
This tutorial assumes you have completed the entirety of the Source Tutorial.
Please complete the tutorial if you have not done so already, then return to this page to learn how to test it.

Testing Sources Rules

We will now create a Unit Test to ensure that our Rule always works as we expect. A Unit Test is preferable to an Integration Test for this case because we are only testing the functionality of a single Rule rather than of a whole Project or App.

A Vantiq Test is driven by a sequence of ordered input events and expects a collection of output events. We want to create a Test that

  • creates a Source event from the Weather Source as an input and
  • expects an UPDATE on the weatherReading Type as an output.

Navigate to the weatherReading Rule and click the Create Test button.


Set the name of the test to weatherReading0.


Click on the pencil button to edit the Event Object. The event object is the message that will arrive from the Source to trigger the Rule during the Test run.
The following JSON Object is a sample event received from the weather Source. It was captured and copied during step 2 of the Source Tutorial using the Test Data Receipt feature. It is important for the Test data to resemble real data as closely as possible, to accurately test the system under the correct conditions.

Copy and paste the following Source message into the JSON editor and then click OK.

   "coord": {
      "lon": -122.12,
      "lat": 37.89
   "weather": [
         "id": 800,
         "main": "Clear",
         "description": "clear sky",
         "icon": "01d"
   "base": "stations",
   "main": {
      "temp": 294.78,
      "feels_like": 290.57,
      "temp_min": 292.59,
      "temp_max": 297.15,
      "pressure": 1023,
      "humidity": 23
   "visibility": 16093,
   "wind": {
      "speed": 3.1,
      "deg": 80
   "clouds": {
      "all": 1
   "dt": 1582680753,
   "sys": {
      "type": 1,
      "id": 3581,
      "country": "US",
      "sunrise": 1582641979,
      "sunset": 1582682233
   "timezone": -28800,
   "id": 5364226,
   "name": "My Address",
   "cod": 200

A new Test pane opens with all of the General properties on the test already set.


Navigate to the Inputs tab and verify that there is one input in the Inputs list.


The Test expects one output: The UPDATE to the weatherReading Type performed by the Rule.
To accomplish this, navigate to the Outputs tab and click the Add Output Button.

The weather Rule performs an UPDATE on the weatherReading with the matching location.
It is assumed that the Test pre-populates the Namespace with an instance of weatherReading to be UPDATED. We will include this later using a Setup Procedure. The existing instance includes the zipCode and location properties. The Rule updates the instance to include the tempK property.

Set types as the Resource, weatherReading as the ResourceId and UPDATE as the Operation.


Click on the Click to Edit button to open the Expected Object Editor and create a JSON Object with the following contents:

   "location": "My Address",
   "tempK": 294.78,
   "zipCode": "94609"

Click OK to close the Event Object Editor, then OK again to save exit the Edit Output popup.

Because one of the Test outputs is an expected UPDATE event, it is implied that there will already be an existing instance of the weatherReading Type to be UPDATED. The Test therefore requires Setup and Cleanup Procedures.

Use the Add button in the IDE Navigation Bar, hover over Advanced, and select Procedures. Click the New Procedure button to create a new Procedure.

Name the Procedure createWeatherData. This Procedure is the Test Setup Procedure. The Procedure sets the weather Source into Mock Mode and
INSERTS the necessary instance of the weatherReading Type.

To learn more about Source Mock Mode, reference the Testing Reference Guide.

Copy and paste the following into the new Procedure Pane:

PROCEDURE createWeatherData()
Test.startSourceMocking("weather", null, null)
INSERT weatherReading(location:"My Address", zipCode:"94609")

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Add a second procedure, and name it deleteWeatherData. This Procedure is the Cleanup Procedure. The Procedure turns off Mock Mode on the weather Source and DELETES the created instance of the weatherReading Type.

Copy and paste the following into the new Procedure Pane:

PROCEDURE deleteWeatherData()
DELETE weatherReading WHERE zipCode == "94609"

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Navigate back to the Test pane in which we were defining the weatherReading0 test and click on the General tab.

Select createWeatherData as the Setup Procedure and deleteWeatherData as the Cleanup Procedure. Save the Test.


Navigate back to the weatherReading Rule. Select the new test weatherReading0 from the Execute droplist and then click Run.


Navigate back to the Test pane for weatherReading0 and click Show Test History.


