
Testing Applications is a critical step in the Software development lifecycle. The ability to ensure correctness of an Application throughout its lifetime is key to its success.

Vantiq Applications are event driven and therefore Vantiq Tests must be as well. Vantiq Tests are capable of simulating and validating every type of event that may occur within the system including publishes to Topics, interactions with Sources, operations on Types, and executions of Procedures.

Note: This does not include testing Clients or System Models

There are two categories of Vantiq Tests: Unit Tests and Integration Tests. A Vantiq Unit Test is for testing Procedures, Rules, and inbound Service Event Types individually. A Vantiq Integration Test is used to test Applications at the Project level. This is targeted towards testing Services, Apps, Collaborations and how they interact with each other within an Application/Project.

Types of Tests

Unit Tests

A Unit Test tests an individual Procedure, Rule, or inbound Service Event Type rather than a complete Project. The test is run in the same Namespace as the Rule, Procedure, or Service is defined. At the end of a Test run, a report is created including which outputs were successful or failed, as well as any errors produced during Test execution.

Integration Tests

Integration Tests are used to test the functionality of entire projects, rather than individual resources. At runtime, a Testing Namespace is created. The Project being tested is deployed to the new Namespace. A sequence of ordered input events described by the Test are generated and the Test waits for the expected outputs.

At the end of a Test, a report is upserted from the Testing Namespace to the original Namespace. The report includes which outputs were successful or failed, as well as any errors produced during Test execution. In the event of a successful run, the Namespace is deleted. In the event of a failure, the Testing Namespace is saved by default for the developer to further investigate what went wrong.

A specialized version of Integration Tests exists for Services. Service Integration Tests define a Service as the test resource rather than a Project. At runtime, a Service Integration Test will generate a Project that contains only the Service and its implementing resources. That project will be deployed to a Testing namespace so that it can be tested in isolation from the rest of the Project.

Note: Unit Tests are much faster than Integration Tests because they are run in the same namespace as the defined Rule or Procedure. They do not require generating a new namespace and deploying the Project first.

Test Reports for Test runs are found by clicking View Test History in the Test Pane or in the actions menu on the Tests Pane.

Test Report Detail

Developers can find all of the Testing Namespaces associated with failed Tests under the Testing Namespaces section of the Switch Namespaces pop-up. A developer may also navigate to a Testing Namespace for a particular Test run by clicking the Switch to Testing Namespace button within the Test Report Pane.

Switch Namespaces Popup

Defining a Test

Tests are defined by the following properties:

  • name (String, required): Name of the Test
  • description (String): Description of the Test
  • resource (ResourceReference, required): If the Test is an Integration Test, then the resource associated with the Test is a Project or Service. If the Test is a Unit Test, then it is the Procedure, Rule, or Service with a unitReference defined (ex: /projects/myProject or /rules/MyRule)
  • unitReference (Object, required for service unit tests): For Service Unit Tests, this property is required to specify which piece of the Service is being tested. This is an Object with the format {type: <unit type>, name: <unit name>} where type is either eventTypes or procedures and the unit name is the name of the Event Type or Procedure being tested.
  • inputs (Array of Objects): The list of input objects (see below for how to define inputs)
  • outputs (Array of Objects): The list of outputs objects (see below for how to define outputs)
  • timeoutTime (String, required): Global timeout time before the Test terminates. An interval string that limits how long the test is allowed to run (ex: 1 minute). The Test terminates after the time interval and all unseen outputs at this point are recorded as failures.
  • saveNamespace (Boolean): In the event of an Integration Test failure, this toggles whether or not the Testing namespace should be saved or deleted. This defaults to true in the IDE so that if a Test fails, the developer may inspect what went wrong.
  • runPolicies (Array of Objects): Array of run policy descriptors. Run Policies define a time interval for how frequently an automatic Test run will be triggered. (See below for how to define a run policy descriptor).
  • setup (String): The name of a zero-parameter Procedure which is executed before the Test begins running. Use a setup procedure to prime the testing environment so that the Test may run correctly.
  • cleanup (String): Name of a zero-parameter Cleanup Procedure which runs just after the Test completes. The Procedure will run whether or not the Test is successful. This is most useful for Unit Tests which run in the local Namespace. If the Test has any side-effects, the developer may want to clean-up their Namespace after the Test has completed.
  • unitAutopsy (Boolean): If set to true, this will turn on Tracing for the test resource during the test run. Note: this applies to Unit Tests only. Global tracing is automatically enabled for Integration Tests.
  • unitLogLevel (String): The log level set on the test resource during the test run. Note: this applies to Unit Tests only. A global “DEBUG” log level is automatically set for Integration Tests.

