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SMS Source Integration
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An SMS source provides an interface to a Twilio account with the express goal of sending text messages to phones. An SMS source ONLY supports publishing notifications, not receiving text messages as input.
In order to create an SMS source you must have an account with Twilio. If you do not already have an account you can go here to create one.
As part of the Twilio signup process you will be assigned a “Live” Account SID and Auth Token. You will also be assigned a phone number which can be used as the “From” number when sending text. All 3 of these must be provided when creating the SMS Source.
You do not need to provide Twilio with credit card information initially when just testing, but you will only be able to send SMS messages to phones which have been manually registered with Twilio. In order to send text to any arbitrary phone you will have to configure your Twilio account with a credit card, and you will be billed a small amount for each message sent.
Define an SMS Source
An SMS source is defined in the Vantiq IDE by using the Add button to select Source…. Simply click the “Create Source” button and enter the required information:
- Enter a name for your Source
- Select Source Type “SMS”
- Enter your “Live” Twilio Account SID
- Enter your “Live” Twilio Auth Token
- Enter your Twilio-assigned phone number
- Click “Save”
Once registered the SMS source will immediately be available to publish notifications as a text message.
An SMS source may also be defined using the command-line interface by creating a JSON object of type ArsSource that represents the definition of the remote source and submitting the definition to Vantiq for registration. The relevant ArsSource properties are as follows:
- name The name given the SMS source by the user
- twilioAccountSID Your Twilio Account SID
- twilioAuthToken Your Twilio Auth Token
- twilioFromPhone The phone number from which the text should seem to originate. This must be the number your were assigned when creating your Twilio account.
Create SMS Source
"name": "SmsSourceName",
"type": "SMS",
"config": {
"twilioAccountSID": "<your twilio account SID>",
"twilioAuthToken": "<your twilio auth token>",
"twilioFromPhone": "555-1212"
Creates a SMS source with the twilio credentials specified.
Alternatively, to use a secret twilioAuthToken named “MySecret”, change the twilioAuthToken property to a reference and specify ‘secret’ as the twilioAuthTokenType like this:
"name": "SmsSourceName",
"type": "SMS",
"config": {
"twilioAccountSID": "<your twilio account SID>",
"twilioAuthToken": "/system.secrets/MySecret",
"twilioAuthTokenType": "secret",
"twilioFromPhone": "555-1212"
Delete SMS Source
Deletes the SMS source created in the previous example.
Publish Notifications via an SMS Service
Notifications are produced by the rules system when PUBLISH is called as a rule statement. The PUBLISH request for SMS sources takes three parameters: the source to which the publish is sent, the body of the text to be sent, and the publish parameters object. The SMS source will deliver the message to the specified phone number via your Twilio account.
For example, inside your rule you could use a line like this to send an SMS message:
PUBLISH { body: "My Text Message Goes Here" } TO SOURCE MySmsSource
USING { to: "+19255551212" }
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Getting Started
- 1: Creating an Engine Monitoring Project
- 2: Understanding the Design Model
- 3: Create the Engine Sensor Sources
- 4: Renaming the Design Model’s Events
- 5: Remove Unneeded External Systems
- 6: Address the To Do List
- 7: Create Event Schema Types
- 8: Visualizing a Running System
- 9: Testing The App
- Conclusion
- Introductory Tutorial
- Namespace Privileges
- Tutorial Overview
- 1: Creating a Temperature Alert Project
- 2: Using the AI Design Assistant
- 3: Editing the App Flow