Expect one entry with a green check showing that the test run was a success.


Adding Source Query Mocking

You can also use a Procedure to supply test data for the Source when running the test. This is called mocking the Source.
In this section, we will add a Procedure querySourceAndInsert that uses our Source, and then add a Procedure to supply mock data for that source, which will be used in testing the querySourceAndInsert Procedure.

First, let’s create the Procedure querySourceAndInsert.
Click the Add button, hover over Advanced, and click Procedure… Click the New Procedure button to create a new Procedure.

The querySourceAndInsert Procedure queries the weather Source and then INSERTS an instance of the weatherReading Type.
We will use this Procedure in our Test to show Mocking a query to a Source.

Copy and paste the following into the new Procedure Pane:

PROCEDURE querySourceAndInsert()
var weatherReading = SELECT FROM SOURCE weather 
weatherReading = weatherReading[0]
INSERT weatherReading(tempK:weatherReading.main.temp, location:, zipCode = "94609")

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Now let’s create our Mocking Procedure. Click the Add button, hover over Advanced, and click Procedure… Click the New Procedure button to create a new Procedure.

The queryProcedureOverride Procedure mocks the weather Source’s query functionality by always returning the same object.

Procedure queryProcedureOverride(queryDesc)
return {
   "coord": {
      "lon": -122.12,
      "lat": 37.89
   "weather": [
         "id": 800,
         "main": "Clear",
         "description": "clear sky",
         "icon": "01d"
   "base": "stations",
   "main": {
      "temp": 75,
      "feels_like": 290.57,
      "temp_min": 292.59,
      "temp_max": 297.15,
      "pressure": 1023,
      "humidity": 23
   "visibility": 16093,
   "wind": {
      "speed": 3.1,
      "deg": 80
   "clouds": {
      "all": 1
   "dt": 1582680753,
   "sys": {
      "type": 1,
      "id": 3581,
      "country": "US",
      "sunrise": 1582641979,
      "sunset": 1582682233
   "timezone": -28800,
   "id": 5364226,
   "name": "Walnut Creek",
   "cod": 200

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Navigate back to the createWeatherData Procedure and update the Test.startSourceMocking Procedure to set the Query
Mock Procedure
to the new Procedure we just created.

PROCEDURE createWeatherData()
Test.startSourceMocking("weather", "queryProcedureOverride", null)
INSERT weatherReading(location:"My Address", zipCode:"94609")

Click Save to save the Procedure.

Navigate back to the querySourceAndInsert Procedure. Click the Create Test button. Confirm by clicking Create Unit Test then type querySourceAndInsert0 as the test name and click OK.

A new Test called querySourceAndInsert0 opens.


Navigate to the Inputs tab and you will see this test has a single input, running the querySourceAndInsert Procedure.


Right click this input and click Edit.


In the test input, an expected Return Value is automatically generated. This is normally quite helpful, but in this case we want to override the return value with the mock data we created in the queryProcedureOverride Procedure. Therefore, open the Expected Return Value editor by clicking the Click to Edit button, and delete the contents of the editor. This will cause the test to ignore the return value of the Procedure. Close Event Object Editor by clicking OK, then exit the Edit Test Input popup by clicking OK.

Click on the Outputs tab. Click the Add Output Button.

For the output, set types as the Resource, weatherReading as the ResourceId and INSERT as the Operation. This captures the INSERT produced by the querySourceAndInsert Procedure.


Click on the Click to Edit button to open the Expected Object Editor and create a JSON Object with the following contents:

   "location": "Walnut Creek",
   "tempK": 75,
   "zipCode": "94609"

Click OK to close the Event Object Editor.

Navigate to the General Tab. Select createWeatherData as the Setup Procedure and deleteWeatherData as the Cleanup Procedure. Save the


Navigate back to the querySourceAndInsert Procedure. Select the new test querySourceAndInsert0 from the Execute droplist and then click Run.

Navigate back to the Test pane for querySourceAndInsert0 and click Show Test History.

Expect one entry with a green check showing that the test run was a success.



After successfully navigating through this tutorial, the user should be familiar with:

  • Creating Unit Tests for Rules and Procedures
  • Running Unit Tests from the Rule/Procedure Pane
  • Setting a Source to Mock Mode and overriding Source behavior with Mock Procedures