

Upon completion of this tutorial, a new developer will be able to:

  • Create a new Client
  • Place and configure widgets, either stand-alone or based on data types
  • Add event-based functionality to widgets

Tutorial Overview

This tutorial creates a simple invoicing application which allows a user to enter sales information into a form. The last five transactions will dynamically appear in a table. A gauge will also keep track of the sum of the last five transactions. The basic steps to do this are:

  • Create a new project
  • Create data types to keep and use sales information
  • Build widgets on a new Client, based on the data types already established
  • Add Javascript-coded functionality to widgets within the Client

All lessons assume the developer has a working knowledge of the Vantiq IDE. It is recommended that a new developer completes the lessons in the Introductory Tutorial before starting the lessons in this tutorial.

Note: if needed, you can import a finished version of this project using the Projects -> Import menu item. Just select Tutorials for Import Type, then select Client Builder from the second drop-down, then click Import.

1: Creating a Client Builder Project

The first task is to create a project in the IDE to assemble all the Client components.

Use the Projects button, select New Project, which displays the New Project Wizard. Either create a new Namespace (recommended) or add a new project to the current Namespace, select Empty as the Project type, and title the project “Invoice”:


The rest of the lessons take place inside this Project.

2: Creating a Data Type

The invoice Client needs to store invoice data input by the user in the Vantiq system. You must create a data type to specify that data.

Use the Add button to select Type…:


Use the New Type button to create the invoice data type:


Use the resulting popup to name your type “Invoice”. The description is optional, but you must leave the role as standard.


The Invoice type contains six properties:

  • amount: a required Real number which is the total amount of the invoice
  • description: an (optional) String property to describe what is being purchased
  • firstName: an (optional) String property which holds the first name of the purchaser
  • ID: a required unique String property which is used to reference the invoice
  • lastName: a required String property which holds the last name of the purchaser
  • timestamp: a DateTime property which holds the date and time that the invoice is submitted

The invoice Client creates the ID and timestamp properties using Javascript. The user of the invoice Client will manually enter all other properties.

Once the six properties are defined, save the Invoice type, then save the project.

3: Creating the Invoice Client

This lesson uses the IDE’s Client Builder feature to create our invoice Client.

Use the Add button to select Client…, then use the New Client button to display the New Client dialog:


Enter “Invoice” as the Client Name and select the BrowserEmpty Client Template since we’ll be running our Client in a browser. Use the OK button to display the Client Builder:


The rest of this tutorial takes place inside this Client Builder.

4: Creating the Client Invoice Form

The next task is to create the invoice data entry form for user input. This is multi-step process and demonstrates concepts of the Client Builder common to many Clients.

First, we’ll need to create a new Data Object for the Client. Data Objects define Javascript variables that are referenced by the Client. In this Client, we need to define one Data Object which is used to hold the invoice properties (firstName, lastName, etc.) that the user enters. To create a new Data Object, click the Edit tab of the Control Dock (on the left side of the Client pane), open the Data Objects tree control, then click Page ‘Start’ Data Object (*) to open the Editing Data Object dialog:


Use the Add a ‘Typed Object’ button to add the new Invoice property to the list of Data Objects. By creating the Invoice property, any Javascript may now reference the Invoice variable using the following syntax: ( is the Client’s syntax prefix to reference the data object associated with the Client.)

Second, we’ll use the Client Builder to automatically create a data entry form based on the Invoice properties. Use the Generate Widgets icon, which is an Actions choice and looks like a small lightning bolt. The Generate Widgets process creates a contained form with labeled data entry widgets.

Use the Save and Exit button to save the new Invoice Data Object.


Third, we’ll edit the data entry form to make it a little more user-friendly. Since we’ll use be using Javascript later to generate the invoice ID and timestamp properties, delete those widgets from the Client display. Select the timestamp title widget, then use the Delete button just above the palette of widgets to delete the title. In the same manner, select and delete the timestamp data entry widget, the ID title widget, and the ID data entry widget.

Next, change the titles of the remaining widgets. To change the title of the amount widget, select it, then edit the Text property in the Specific menu to “Amount”. In the same manner, change the titles of the description, firstName, and lastName title widgets to “Description”, “First Name” and “Last Name”.