- 4: Generating the Design Model
- 5: Create the TempMQTT Source
- 6: Address the Design Model To Do List
- 7: Running the Application
- 8: Example AI Design Assistant Descriptions
- Image Processing Example
- Namespace Privileges
- Patient Care Example
- Pump Monitoring Example
- Quickstart Tutorial
- Add Assignment Filter
- Add Collaborator Role
- Advanced Collaboration Tutorial - Overview
- Assign Collaborator
- Check if responder arrived
- Collaboration Fails
- Collaboration Success
- Conclusion
- Create First Responder Instances
- Get Patient location
- Import Intro Collaboration Tutorial
- Loop Ends
- LoopWhile
- Notify First Responder and wait
- Recommend First Responder
- Retract Notification
- Testing the App
- Track the First Responder
- Wait For Response
- Show Remaining Articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- (Part 1) 1: Import the Introductory Tutorial
- (Part 1) 2: Create a Component From an Existing Handler
- (Part 1) 3: Rename Component Tasks
- (Part 1) 4: Expose Component Parameters
- (Part 2) 1: Replace Repeated Tasks
- (Part 2) 2: Configure the New Component Tasks
- (Part 2) 3: Run Events through the Component
- Conclusion
Product Documentation
- Accessing Documents
- Automatic Document Caching
- Client Resources
- Client Startup
- Control Widgets in the "Views" Portion of Client Builder
- Controllers
- Creating A Client
- Data Objects
- Data Stream Widgets in the “Views” Portion of Client Builder
- Data Streams
- Debugging
- Field Validation
- Introduction
- Launching Clients from a browser
- Layout Widgets in the “Views” Portion of Client Builder
- Localizing Clients
- Navigation Between Pages
- Offline Operation
- On Start Events
- Public Clients
- Server Requests
- Terminating The Client
- The Client Builder Concepts
- The Client Builder's Canvas Section
- The Client Builder's Control Dock
- The Client Builder's Palette Area
- The Client Builder's Slideout Section
- Uploading data to the Server
- Show Remaining Articles ( 13 ) Collapse Articles
- ‘On Assets Loaded’ Event
- ‘On Change’ Event
- ‘On Click’ Event
- ‘On Client Start’ Event
- ‘On Context Menu’
- ‘On Data Arrived’ Event
- ‘On End’ Event
- ‘On End’ Event
- ‘On Network Status Changed’ Event
- ‘On Start’ Event
- ‘On Start’ Event
- ‘On Swipe’
- ‘On Validation’ Event
- abort()
- AccordionLayout
- addAPIRequestFor(responseObjectProperty:string):boolean
- addEventHandler()
- addRequestFor(widgetName:string):boolean
- addRequestForDataURL():void
- addRequestsForClient():boolean
- addRequestsForCurrentPage():boolean
- addRequestsForPage(pageName:string):boolean
- adjustPopupSizeAndPosition()
- AudioRecorder
- Basic Information
- cancelSpeaking()
- children
- clearInterval()
- clearTimeout()
- clearUpload()
- clearValidationErrors()
- clone()
- closeIcon:string
- closeIcon:string
- closePopup()
- confirmCustom()
- confirmCustomEx()
- copyMatchingData(obj:any):void
- createClientEventDataStream()
- createDataChangedDataStream()
- createOutboundServiceEventDataStream()
- createPagedQueryDataStream()
- createPublishEventDataStream()
- createResourceEventDataStream()
- createResponseObject()
- createSourceEventDataStream()
- createTimedQueryDataStream()
- data
- data
- DataObject
- DataStream
- defaultSubmit()
- deleteAll()
- deleteOne()
- deleteOne()
- documentGroupName:string
- documentName:string
- errorDialog()
- execute()
- execute()
- executePublic()
- executePublic()
- executeStreamed()
- executeStreamed()
- executeStreamedPublic()
- executeStreamedPublic()
- fontColor:string
- fontFace:string
- fontSize:number
- fontStyle:string
- fontWeight:string
- formatMsg()
- generateUUID()
- getCollaborationContext()
- getCurrentPage()
- getCurrentPopup()
- getDataStreamByName()
- getDataStreamByUUID()
- getDeviceId()
- getDeviceName()
- getDocumentAssetLabelList()
- getDocumentAssetList()
- getDocumentUrl()
- getGroupNames()
- getLocation()
- getName()
- getProfileNames()
- getRequestParameters()
- getStateObject()
