consumer Assembly Project


In this tutorial, you will learn how to build Assemblies as reusable and configurable projects. You will gain experience composing Assemblies and integrating them into existing Projects to quickly create fully customized Applications.

In this tutorial you will:

  • Import an existing Project which detects “dangerous” weather conditions and either warns residents or orders an evacuation
  • Convert the imported Project into an Assembly and generalize it such that any data source and conditions may be used to trigger warning and evacuation alerts
  • Publish the Assembly to the Catalog
  • Install the Assembly from the Catalog as a consumer and configure it to meet the consumer’s requirements

A brief note on terminology:

  • An Assembly author is the creator of the Assembly and usually the person who published the Assembly to the Vantiq Catalog.
  • An Assembly consumer is a user who has installed the Assembly from the Catalog and is configuring the Assembly to integrate it into their Application.

Part 1: Setting up the Catalog

This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with the Vantiq Catalog. To learn about the Catalog, follow the full Catalog Tutorial.

If you’re already familiar with the Catalog, follow Part 1 of the Catalog Tutorial to set up a Catalog host namespace, a publisher namespace, and a subscribing (consuming) Namespace for the Assembly.

Part 2: Creating the Assembly

Import the Project

To begin creating an Assembly, start by importing a fully functioning Project. The goal is to generalize this Project such that it can be customized to report warnings and evacuation alerts for any type of data using the conditions specified by the Assembly consumer.

In the publisher Namespace created in Part 1, using the Projects button, select Import.

Select Contributions as the Import Type and com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.WeatherEmergencyProject as the Contribution. Click Import.

Project import

Click Reload once the import is completed. You have just imported a project that you will convert into an Assembly.

As an overview, the key resources in this Project are all in the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies package:

  • The weather Source which sends data to the DetectWeatherEmergency App.
  • The DetectWeatherEmergency Service uses the isDangerousWeather App Component to detect whether there are dangerous weather conditions and triggers corresponding Collaboration Types
  • The Collaborations send warning or evacuation notifications to be displayed by the ResidentNotificationSystem Client.

Project overview

Convert the Project into an Assembly

Using the Projects button, select Convert To Assembly and then click Convert to Assembly in the confirmation dialog. This converts the Project from a static definition to a configurable, reusable, and shareable Assembly.

Set the description for the Assembly to:

Detects whether unhealthy weather conditions are present and notifies residents with a warning or evacuation alert

Click Save to save the Assembly.

Assembly Pane

Creating the Assembly Interface

When Assemblies are installed by consumers, they act as black boxes to provide high level, reusable tools. Consumers can only interact with the Assembly through the Assembly Interface.

The Assembly Interface is defined by the Event Driven Services the author chooses to expose. Event Driven Services contain inbound and outbound Event Types which provide a layer of abstraction between the implementation of the Assembly’s asynchronous behavior and its consumers. Event Driven Services also define
Procedures that may be invoked by consumers.

In this Project, the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency Service exposes Event Types from the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency App which is the core event processing logic in the Assembly. This allows consumers to send events
to the Assembly and react to events produced by the Assembly. The com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.WeatherService provides some common Procedures for transforming weather events such as convertToFahrenheit.

Navigate to the Interface tab of the Assembly Pane and click Manage Services to expose existing Services to the Assembly Interface.

Manage Services

Select com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.WeatherService and com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency and click OK.

Select Services

Services Added

Notice that each Event Type and Procedure from the two Services described above is now visible as part of the Assembly Interface.

The WeatherReadings Event Type represents the inbound events that triggers the Visual event handler in the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency Service.

The WarnEvent Event Type are the outbound events produced by the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency Service when a warning notification is produced.

The EvacuationEvent Event Type are the outbound events produced by the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency Service when an evacuation notification is produced.

Click to Save the Assembly in the upper right-hand corner of the Assembly Pane.

Creating the Assembly Configuration Properties

The Assembly author may add Configuration Properties to the Assembly to define how the Assembly can be configured by consumers. Configuration Properties describe how they are applied to specific properties for each project resource.

Assembly authors must thoughtfully define the Configuration properties to create an easy-to-use experience for the consumers that still provides sufficient degrees of freedom to configure the Assembly to their requirements.

Navigate to the Configuration tab of the Assembly Pane.

Configuration Tab

First, add a configuration property that allows the consumer of the Assembly to customize the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client to a theme of their choice such that it matches their branding or style requirements.

Click New Property and set the following properties:

  • Name: clientTheme
  • Description: The theme applied to the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client
  • Type: Client Theme.
  • Default: Light

Under the Usage section click Add Reference and set the following properties.

  • Resource: Client
  • ResourceId: com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem
  • Property: options.themeName

Click Save.

Client Config Property

Next, create a configuration property that allows the consumer of the Assembly to deactivate the Source and instead use custom local events which are rerouted to the Assembly.

Click New Property and set the following properties:

  • Name: useBuiltInSource
  • Description: Boolean property used to activate the provided “” source
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true. This sets the Source to active by default. The consumer must explicitly de-activate the Source
    if that’s the desired behavior.