Test Definition

Defining an Input

A Test’s ordered inputs list describes inputs that are generated at Test time. Each input may contain the following properties:

  • resource (String, required): Resource associated with the event: “procedures”, “types”, “topics”, “sources”, “eventtypes”, “services”, or “eventgenerators”
  • resourceId (String, required): Unique name of the resource on which the event is created
  • op (String, Type event only, required): Operation associated with the Type event: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
  • qual (String, UPDATE/DELETE only, required): The associated WHERE clause for the UPDATE or DELETE operation required to qualify the operation to the targeted instances. (ex: name == “ABC”)
  • Event Object (Object): The message associated with the event.
    • Type events: Object that is INSERTED or UPDATED.
    • Source events: Message that will arrive from the Source.
    • Topic events: Message that is published to the given Topic.
    • Procedure execution: Object describing parameters passed into the Procedure.
  • returnValue (Object, Procedures only): The expected return value of a Procedure call. If this is not set, the returnValue for the Procedure will be ignored. The returnValue will be compared with the Procedure’s actual return value to validate the received return value. The defined returnValue will be cross-checked key by key with the received return value. Keys that are not specified in the returnValue object will not be used for validation and will be ignored. This allows variable properties, such as timestamps, to be omitted from the validation process.
  • periodic (Boolean): Whether or not the input should repeat periodically
  • periodInterval (String, Periodic inputs only): The interval between each periodic input event of this type (ex: 1 minute)
  • delay (String): The time interval before the following event occurs after this one (ex: 1 minute)

Input Definition

Defining an Output

The outputs list of a Test defines a list of outputs that are expected by the Test. Each output may contain the following properties:

  • resource (String, required): Resource associated with the event: “types”, “topics”, “sources”, “eventtypes”, or “services”
  • resourceId (String, required): Unique name of the resource on which the event is created
  • op (String, Type event only, required): Operation associated with the Type event: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
  • Missing (Boolean): The Test should not receive an output on this /resource/resourceId event path with the specified event value. If an output event marked as missing is received during Test execution, an error is logged and the Test fails.
  • validationMethod (String, required): The method which is used to check if the received output was valid. This property may be set to either: “Event Object”, “Validation Procedure”, or “Validation Procedure With Expected Object”. Depending on the validationMethod chosen, the following 2 properties will have to be specified.
  • eventObj (Object) : The event object description to be compared with the received event to validate the received output event. The defined eventObj will be cross-checked key by key with the received event. Keys that are not specified in the eventObj will not be used for validation and will be ignored. This allows variable properties, such as timestamps, to be omitted from the validation process.
  • validationProcedure (String): The name of a user-defined Procedure used to validate the event. If no event object is specified, the Procedure must take in one parameter: the received event. If an event object is specified, the procedure must take two parameters: the received event as the first parameter, and the expected event (eventObj) as the second parameter. The procedure must return true if the event was valid and false otherwise.
  • repeat (Object) : A bounded range of the number of events of this type that should be expected by the Test. If this property is not set, the output validation will default to expecting one or more events.
    If the number of received outputs of this type does not match what is expected, the Test fails. The repeat Object requires two keys:

    • op (String): This is the operator that defines the bounded range. Must be either “<”, “<=”, “==”, “>=”, or “>”
    • value (Integer): The value that defines the bounded range
      (ex: {"op": "<", "value": 10})
  • error (Boolean): Set to true if this output represents an expected error. For an error output set the resource to types and the resourceId to ArsRuleSnapshot. Error outputs require eventObj validation where the eventObj specifies the message, errorCode, and name of the error producing resource.
  • timeoutTime (String): Amount of time after the timeout event (see below) that this output must occur in order to be considered valid. If no timeout event is specified then the event must occur within the timeoutTime of the global start time of the Test. (ex: 1 minute)
  • timeoutEvent (Integer): The index of a specified input event within the inputs list. This output event must occur within timeoutTime of the specified input event to be considered valid.
  • prereqEvent (Object): An input event that must occur before this output occurs in order for this output to be considered valid. The input may be required to occur a specified number of times as a compound prerequisite event. The prereqEvent Object requires two keys:
    • event (Integer): The index of a specified input event within the inputs list
    • num (Integer): The number of times the prerequisite event must occur for the output to be considered valid

Output Definition

Defining a Run Policy

Run Policies define how frequently an automatic run of the Test should be triggered. For example, this allows developers to run the Tests every hour or every night automatically.

The runPolicies property of a Test is a list of Objects. A run policy object for a Scheduled run policy includes the following properties:

  • type (String, required): This must be set to “scheduled”
  • intervalAsText (String, required): The frequency that the Test should be run (ex: 1 hour)
  • occursAt (DateTime): The time to begin the scheduled testing. Defaults to Starting Now.

Note: The minimum frequency that may be set is 1 hour. Tests may not be scheduled to run automatically more frequently than once an hour. Also, only one test may be run at a time. Make sure that scheduled test runs will not conflict and begin trying to run at the same time.

Run Policies

Populate Testing Namespace With Data

Tests may specify a setup Procedure which will run after the test Project has been deployed to the testing Namespace but before the test begins running. The setup Procedure may take whatever actions required to prepare the testing Namespace for the test to be run.