- getUsername()
- getUserRecord()
- getWidget()
- goToPage()
- hideCancelButton()
- Http
- infoDialog()
- initializePropertyToDefaultValue(propertyName:string):void
- initializeToDefaultValues():void
- insert()
- insert()
- instance
- isExpanded:Boolean
- isNetworkActive
- isPaused:boolean
- isPublic
- localeCountryCode
- localeLanguageCode
- localeVariantCode
- logout()
- markupImage()
- maxDurationInSeconds:number
- maxSizeInK:number
- modifyClientEvent()
- modifyDataChanged()
- modifyPagedQuery()
- modifyPublishEvent()
- modifyResourceEvent()
- modifyServiceEvent()
- modifySourceEvent()
- modifyTimedQuery()
- name:string
- navBarBackgroundColor
- navBarForegroundColor
- navBarIcon
- navBarIconHeight
- navBarIconWidth
- navBarShowControls
- navBarTitle
- navBarTitleFontFamily
- navBarTitleFontSize
- navBarTitleFontWeight
- openIcon:string
- optional:boolean
- overrideLocale
- Page
- patch()
- placeholder:string
- playAudio()
- playVideo()
- popupPage()
- publish()
- publish()
- publishToServiceEvent()
- query()
- recordAudio()
- recordVideo()
- remove():void
- responseObject:any
- restart():void
- returnToCallingPage()
- scanBarcode()
- select()
- select()
- selectOne()
- selectOne()
- sendClientEvent()
- sendLocation()
- setInterval()
- setResponseObject(responseObject:any=null, responseResource:string=null, responseResourceId:string=null):void
- setResponseObjectValues(submitValue:number, responseObjectValues:any, responseResource:string=null, responseResourceId:string=null):void
- setTimeout()
- setVantiqHeaders()
- setVantiqUrlForResource()
- setVantiqUrlForSystemResource()
- showDocument()
- showHttpErrors()
- showMap()
- speakText()
- start(completedFunction:Function):boolean
- startBLEScan()
- stopGeofencing()
- takePhoto()
- terminate()
- terminateWithDialog()
- title:string
- titleForegroundColor:string
- update()
- update()
- uploadDataURL()
- uploadDocument()
- Uploader
- upsert()
- upsert()
- uuid:string
- validate()
- validate()
- Widget Hierarchy
- Show Remaining Articles ( 172 ) Collapse Articles
- Accessing Namespaces in the Organization
- Active Resource Control Center
- Adding a New User to an Organization
- Adding a New User to the Application Namespace
- Administrators' Concepts and Terminology
- Authorizing Users to Access the Application
- Creating a Developer Namespace for the Organization Administrator
- Creating a New Application Namespace
- Creating Resources for New Namespaces
- Custom User Invites
- Deploying the GenAI Flow Service Connector
- Developer Tasks
- Handling Administrators Leaving
- Related Configuration
- Removing Namespace Administrators
- Self-Administration Tasks
- System Administration Tasks
- Viewing Lists of Users
- Show Remaining Articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Deploy Results Tab
- Deploying the same application to different environments
- Deployment
- Deployment Tool - Introduction
- Environment
- Environment Tab
- Node
- Project Partitions
- Redeploy On A Failed Node
- Reliable Deployment
- Settings Tab
- The Graph View
- The Tree View
- Undeploy
- Update Partitions
- Verify Application After Deployment
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- CheckedInsert/CheckedUpsert Command
- Command Line Options
- Delete Command
- Execute Command
- Export Command
- Find Command
- Help Command
- Import Command
- Insert Command
- Installation - Prerequisites
- Installation - Profile
- List Command
- Load Command
- Recommend Command
- Run Command
- Select Command
- Stop Command
- The Vantiq Command Line Interface (CLI) - Overview
- Upsert Command
- Show Remaining Articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- App Execution Dashboard
- App With Split Dashboard
- Dashboard Navigation Bar
- Deprecated Dashboards
- Event Processing Dashboard
- General Dashboard Behavior
- Getting Started with Grafana
- Grafana Usage
- Monitoring Namespaces with Grafana
- Most Commonly Used Dashboards
- Namespace Monitoring Dashboards
