnitTest – a boolean that is true if the tested resource was a Rule or Procedure
  • testSuiteName – if the test run was part of a larger test suite, the name of the test suite that was run

Test execution is triggered by performing an insert operation on the system resource system.testreports. To begin a Test run of a Unit or Integration Test,
INSERT into the Type system.testreports with the name property set to the name of the Test. For example,
to run a Test called MyProcedureTest:

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/system.testreports
Body: { "name": "MyProcedureTest"}

For more information, reference the Test Reference Guide

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all test report instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to test report instances.

Test Suites

Test Suites are the mechanism for running a series of tests that all test the same Rule, Procedure, or Project.

The resource model for Test Suites can be found in the Test Reference Guide.

Custom Operations


Test Suites may have any of the following relationships:

  • test_for relationship to the Rule, Procedure, or Project being tested
  • test_for relationship to all of the tests contained by the suite

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all test suite instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have no access rights to test suite instances.


Tokens are one of the mechanisms for authenticating requests to the Vantiq Server. Tokens can be used to create long lived secure connections between nodes in a distributed Vantiq system. In order to connect two Vantiq nodes so that one node can issue requests to the other you can use either an access token or username/ password pair.

Tokens have the following properties:

  • accessToken – an immutable, system generated value which is used as a natural key. Only visible to the creator of the token.
  • profiles – a list of profile names which specify the authorizations associated with this token. Any profiles assigned cannot exceed the authorizations of the requester. If not specified, then the token will be a “personal token”.
  • singleNamespace – a boolean indicating whether the token is limited to accessing the current namespace. Only relevant for personal tokens, as other tokens never have permissions outside their original namespace.
  • name – a human-readable name that can be used to identify a token
  • username – the user who this token was created for. If this is a token for connecting nodes, not a specific user, it will have a username like NODENAME__NAMESPACENAME.
  • expiresAt – a DateTime value which indicates when the token “expires” (meaning that it can no longer be used as a valid authentication credential). By default tokens do not expire.
  • tokenType – Optional, can either be ‘temporary’ or ‘permanent’. Users of the API need not specify this, we will assume by default tokens created through the API will be used by nodes, and will have a tokenType of ‘permanent’.

Note that when creating a token, the accessToken and expiresAt properties cannot be explicitly set. The accessToken property
will automatically be generated by the system when the token is first inserted. The expiresAt property can be configured
through use of the pseudo-property tokenTimeout, which can only be specified on insert. Use tokenTimeout to express how
long the token should be valid, in seconds, and the token created will have an expiresAt time that is that far in the

A “personal token” is a token created with no profiles specified. Any user of a personal token will act as if they were the token creator, including access to all their namespaces. When creating a personal token,
the singleNamespace property can be specified to limit the token to only the current namespace.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Token instances in their namespace. They cannot see the accessToken field for tokens created by other users.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Token instances which they have created (although users cannot directly create their own tokens, there are situations where the system will create them on their behalf).


Create Access Token

This creates a new token with the “user” profile (from the requestors namespace) which will expire 10 minutes (600 seconds) after creation.

Method: POST
URL: /api/v1/resources/tokens
Body: { "profiles": ["system.user"], "name": "testToken", tokentTimeout: 600 }

Delete token or revoke access

This deletes (revokes) a previously created token

Method: DELETE
URL: /api/v1/resources/la28DUJ008LLAJllsliqo

(where la&8DUJ008LLAJllsliqo is a valid token string)


User-defined topics for use in the Vantiq publish/subscribe model may be registered, published and deleted with the Vantiq services. Registration is optional but recommended as it enriches the metadata on which the Vantiq IDE operates.

Topics have the following properties:

  • name – the name of the topic
  • description – the topic’s description
  • isReliable – indicates whether the events received by the topic will be handled “reliably”.
  • autoUnwind – indicates whether the system should automatically “unwind” any event data received by the topic. If true, then if an array is received as event data, the system will immediately process the array and generate one event for each array member (instead of one containing the array itself).

Topic names are always prefixed with a leading / and contain only alphanumeric characters, with optional / separators. Each / character must be followed by at least one alphanumeric character, the topic string may not end in a /. Topic names may not start with: /type, /property or /system.