Under the Usage section click Add Reference and set the following properties:

  • Resource: Source
  • ResourceId:
  • Property: active

Click Save.

Lastly, create a property that allows consumers of the Assembly to swap out the App Component used in the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency App such that they may set custom conditions for warning and evacuation alerts.

Click New Property and set the following properties:

  • Name: detectDangerousWeather
  • Description: Component used to determine whether there is a warning or emergency. The events, WarnResidents and Evacuation Required, must emit a warning message object.
  • Type: App Component
  • Default: com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.isDangerousWeather. You’ll set the default to the current Component used by the App to maintain the current default behavior.

Under the Usage section click Add Reference and set the following properties:

  • Resource: App
  • ResourceId: com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency.WeatherEvents
  • Property: Component Used by Task com_vantiq_weatherEmergencies_isDangerousWeather

Click Save to save the Assembly.

Configuration Properties

Creating the Visible Resources

All of the Assembly resources are copied into the consumer’s Namespace when they install the Assembly, however Consumers are only able to see and interact with resources enumerated either in the Interface or in the Visible Resources tab.

While the Interface defines connection points for interacting with and integrating the Assembly, the Visible Resources enumerate the Assembly resources which are re-usable and can be used throughout a consumer’s application.

The com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem is a Client which displays the weather alerts. This is the user-facing element of this Assembly. Therefore, it is useful to make visible so that Assembly consumers may launch the Client and include it in their Project to alert users.

The com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.isDangerousWeather is an App Component which may be useful for the Assembly consumer to reuse in other parts of their

Navigate to the Visible Resources Tab of the Assembly Pane and drag the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.isDangerousWeather App Component and
com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client into the Visible Resources column.

Click Save to save the Assembly.

Visible Resources

Testing the Assembly

Congratulations, you have just authored your first Assembly!

You have exposed the activation status for the Source, the App Component to be used by the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency App, and the Client Theme as configuration properties for this Assembly.

Before publishing the Assembly to the Catalog, you should test the Assembly locally to ensure that it works and is configurable as you expect.

Test the Assembly by overriding the Source’s activation status.

Navigate to the Assembly Pane and click Configure As Consumer.

Configure as consumer

This places you in a Consumer State that allows you to configure the Assembly as if you were a consumer. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

Locate the droplist next to the useBuiltInSource property and select false. This disables the Source.

Click Save to save the Assembly.

Configure as consumer

Open the Source by navigating to the Project Resource Tree and selecting the Source. Click Test Data Receipt. The Source is currently configured as inactive and therefore is not receiving any data.

Waiting For Data

Now set useBuiltInSource back to Use Default Value to activate the configured Source. Click Save in the Assembly pane. Now expect to see weather data populate the Source viewer. Note: weather events are only produced every 10 seconds so you may need to wait a few seconds before seeing data.

Waiting For Data

Click Edit as Author in the Assembly pane. This toggles back to author mode and removes the configuration.

Edit as author

Publishing the Assembly

Now that you have tested the Assembly and it works as expected, it is time to publish it to the Catalog so that other Vantiq developers can take advantage of it.

Navigate to the General tab of the Assembly pane and click Publish cloud icon.

Assembly Pane

Part 3: Consuming the Assembly

Install the Assembly

Switch to the subscriber namespace you created in Part 1. Name the current Project AirQualityAlerts and click Save to save the Project.

The Assembly was originally designed to provide weather alerts if the temperature was too hot. You are going to use the WeatherEmergency Assembly to create an Application that notifies residents when the local air quality is unsafe, and alert them to evacuate when it reaches toxic levels.

To accomplish this, you will replace the App Component used to by the Assembly with one you create that detects unhealthy air quality. You will reroute local events to the Assembly using the Assembly’s Interface. Finally, you will retheme the Notification Client to use a theme that matches your company’s branding.

Open the Catalog Pane by using the Show button and selecting Catalogs. Select the Catalog that you published the Assembly to and then click Assemblies.

Assembly Catalog

Right click on com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.WeatherEmergencyProject and click Install, then click Install on the confirmation dialog. You will be prompted to provide Assembly Configuration. This allows you to install the Assembly in the your desired state. For now, install the Assembly using the current defaults. Click OK to install the Assembly.

Assembly Install Properties

Assembly has been installed

Open the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client by navigating to the Project Contents Tree selecting the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client.

Launch the Client by clicking the Run button in the titlebar. Expect to start to see Weather emergency notifications within 10 seconds.

Weather warning message

Create a Custom Source

To configure the Assembly to use AQI (Air Quality Index) events, we will use a public Vantiq Source that produces artificial MQTT data to simulate air quality readings from a city with poor air quality.

First, create a new AQI Source for that MQTT server. Use the Add menu button and select Source. Click New Source.

Name the Source AQIReadings and set the Source Type to MQTT.

AQI Source

In the Server URI tab of the Source pane, add the uri: tcp://

In the Topic tab of the Source pane, add the topic: com.vantiq.mqtt.aqi

Save the Source. Click Test Data Receipt to verify that your Source is receiving AQI data.