- Organization Level Behavior
- Procedure and Rule Execution Dashboards
- Profiling Dashboards
- Reliable Event Dashboard
- Resource Usage Dashboard
- Service Execution Dashboard
- Service Handler Dashboard
- Source Activity Dashboard
- Storage Manager Dashboard
- Tensorflow Model Dashboard
- Type Storage Dashboard
- Show Remaining Articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- Access to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Creating a K8s Cluster
- Delayed Processing
- Deploying K8s Installations to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Deploying the K8s Worker
- External Lifecycle Management Guide - Overview
- K8s Worker
- Kubernetes Components of a K8s Installation
- Kubernetes Namespaces
- Loading Images into a Kubernetes Cluster
- Managing K8s Installations
- Other Configuration Options
- System View
- Use of the self Cluster
- Using a Kubernetes Cluster
- Using Templates to Deploy the K8s Worker
- Vantiq Namespaces
- Verify Installation
- Show Remaining Articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Changing the System Password
- Creating a GenAIFlowService Service Connector
- Creating a New Organization and Namespace
- Deployment Methods
- Docker Deployment
- Edge Installation Management
- Edge Vision Server
- Executable JAR Deployment
- MongoDB
- Requirements
- Running the Vantiq Executable
- Setting the default LLMs API key
- Setting Up Vantiq Edge
- Vantiq Edge Reference Guide - Overview
- Vantiq Edge Self Node
- Windows bat file
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Additional Buffer Semantics
- Applicability
- auditFrequency Quota
- Background
- Default Quotas
- Detailed Credit Quotas
- errorBreaker Quota
- errorReportingFrequency Quota
- Execution Credit Quota
- Execution Credit Quota - Diagnostics
- Execution Credit Quota - Mitigation
- Execution Rate Quota
- Execution Rate Quota - Diagnostics
- Execution Rate Quota - Mitigations
- executionTime Quota
- k8sResources Quota
- Quota Interactions
- receiveMessage Quota
- receiveMessage Quota - Diagnostics
- receiveMessage Quota - Mitigation
- reservedGroups Quota
- stackDepth Quota
- Stream Quota
- Terminology
- Workload Management
- Workload Management Conceptual Model
- Show Remaining Articles ( 11 ) Collapse Articles
- Android Post-Installation Instructions
- Authentication Functions
- Database Functions
- Installation Instructions
- iOS Post-Installation Instructions
- Miscellaneous Functions
- Prerequisites
- Procedure Execution Functions
- Publishing Functions
- Sample iOS AppDelegate.m File
- User Creation Functions
- Vantiq Functionality for React Native Apps
- Accumulate State
- Analytics
- Answer Question
- App Activity Tasks
- App Builder Guide - Introduction
- App Builder Overview
- Assign
- Build and Predict Path
- Cached Enrich
- Chat
- Close Collaboration
- Collaborations in Apps
- Compute Statistics
- Convert Coordinates
- Creating an App
- DBScan
- Delay
- Dependency Management
- Dwell
- Enrich
- Error Handling
- Escalate
- EscalateState
- Establish Collaboration
- Event Redelivery
- Event Stream
- Filter
- GenAI Flow
- Get Collaboration
- Interpret Conversational Language
- Join
- K-Means Cluster
- Limit
- Linear Regression
- Log Stream
- Loop While
- Merge
- Notify
- Optional Imports
- Polynomial Fitter
- Predict Paths By Age
- Procedure
- Process Intent
- PublishToService
- PublishToSource
- PublishToTopic
- Rate
- Recommend
- RecordEvent
- Reliable Apps
- Run TensorFlow Model On Document
- Run TensorFlow Model On Image
- Run TensorFlow Model On Tensors
- Sample
- SaveToType
- Split By Group
- Submit Prompt
- Threshold
- Time Difference
- Track
- Track Motion
- Tracking Progress
- Transformation
- Unwind
- VisionScript
- Window
- Within Tracking Region
- YOLO From Images
- Show Remaining Articles ( 54 ) Collapse Articles
- Broker Service
- Catalog Operations
- Catalog Procedures
- Connect to Catalog
- Create Entry
- Create Entry
- Custom Operations
- Disconnect from Catalog