When specifying a topic as a resource name on the URL, the final URL always contains ‘//’ at the start of the topic name. The first ‘/’ identifies the next part of the URL and the second ‘/’ the first character of the topic name.

Custom Operations

Topics support the following custom resource operations.


A topic is published by issuing a publish request on the topic name with the body of the request containing the data associated with the publication. This data value will be delivered to any subscribed rule as the newValue property of the event.



Topics may have a dependency relationship to the Type used as the messageType.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Topic instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Topic instances in their namespace.


Create Topic

  "name": "/my/sample/account/update/topic",
  "description": "Published after a customer successfully updates their account info."

Publish Topic

    "temp": 49,
    "wind": 2,
    "barometer": 990

Delete Topic


Note that the topic name must be URL encoded in order to be placed in the DELETE URL.


A tracking region represents a named area in a coordinate space.
Tracking regions have the following properties:

  • name – this is the name of the tracking region.
  • boundary – this is an Object that contains a list of (at most 4) points that comprise the boundary of the region.
  • distance – this is an Object containing the following properties:
    • points – a list of two points
    • distance – the distance between these two points
  • direction – this is an Object containing the following properties
    • points – a list of two points
    • direction – the direction (compass degrees between 0 and 360) that movement from the
      first point to the second represents.

In each of the above, points are specified with an x and y component (alternately, you can use lon and lat, respectively.

A special note on the boundary:
the boundary forms a polygon from which we determine if an object is inside.
Because of this, the order of the points is important.
If you consider walking counter-clockwise from the first point to the second, and so on,
the inside of the boundary is considered to be on your left.
That is, you will specify the boundary in a counter-clockwise fashion.
If the boundary points are not in a reasonable order,
you will get an error stating that the polygon formed has either zero or infinite area.
To resolve this,
correct the order of the boundary points.

The distance and direction properties are optional.
If they are not present,
motion tracking cannot determine velocity information.

The JSON representation of a tracking region as follows:

    "name": "intersection",
            { "x": 670, "y":699 },
            { "x": 1767, "y": 700 },
            { "x": 1765, "y": 1066 },
            { "x": 671, "y": 1067 }
    "distance": {
        "points": [ 
            { "x": 746, "y": 418 },
            { "x":1033, "y": 420 }
        "distance": 24
    "direction": {
        "points" : [ 
            { "x": 523, "y": 1000 },
            { "x": 623, "y": 1000 }
        "direction": 90

In this example, we have a region called intersection with a defined boundary.
The distance between the two points specified is 24 (the units are unspecified, but should be understood by the application developer).
The direction between the two points listed is east (compass direction 90 degrees).

For more information about using regions,
please see the Motion Tracking section
of the Image Processing Guide.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Video instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to any Video instance which they have created.


Create Tracking Region

    "name": "intersection",
            { "x": 670, "y":699 },
            { "x": 1767, "y": 700 },
            { "x": 1765, "y": 1066 },
            { "x": 671, "y": 1067 }
    "distance": {
        "points": [ 
            { "x": 746, "y": 418 },
            { "x":1033, "y": 420 }
        "distance": 24
    "direction": {
        "points" : [ 
            { "x": 523, "y": 1000 },
            { "x": 623, "y": 1000 }
        "direction": 90

Delete Tracking Region



Types represent the data (objects) managed by the Vantiq System. Types are classified as either resource types or schema types.

  • Resource types, also known simply as types contain collections of identically typed object instances.
  • Schema types are used to describe the structure (schema) of data obtained from an external source or transmitted in an event.

A type has the following properties:

  • name – the name of the type as a String. The name must be unique. Type names starting with “Ars” are reserved for system use to unambiguously identify system types such as ArsChat and ArsRuleSnapshot. A type name is an alphanumeric string which may contain embedded underscore characters. No other characters are allowed in a type name. A type name may be prefixed with a namespace name.
  • role – one of:
    • standard – the type defines a user-defined resource. If not specified, standard is the default.
    • schema – the type defines a schema type.
  • version – the version of the type definition as a String. This property is reserved for future use.
  • documentation – an array of links to documentation resources describing the type.
  • properties – a map describing the properties defined on the type. Each entry in properties is an object containing the following properties:
    • name – property names starting with “_” or “ars_” are reserved for system use. Property name is an alphanumeric string which may contain embedded underscore characters.
    • type – One of the following built-in types: [“String”, “Integer”, “Real”, “Boolean”, “DateTime”, “Decimal”, “Currency”, “GeoJSON”, “Object”] or name of a user-defined type or schema.
    • required – a boolean indicating whether the value must be supplied on create or insert.
    • default – the default value to assign if the property is not referenced in the insert request. A default value of null is equivalent to not specifying the default property at all as it is not possible to declare a default value that is the null value.
    • scale – for Decimal and Currency values the number of digits of precision being carried.
    • array – boolean indicating that the property is multi-valued and, therefore, represented as an array of values.
    • encrypted – boolean indicating the value of the property will be encrypted when stored in the database. The encryption key defined for the namespace will be used to encrypt the value. Note: the value of encrypted should NOT be changed if there are instances of the type stored in the database – once set, an attempt will be made to decrypt all values of this property leading to corrupted data being returned for those instances which pre-dated the enabling of encryption on this property.
  • maxStorage – The maximum amount of storage (in bytes) to be allocated to this type. If more objects are inserted into the type than will fit in the allocated space, old objects are removed using a first in, first out strategy to make space available for the newly inserted objects. The space allocated must be at least 4096 bytes. Note that there are two restrictions on the operations allowed on objects in a type with maxStorage value:
    • updates are not supported
    • delete is not supported
  • maxObjects – The maximum number of object instances to be stored for the type. This property may only be set if maxStorage is set. If maxObjects is reached before maxStorage has been reached, objects will be removed from the type using a first in, first out strategy to make room for the new objects. The maxStorage value always takes precedence over maxObjects. Therefore, there will only maxObjects in the type if there is sufficient storage allocated by maxStorage AND at least maxObjects have been inserted into the type.
  • naturalKey – an array of property names identifying the properties that make up a unique key for the objects stored in the type. The naturalKey may contain the names of one or more properties. It is the responsibility of the user to guarantee that objects with identical naturalKeys are not inserted into the type. One option for enforcing this constraint is to define a unique index on the primary key properties. Another option is to use only the UPSERT statement to add new objects to type. The UPSERT statement will always peform an update to the existing object if it finds an object with the primary key value specified in the UPSERT.
  • indexes – an array of indexes to be defined on the type. Each entry is an index description consisting of:
    • keys – an array of property names defining the (composite) key. The name is preceded by a ‘-’ if the key should be indexed descending and an optional ‘+’ if the key should be indexed ascending. The name is preceded by a ‘#’ if the key is a geolocation (represented in GeoJSON format) and a geospatial index is requested. Only a single property in the key set can be declared as a geospatial key. The values of the geospatial key will be interpreted as points, lines and areas on the surface of a sphere.
    • options – an object containing any options to be applied to the index. Current options are:
      • unique – a boolean value indicating whether the index is unique.
  • foreignKeys – identifies properties whose values represent the natural key of another type. Such keys supports references from one type to another type. The foreignKey property contains an array of foreign key definitions. Each foreign key definition contains the name of the target type and an array of key properties with each key property consisting of a pair representing the property name in the local type and the corresponding property name in the target type. Example:{ “name”: “MyExampleEmp”,
    “properties”: {
    “empId”: { “type”: “String” },
    “empAddress”: { “type”: “String” },
    “deptName”: { “type”: “String” }
    “foreignKeys”: [{“type”: “dept”, “keys”: [{“property”:”deptName”, “targetProperty”: “name”}]]

Assuming dept has the following minimal definition:

   { "name: "dept",
     "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "String" }
     "naturalKey": ["name"]
  • userAccessLevel – specifies the level of access that should be granted to the type by the built-in user profile. The possible values are the well-known system access levels or one of the type-specific custom levels.
  • adminAccessLevel – specifies the level of access that should be granted to the type by the built-in admin profile. The possible values are the well-known system access levels or one of the type-specific custom levels.
  • accessLevels – specifies additional access levels that can be used when determining what permissions should be granted for a type. The format is a mapping object where the key is the name of the access level and the value is a profile DML entry. Example:
      "myAccessLevel": {
          "select": {},
          "insert": {},
          "update": {"total" : {"ars_substitution_lt": "USD:100"}},
          "delete": {},
          "invoke": []
  • expiresAfter – specifies a time to live for instances of this type as an interval constant (e.g. 1 hour or 2 days). The time is measured from the moment that the instance is created (as recorded in the ars_createdAt system property) and once the instances has “expired” the system may delete the instance at its discretion. Instances that remain beyond their expiration time will function identically to those that have not (so if your application needs to ignore them, it should remove them explicitly).
  • rulesSuppressed – when true specifies that the runtime will not execute rules which trigger on insert, update,
    or delete events for this type. This applies to both BEFORE and WHEN rules. For types in applications that do not require rule-based processing to occur on write
    operations, the system can greatly reduce the overhead and realize a significant performance improvement when executing
  • storageManager – a reference to the storage manager repsonsible for handling all data requests related to this type. See storagemanagers. The reference consists of the following fields:
    • name – the name of the storage manager
    • connection (optional) – the name of the connection the storage manager must use for this type. If no connection is provided, then the default connection is used.
    • properties (optional) – an Object containing name-value pairs defining any additional storage manager specific properties. These are provided as-is to the storage manager when manipulating the type.

JSON Representation

A stylized JSON representation of a type object:

{ "name": "String",
  "properties": {"<propertyName>": {"type": "String", "required": "Boolean"},
           "<propertyName>": {"type": "String", "required": "Boolean"},
  "indexes": [{"keys": [<"propertyName>", "<propertyName>", ...], "options": {"unique": "Boolean"}}]

Deleting Types

When a type is deleted, all instances of the type are deleted.

Compatible Type Extensions

Type definitions may be modified by authorized users. However, care must be taken if instances of the type exist at the time the type definition is modified. Vantiq recommends that such type changes be upward compatible with existing instances of the type:

  • add a property
  • modify index definitions

Incompatible extensions include changing the attributes of a property. For example, if the type for a property is changed from Integer to String, the data in any existing instances of the type will not be converted to string and will generate unexpected errors when referenced. Similarly, if the multi attribute for a property is changed, the internal representation of existing instances of the type will be incorrect and will generate runtime errors.

The name and role attributes of a type may not be changed. The type must be re-created in order to change one of those attributes.

Query Substitutions

Types support queries to identify the set of objects returned by a GET request.
In order to make queries reasonably general, certain values known to the system at runtime must be available for use in queries.
Such parameters may be included in a query constraint by specifying the parameter in the following form:

 {"ars_substitution": <value>}

where <value> is a special reserved identifier.
Special reserved identifiers are available for these system-known values:

  • ars_username – refers to the name of the currently authenticated user. Helpful when creating audit objects.
  • ars_currentDateTime – refers to the current date and time (UT). Helpful when timestamping objects.
  • ars_substitution_<operator> – this is a highly specialized pattern that defines a query constraint operator to be substituted into the query. <operator> can be replaced by any query operator such as ‘or’, ‘and’, ‘elemMatch’, etc. That is, by simply naming the operator but without the leading ‘$’. The operator is then substituted into the query as $<operator>. The reason for this construct is that the default storage manager (MongoDB) will not store property names containing a leading ‘$’. By replacing the leading $ with ‘ars_substitution_’, the constraint can be stored in the database. Note that it is the user’s responsibility to specify the query constraint in a valid format.


 {"name":{"ars_substitution": "ars_username" }}

Custom Operations


Types have a dependency relationship to any nested Types referenced within the Type definition.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Type instances in their namespace and read-only access to any system types.
  • user – users have read-only access rights to all Type instances.

Group Enabled

Types are a “group enabled” resource. Placing a “type” into a group restricts use of the type to identities which are members of the group.


Events are generated for the following operations:

  • insert – occurs any time an instance of a type is inserted. The data provided is the instance of the type that was inserted.
  • update – occurs any time one or more instances of a type are updated. The data provided depends on whether this was a single instance update or a bulk update:
    • For a single instance update the data is the updated instance.
    • For a bulk update the data is an object with the following properties:
      • ars_bulkOperation – boolean with a value of true.
      • qual – an object describing the query used to select the instances to udpate.
      • count – the number of instances updated.
  • delete – occurs any time one or more instances of a type are deleted. The data provided depends on whether this was a single instance delete or a bulk delete:
    • For single instance delete the data provided is the deleted instance.
    • For a bulk delete the data is an object with the following properties:
      • ars_bulkOperation – boolean with a value of true.
      • qual – an object describing the query used to select the instances to udpate.
      • count – the number of instances updated.