AQI Source events

Transform Local Events into Assembly Events

Now that you have a new Source of events, you must disable the existing Assembly Source and instead route the AQI events to the Assembly.

Navigate to the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.WeatherEmergencyProject Assembly pane and under the Configuration tab set useBuiltInSource to
false and click Save. This disables the Source.

Disable the weather source

Now you must transform AQIReadings events into events that the Assembly can ingest. Navigate to the Interface Tab of the Assembly Pane. Notice that there is one inbound Event Type defined: com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency/WeatherEvents. You can use the inbound Event Type to send events to the Assembly. Right-click on the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.DetectWeatherEmergency/WeatherEvents Event Type and click Transform Local Events.

Right click to transform local events

Set the App name to TransformAQIEvents and click OK.

An App opens with an empty Event Stream, a Transformation task, and a PublishToEventType task. By configuring the EventStream, this App automatically routes events from the specified event path to the inbound Event Type for the Assembly.

Initial TransformAQIEvents App

Click on the EventStream task outlined in red.

Name the EventStream AQIEvents and click Click to Edit in the slide out to configure the App Task.

Set the inboundResource to sources.
Set the inboundResourceId to AQIReadings.
Click OK.

The Transformation task is needed when your local events do not match the format or schema of the Event Type.
Since your local events match the schema, you can delete the Transformation task by clicking on the Transformation task and clicking Delete.

Right-click on the AQIEvents Task and select Link Existing Task. Select PublishToEventType and click OK.

Disable the App for now by clicking Toggle Keep Active Off button in the titlebar. We will re-enable it when we have fully configured the Assembly.

Click Save to save the App.

TransformAQIEvents App

Replacing the App Component

The Assembly currently uses an App Component to determine if the weather is dangerously hot. You want to replace the Component to instead detect whether the air quality is unhealthy. When replacing one App Component with another through Assembly Configuration, the replacing Component must have the exact same configuration properties and downstream events as the original component. To guarantee that the replacing Component has the correct definition, you can use the shortcut provided in the Assembly Pane.

Navigate to the Configuration tab in the Assembly Pane. In the Actions column next to the detectDangerousWeather property, click the Lightning icon to create a Component stub. Set the Component name to isDangerousAirQuality and click OK.

Create Component Stub

An App Component skeleton will appear with the downstream events: WarnResidents and EvacuationRequired defined.

Component Stub

Click to configure the Transformation task. Set the following properties on the transformation:

  • outboundProperty: aqi
  • Transformation Expression: toInteger(toReal(

This transforms the string AQI value into an integer and unnests the value so that it may be referenced downstream directly instead of as a nested property of the data object.

Click OK.

AQI transformation

Drag a Filter task between the Transformation task and the WarnResidents downstream. Name the task UnhealthyForSensitiveGroups.
Configure the Filter task to have the condition event.aqi > 100 && event.aqi < 150.

Drag a Transformation Task between UnhealthyForSensitiveGroups and the WarnResidents downstream. Name the task WarnMessage. Click to configure the Transformation task. Set the values to :

  • outboundProperty: message
  • Transformation Expression: now().toString() + ": The AQI is " + toDecimal(event.aqi, 1).toString() + ". This is unhealthy for sensitive groups. Limit outdoor activity".

Save the Component.

warn message transformation

Drag a Filter task between the Transformation task and the EvacuationRequired downstream. Name the task Unhealthy.
Configure the Filter task to have the condition event.aqi >= 150.

Drag a Transformation Task between Unhealthy and the EvacuationRequired downstream. Name the task EvacuationMessage. Click to configure the Transformation task. Set the values to :

  • outboundProperty: message
  • Transformation Expression: now().toString() + ": The AQI is " + toDecimal(event.aqi, 1).toString() + ". This is unhealthy for all citizens and outdoor activity should be limited as much as possible".

Save the Component.

AQI component

Configuring the Assembly

Navigate back to the Assembly Pane and go to the Configuration tab with the following configuration:

  • detectDangerousWeather: isDangerousAirQuality
  • useBuiltInSource: False.
  • clientTheme: Cheetah.

Click Save to save the Assembly.

AQI component

Open the com.vantiq.weatherEmergencies.ResidentNotificationSystem Client and click the Run button in the titlebar to run the Client. Notice that the background of the Client is orange to reflect the configured theme.

Navigate back to the TransformAQIEvents App and click the Toggle Keep Active On button in the titlebar to activate the App. Click Save to save the App.

Expect AQI warning events populate the Client instead of weather events. Note: AQI events only occur every 10 seconds so you may need to wait a few seconds before seeing warnings arrive.

AQI client warning events


Congratulations! You have authored and consumed your first Assembly!

  • You took an existing project and turned into a configurable and reusable business solution.
  • Installed an Assembly and customized it to fit your requirements.
  • Swapped out an App Component to customize the core decision-making functionality
  • Rerouted local events to trigger the Assembly’s asynchronous processing
  • Applied a custom theme to a Client.