- Host Catalog
- Integrating Applications With the Catalog
- Managing Catalog
- Managing Event Types
- Publisher Service
- Register
- Remove Entry
- Repair Catalog
- Resolve
- Subscriber Service
- Unhost Catalog
- Unregister
- Utilities
- Show Remaining Articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- Advanced Use Cases
- Data Manipulation
- Defining Types
- Discovery from External Data Store
- Error Handling
- Installation and Use
- Native Language Implementation
- Restricting Capabilities
- Service Connectors
- Storage Manager Assembly Contents
- Storage Manager Service API
- Storage Manager Transactions
- Storage Managers - Introduction
- Transaction Support
- App Pane
- Autopsies
- Defining a Run Policy
- Defining a Test Suite - Properties
- Defining an Input
- Defining an Output
- Error Pane
- Integration Tests
- Populate Testing Namespace With Data
- Procedure Pane
- Rule Pane
- Running a Test in the IDE
- Running a Test through the REST Interface
- Source Mocking For Tests
- Unit Tests
- Vantiq Testing Reference Guide - Introduction
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Assign
- Branch
- Categorize
- CodeBlock
- Consensus
- Content Ingestion Flows
- Conversation
- GenAI Builder Guide Introduction
- GenAI Builder Layout
- GenAI Components
- GenAI Flow Properties
- GenAI Flow Tracing and Auditing
- Launching the GenAI Builder
- Memory and Conversations
- Merging Task Outputs
- NativeLCEL
- Optional
- PromptFromTemplate
- Repeat
- Runtime Configuration
- Semantic Index
- Sub-Flows
- Supported VAIL Language Features
- Using GenAI Components
- Vantiq Provided GenAI Components
- Show Remaining Articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Azure OpenAI
- Bedrock
- Configuration
- Function Authorizer
- Gemini
- LLM Playground
- Main Chatting Area
- Navigation Panel
- OpenAI
- SageMaker
- Settings Panel
- Testing Semantic Index
- Tool Authorizer
- Tools
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Assembly Configs
- Audits
- Catalog Members
- Catalogs
- Debug Configs
- Delegated Requests
- Documents
- Event Generators
- Groups
- Images
- K8s Clusters
- K8s Installations
- K8s Workitems
- LLMs
- Logs
- Namespaces
- Nodes
- Organizations
- Procedures
- Profiles
- Projects
- Resource Definition
- Resource Events
- Resource Relationship Model
- Resource Security Model
- Rules
- Scheduled Events
- Secrets
- Semantic Indexes
- Service Connectors
- Services
- Sources
- StorageManagers
- TensorFlowModels
- Test Reports
- Test Suites
- Tests
- Tokens
- Topics
- TrackingRegions
- Types
- Users
- Vantiq Resources
- Videos
- Show Remaining Articles ( 29 ) Collapse Articles
- Before Rules
- Built-In Services
- Data Manipulation
- Data Model Declarations
- Declaring Packages
- Defining Remote Connections
- Distributed Processing
- Error Handling
- Event Sending
- External State
- Flow Control
- General Use Procedures
- In-Memory State Management
- Iteration
- Logging
- Operators
- Package Scoping and Name Resolution
- Packages
- Packages
- Persistent State
- Procedure Execution
- Procedures
- Resource Definition
- Rules
- Services
- Syntax
- Type Specific Procedures
- VAIL Declarations
- VAIL Types
- Variables
- Show Remaining Articles ( 17 ) Collapse Articles
- How To Video Shorts: Client Layouts
- How To Video Shorts: AI Functions
- How To Video Shorts: Analytics and ComputeStatistics
- How To Video Shorts: Calling Procedures by Properties
- How To Video Shorts: Client CSS
- How To Video Shorts: Invite Other Users to Your Namespace
- How To Video Shorts: SplitByGroup
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq API
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq IDE
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq Version Control System
- How To Video Shorts: Using Generative AI in Applications
- How-To Video Shorts: Managing AI Conversations
- How-To Videos: AI Design Model Assistant
- How-To Videos: AI Documentation Search
- Production Applications Best Practices