Finally, drag and drop the Last Name title widget and its data entry widget so they are directly under the First Name widgets. The data entry form should now look like this:


Fourth, add a button to the form to submit the invoice data. To add the Submit button, click the Edit tab of the Control Dock then drag the Inline widget palette tile (under Buttons) and drop it just under the Last Name title in the form. By default, the button is titled ‘Click Me’. Click the ‘Click Me’ button to display its property sheet:


Change the Button Label field in Specific property category to “Submit”. Next, select the Event property category then click the <None> field titled On Click to display the ‘Edit Javascript’ dock:


This editor is where we enter Javascript that is executed whenever the user clicks the Submit button. For our invoice Client, we want to generate values for the ID and timestamp properties, validate some user-provided invoice properties, and submit the invoice data to the Vantiq system:

    // generateUUID is used to create a unique ID to use as the invoice ID
    generateUUID = function() {
        var s = [];
        var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
        for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++)
            s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1);
        s[14] = "4";  // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 0010
        s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1);  // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 01
        s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-";

        var uuid = s.join("");
        return uuid;

    if (! || ( === 0)) {
        client.errorDialog("Please enter Last Name and Amount values!");
    } else {
        // programatically generate a timestamp and ID for our invoice = new Date().toISOString(); = generateUUID();

        // create a Vantiq database connection to insert our new invoice
        var http = new Http();
        http.insert(, null, function(response) {
            client.infoDialog("Invoice " + + " submitted.");            
        }, function(errors) {
            client.errorDialog("Submit fails: " + JSON.stringify(errors));

Copy the lines of code above and paste them between the curly braces within the …onClick function. Now, when the user clicks the Submit button after entering invoice data on our form, the program will do the following:

  • First, check that the user entered at least the Last Name and Amount on the form, generating an error message and terminating further action if not
  • Next, populate the timestamp property for the current Invoice by generating a timestamp and converting it to a string
  • Likewise, populate the transaction ID property for the current Invoice by calling the function generateUUID (which is defined in the first part of the code) to return a large randomized number formated as a string with dashes
  • Connect to the Vantiq database to insert the entire record, both from the user’s input on the form and from what the code generated
  • If the insert succeeds, create an Info pop-up to confirm; in the case of failure, an Error pop-up alerts the user

Use the Save button to save the code.

Fifth, add a button to the form to reset the invoice data. To add the Reset Form button, drag the Inline widget palette tile and drop it to the right of the Submit button. Click the new ‘Click Me’ button to display its property sheet:


Change the Button Label field to “Reset Form”. Next, select the Event property category then click the <None> field titled On Click to display the ‘Edit Javascript’ dialog:


This editor is where we enter Javascript that is executed whenever the user clicks the Reset Form button. For our invoice Client, we want to return the data field in the form to blank: = = = ""; = null;

Just as before, copy and paste the code above to between the function curly braces, and use the Save button to save the Javascript.

The data entry form should now look like this:


Save the Client and the Project, then run the Client by clicking the small triangle that looks like a small Play button at the top right corner of the Client. Input some data in the fields and see for yourself how the Client behaves. When you’re finished, you can return to edit the Client by clicking the same button again, which now looks like a small square within a square.

5: Creating a Recent Invoices Table

The next task is to create a table that displays the last five entered invoices. This is a two step process: (1) creating a Data Stream which is used to retrieve invoice data and (2) creating a table to display the data.

First, create a Data Stream. Click the Edit tab of the Control Dock then right-click on the Data Streams tree control, then select Add ‘Timed Query’ from the menu to create the new Data Stream:


Title the Data Stream “Invoice Queryable”. A Timed Query Data Stream means that the Client will retrieve data from the Vantiq database on a periodic basis. Select Invoice as the ‘Data Type’ since we want to retrieve invoice data. Enter 15 as the ‘Update Interval’ to retrieve the invoice data every 15 seconds. Since the goal is to create a table that displays the last five entered invoices, enable the Limit maximum number of records to return and enter ‘5’. Then select timestamp as the ‘Sort By’ property (since we want to sort by when the invoice was created) and, finally, enable Sort Descending so the top entry in the table will be the most recent invoice. Use the Save button to save the Data Stream.

Second, create a table to hold the recent invoice data. To add the table, click the Add tab of the Control Dock then drag the Table widget palette tile (under Data Display) and drop it to the right of the data entry form. Click the new table to display its property sheet:


Select the Data property category then use the Data Stream pull-down menu to select Invoice Queryable, our recently created Data Stream. Use the Columns property to display the ‘Edit Columns’ dialog:


Use the right arrows to add all six properties of the Invoice type as table columns. If you want to change the column titles to be more human-readable, edit them by using the pencil icon for each column, then Save. Use the OK button to save the column configuration.

Finally, check Clear on Data Arrival so the table only displays the latest result from the Timed Query. Uncheck Show Paging to hide the paging buttons since the table will always be a fixed size.


Save the Client and the Project. Try running the Client again, entering data in your Invoice form, and seeing the table periodically update to show the input of the last five records.

6: Creating a Recent Invoices Gauge

The next task is to create a gauge that displays the sum of the last five entered invoices. This is a four step process: (1) creating a new Data Object to hold the sum, (2) creating a new Data Stream that uses the Data Object, (3) creating the gauge to display the data and (4) adding Javascript to compute the sum.

First, create a Data Object. To create a new Data Object, click the Edit tab of the Control Dock (on the left side of the Client pane), open the Data Objects tree control, then click Client Data Object (*) to open the Editing Data Object dialog. We select because our upcoming Data Stream may only reference Data Objects.