This might involve setting a Source’s Mock Procedures (see below). This might also involve pulling data from the originating Namespace into the Testing Namespace. By default, the Testing Namespace will contain a Node that connects back to the originating Namespace. The Node’s name is the name of the Testing Namespace. To pull all of the records of a given Type from the originating Namespace to the testing Namespace, use the following skeleton code:

PROCEDURE setupProcedure()
var namespaceName = Context.nampesace()
SELECT * FROM <typeName> as instance PROCESSED BY name == namespaceName {
    INSERT <typeName>(instance)

Defining a Test Suite

Test Suites are a way of collecting multiple Tests that test the same resource. By running the Test Suite, each of the Tests defined within the Suite are run sequentially. A Test Suite run creates individual Test Reports for each Test within the Suite, as well as a composite report for the whole Suite.


  • name (String, required): Name of the Test Suite
  • description (String): Description of the Test Suite
  • resource (ResourceReference, required): If the Test Suite is an Integration Test, then the resource associated with the Test Suite is a Project or Service. If the Test is a Unit Test, then it is the Procedure, Rule, or Service with a unitReference defined (ex: /projects/myProject or /rules/MyRule)
  • unitReference (Object, required for service unit tests): For Service Unit Test Suites, this property is required to specify which piece of the Service is being tested. This is an Object with the format {type: <unit type>, name: <unit name>} where type is either eventTypes or procedures and the unit name is the name of the Event Type or Procedure being tested.
  • tests (Array of Strings, required): List of Test names that are run sequentially as part of the Suite
  • runPolicies (Array of Objects): Array of run policy descriptors. Run Policies define a time interval for how frequently an automatic Test Suite run will be triggered.
    (See above for how to define a run policy descriptor).

Test Suite

Test Suite Tests

When a Unit Test is defined on a Procedure or Rule, a Test Suite for that resource is automatically generated named <resourceName>_UnitTestSuite. This Test Suite automatically contains all of the Unit Tests for that resource at run time. This allows the developer to execute the full Test Suite defined for that resource within the Rule or Procedure pane.

Another Test Suite is automatically generated named <projectName>_UnitTestSuite. This Test Suite automatically contains all of the Unit Tests that test a Rule or Procedure in the Project.

Source Mocking For Tests

Deterministic Source messages are critical to defining a repeatable Test that does not produce undesired side effects. When an Integration Test is deployed into a Testing Namespace, all of the Sources are automatically placed in Mock Mode. This means that if the Test expects Source messages, mock Procedures must be defined on the Source. Otherwise, the Source will not be able to produce any messages.

Please see the External Source Reference Guide for more information about Mock Mode.

When running a Unit Test, Sources are not automatically set into Mock Mode so as to not disrupt the development Namespace where the Unit Test is run. However, a developer may use the Setup and Cleanup Procedures in the Test definition to set their Sources into Mock Mode for Unit Tests.

Developers may use built-in Procedures to turn Mock Mode on and off. Test.startSourceMocking(sourceName, queryProcedureName, publishProcedureName) turns on Source Mocking for the source sourceName and Test.stopSourceMocking(sourceName) to turn it off. For more information, please see the VAIL Rule and Procedure Reference Guide.

To Mock a source event use the procedure createSourceEvent(sourceName, message).

For example, assuming a source named MySource receiving XML data, the following VAIL procedure would publish a Mocked message as produced by MySource:

PROCEDURE mockSourceEvent()
var xml = "<message><city state=\"ca\">oakland</city></message>"
var message = parseXml(xml)
createSourceEvent("MySource", message)

Shortcuts to Building Tests in the IDE

Procedure Pane

By selecting the Create Unit Test button when Executing a Procedure, a new Unit Test is created with a single input and no outputs. The input includes the Procedure that was run, the parameters it was run with, and the return value that was returned. A new Test Pane opens and displays the newly created Test.

Procedures Pane

A new Test may also be created by clicking the Create Test button. You will be prompted to set the parameters that the Procedure will be called with in the Test. Clicking OK will prompt you to name the Test. Then, a new Test will be created and open a new Test pane.

Existing Tests can be run within the Procedure pane by selecting the Test in the Execution dropdown menu and then clicking Run. The Test Suite option in the Execution dropdown menu runs the generated Test Suite which includes all of the Unit Tests for that Procedure.

Procedures Pane

Rule Pane

A new Test can be made in the Rule Pane by clicking the Create Test button. You will be prompted to specify the event message for the Rule triggering event that drives the Unit Test. If the triggering condition for the Rule is an UPDATE or DELETE event, then the developer also specifies the WHERE clause for that event (ex: name == “ABC”).

Rules Pane

When “OK” is clicked, a new Unit Test is created with a single input and no outputs. The input includes the Rule triggering event that was described. The developer may then specify the expected output events that the Rule may produce.

Existing Tests can be run within the Rule pane by selecting them in the Execution dropdown menu and clicking Run. The Test Suite option in the Execution dropdown menu runs the generated Test Suite which includes all of the Unit Tests for that Rule.