Create Type

  "name": "PaulType",
  "properties": {
      "empName": { "type": "String" },
      "salary": {"type": "Integer" },
  "indexes": [{keys: ["empName"]]

Delete Type



A User resource defines users authorized to access Vantiq services. Each namespace supports a set of users. Users are provisioned by a namespace administrator using the POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE REST requests.

A User resource has the following JSON representation:
{ “username”: ““,
“password”: ““,
“profiles”: [““, …],
“email”: ““,
“preferredUsername”: ““, “firstName”: ““, “lastName”: “” }


The username property is required and must be globally unique for the Vantiq deployment. User names may contain the following characters:


    • alphanumerics


    • embedded underscore(_)


    • embedded period(.)


    • embedded dash(-)


    • embedded atSign(@)



This covers the most common characters used in email addresses. By convention, user names are generally defined as one of the user’s email addresses.


User names are case insensitive. Note that all other names in Vantiq are case sensitive.


The password is also required and once transmitted during the initial user creation is stored as a one-way hash value.


When configured to use an OAuth based authorization provider, both the email and preferredUsername properties will be automatically populated using the OAuth profile claims (when available).


The profiles property is optional, but if no value is provided the system will assign the built-in user profile for both local and system access.


All other properties are optional.


Access Rights


    • admin – admin users have full access rights to all User instances in their namespace. This includes the ability to explicitly set passwords.


    • developer – developers have read and update access rights to their own User instance. They are also restricted from changing their own profiles.


    • user – users have read and update access rights to their own User instance. They are also restricted from changing their own profiles.





Events are generated for the following operations:


    • authenticationSuccess – occurs whenever the user is successfully authenticated. Only applies when Vantiq is configured to use its internal authentication system. The event is always generated in the user’s home namespace. The data provided on the event is the users instance.


    • authorizationFailure – occurs whenever the user attempts an operation for which they are not authorized. The data provided is an object with the properties:
        • error – the error message


        • namespace – the namespace in which the failure occurred.







Create User


  "username": "[email protected]",
  "password": "mypassword"

Creates a new user named “[email protected]” with the password specified. In this simple example all other properties are assigned their default values.

Delete User

DELETE[email protected]


A video represents the data comprising a video stored in the Vantiq Database. Video instances are created by uploading the contents of the video using a multi-part MIME message of the following form:

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<assignedName>"; filename="<filename>"
Content-Type: <contentType>
<file content>
<your boundary marker>


  • <assignedName> is the name of the video as stored in videos instance.
  • <fileName> is the name of the file from which the content was obtained.
  • <contentType> is the mime type of the video (e.g. video/mpeg, video/mp4)

In addition, the appropriate HTTP headers must be set:

ContentLength: <length of http content in above message>
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=<your boundary marker>

Once the file has been uploaded its meta-data will be available via the resource URI: api/v1/resources/videos/<assignedName>.
This will return the following JSON representation:

    "name": "assets/movies/cars/mydrive.mp4",
    "fileType": "video/mp4",
    "content": "/vids/assets/movies/cars/mydrive.mp4"

The content property is the absolute URI that can be used to retrieve the file’s content from the Vantiq server. The fileType property is set by Vantiq based on the uploaded file’s extension, but it can be changed once the file has been uploaded.

The video name can be any string, so long as the first character is not a /.

Note that the resource instance URI and the /vids URI always require authentication, even for public documents.

Access Rights

  • admin – admin users have full access rights to all Video instances in their namespace.
  • user – users have full access rights to any Video instance which they have created.


Create or Update Video

<your boundary marker>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sampleVideo"; filename="mydrive.mp4"
Content-Type: video/mp4
<bytes for the video>    
<your boundary marker>

The headers:

ContentLength: Varies, based on boundary & video bytes length
ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=dLV9Wyq26L_-JQxk6ferf-RT153LhOO

Delete Video



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