Use the Add a Property button to add the new Data Object: enter sumLastFive as the Property Name, select Typed Object from the DataType pull-down menu, and enter sumLastFive as the Default Label. (Please refer to the Client Builder User’s Guide for more information about Typed Objects.) The sumLastFive Data Object is now present but we need to add one field to hold the actual invoice sum. Use the Edit Typed Object icon, which is found under the Actions menu heading and looks like a small pencil:



Use the Add a Property button to add the new Typed Object property: enter value as the Property Name, select Real from the DataType pull-down menu, and enter value as the Default Label. The value property of the sumLastFive Data Object will be used to hold the sum of the recent invoices. Use the OK button to save the value property, then use the Save and Exit button to save the sumLastFive Data Object.

Second, create a Data Stream which is used to send data events to the gauge. To create a new Data Stream, click the Edit tab of the Control Dock then right-click on the Data Streams tree control, then select Add ‘On Client Event’ from the menu to create the new Data Stream:


Title the Data Stream “Invoice Sum”. Select Get schema from then select from the Data Object pull-down menu. This data stream now references the sumLastFive Data Object we created in the previous step. Use the Save button to save the Data Stream.

Third, create a gauge to display the invoice sum. To add the gauge, click the Add tab of the Control Dock then drag the Gauge widget palette tile (under Data Display) and drop it under the invoice table. Click the new gauge to display its property sheet:


Select the Data property category then use the Data Stream pull-down menu to select Invoice Sum, our recently created Data Stream. Use the Data Stream Property pull-down men to select value. Since we’re anticipating high-value invoices, select the Specific property category then enter the following property values:

 Low Range Zones: 0:700
 Medium Range Zones 700:900
 High Range: 900:1000
 Maximum: 1000

Fourth, we will modify our submit Javascript to sum the recent invoices, then send the Client Event to update the Data Stream. Click the Submit button in the data entry form. Next, click the Click to Edit field titled On Click to display the ‘Edit Javascript’ dialog.

Here is the modified Javascript which includes summing the recent invoice values and sending the Client event to the Invoice Sum Data Stream:

    // generateUUID is used to create a unique ID to use as the invoice ID
    generateUUID = function() {
        var s = [];
        var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
        for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++)
            s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1);
        s[14] = "4";  // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 0010
        s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1);  // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 01
        s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-";

        var uuid = s.join("");
        return uuid;

    if (! || ( === 0)) {
        client.errorDialog("Please enter Last Name and Amount values!");
    } else {
        // programatically generate a timestamp and ID for our invoice = new Date().toISOString(); = generateUUID();

        // create a Vantiq database connection to insert our new invoice
        var http = new Http();
        http.insert(, null, function(response) {
            // the invoice was saved, now query for the last five invoices based on timestamp
            client.infoDialog("Invoice " + + " submitted.");
            var parameters = {
  , function(response) {
                // sum the amounts of the last five invoices
       = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
           += response[i].amount;
                // create a client event for widgets listening on the Invoice Sum data stream
                client.sendClientEvent("Invoice Sum",;
            }, function(errors) {
                client.errorDialog("Select fails: " + JSON.stringify(errors));
        }, function(errors) {
            client.errorDialog("Submit fails: " + JSON.stringify(errors));

It’s simplest to copy all of the above and replace the previous event code for the button. You will notice that most of the code from before is still here, but some new functionality has been added:

  • After submitting the latest invoice record to the database, a SELECT operation is queried against the database to collect and sum the value amounts from the last five transactions
  • The code then triggers an Event for the Invoice Sum data stream, which we created earlier, sending the lastSumFive data out to the stream
  • The user is notified in the event of errors in connecting to the database, either in the insertion (as was the case before) or selection of data

Use the Save button after adding the modifications to save the Javascript.

Our simple invoice Client is complete and should look like this:


7: Running the Client

The last lesson of this tutorial is to run the Client, entering sample invoices and watching the invoice table update. Use the Run icon button of the Client: Invoice pane (small triangle in a square at the top, right of the pane):


To create a new invoice, add values to the Amount, Description, First Name, and Last Name fields, then use the Submit button to submit the invoice. After entering several invoices, the Client display will look similar to this:


Use the Stop Running icon button of the Client: Invoice pane (small square in a square at the top, right of the pane) to end the Client session.


Users who have successfully completed this tutorial should now be able to confidently:

  • Create new Clients and arrange widgets in the workspace
  • Create and edit forms based on datatypes
  • Set up Data Objects, both based on datatypes and independently
  • Establish Data Streams and configure widgets to interact with the data
  • Know where Javascript code can be inserted for widget events

More information on Clients can be found in the Client Builder User’s Guide and the Client Builder Reference Guide, where there is also more detail on HTTP requests to the Vantiq database.