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How To Video Shorts: Client CSS
PostedJanuary 4, 2024
UpdatedJanuary 4, 2024
ByLisa Ackerman
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Vantiq’s Client widgets already come with menus to configure their most common look-and-feel attributes. Developers desiring to change even more can upload CSS files to alter widget appearance and behavior.
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Getting Started
- 1: Creating an Engine Monitoring Project
- 2: Understanding the Design Model
- 3: Create the Engine Sensor Sources
- 4: Renaming the Design Model’s Events
- 5: Remove Unneeded External Systems
- 6: Address the To Do List
- 7: Create Event Schema Types
- 8: Visualizing a Running System
- 9: Testing The App
- Conclusion
- Introductory Tutorial
- Namespace Privileges
- Tutorial Overview
- 1: Creating a Temperature Alert Project
- 2: Using the AI Design Assistant
- 3: Editing the App Flow
- 4: Generating the Design Model
- 5: Create the TempMQTT Source
- 6: Address the Design Model To Do List
- 7: Running the Application
- 8: Example AI Design Assistant Descriptions
- Image Processing Example
- Namespace Privileges
- Patient Care Example
- Pump Monitoring Example
- Quickstart Tutorial
- Add Assignment Filter
- Add Collaborator Role
- Advanced Collaboration Tutorial - Overview
- Assign Collaborator
- Check if responder arrived
- Collaboration Fails
- Collaboration Success
- Conclusion
- Create First Responder Instances
- Get Patient location
- Import Intro Collaboration Tutorial
- Loop Ends
- LoopWhile
- Notify First Responder and wait
- Recommend First Responder
- Retract Notification
- Testing the App
- Track the First Responder
- Wait For Response
- Show Remaining Articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- (Part 1) 1: Import the Introductory Tutorial
- (Part 1) 2: Create a Component From an Existing Handler
- (Part 1) 3: Rename Component Tasks
- (Part 1) 4: Expose Component Parameters
- (Part 2) 1: Replace Repeated Tasks
- (Part 2) 2: Configure the New Component Tasks
- (Part 2) 3: Run Events through the Component
- Conclusion
- Assembly Tutorial Overview
- Conclusion
- Configuring the Assembly
- Convert the Project into an Assembly
- Create a Custom Source
- Creating the Assembly Configuration Properties
- Creating the Assembly Interface
- Creating the Visible Resources
- Import the Project
- Install the Assembly
- Part 1: Setting up the Catalog
- Publishing the Assembly
- Replacing the App Component
- Testing the Assembly
- Transform Local Events into Assembly Events
- 1: Creating a Patient Monitoring Project
- 10: Handling Patient Response
- 11: Notify the First Responder
- 12: Handle the Response Timeout Case
- 13: Creating the First Responder Client
- 14: Testing the App
- 2: Creating a Patient Monitoring Service
- 3: Defining an Inbound Event Type and Event Handler
- 4: Filtering for Unusual Readings
- 5: Simulating Monitor Readings
- 6: Defining Entity Role
- 7: Entity Assignment
- 8: Send Patient Notification
- 9: Creating the Patient Client
- Collaboration Tutorial Overview
- Conclusion
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
Product Documentation
- Accessing Documents
- Automatic Document Caching
- Client Resources
- Client Startup
- Control Widgets in the "Views" Portion of Client Builder
- Controllers
- Creating A Client
- Data Objects
- Data Stream Widgets in the “Views” Portion of Client Builder
- Data Streams
- Debugging
- Field Validation
- Introduction
- Launching Clients from a browser
- Layout Widgets in the “Views” Portion of Client Builder
- Localizing Clients
- Navigation Between Pages
- Offline Operation
- On Start Events
- Public Clients
- Server Requests
- Terminating The Client
- The Client Builder Concepts
- The Client Builder's Canvas Section
- The Client Builder's Control Dock
- The Client Builder's Palette Area
- The Client Builder's Slideout Section
- Uploading data to the Server
- Show Remaining Articles ( 13 ) Collapse Articles
- ‘On Assets Loaded’ Event
- ‘On Change’ Event
- ‘On Click’ Event
- ‘On Client Start’ Event
- ‘On Context Menu’
- ‘On Data Arrived’ Event
- ‘On End’ Event
- ‘On End’ Event
- ‘On Network Status Changed’ Event
- ‘On Start’ Event
- ‘On Start’ Event
- ‘On Swipe’
- ‘On Validation’ Event
- abort()
- AccordionLayout
- addAPIRequestFor(responseObjectProperty:string):boolean
- addEventHandler()
- addRequestFor(widgetName:string):boolean
- addRequestForDataURL():void
- addRequestsForClient():boolean
- addRequestsForCurrentPage():boolean
- addRequestsForPage(pageName:string):boolean
- adjustPopupSizeAndPosition()
- AudioRecorder
- Basic Information
- cancelSpeaking()
- children
- clearInterval()
- clearTimeout()
- clearUpload()
- clearValidationErrors()
- clone()
- closeIcon:string
- closeIcon:string
- closePopup()
- confirmCustom()
- confirmCustomEx()
- copyMatchingData(obj:any):void
- createClientEventDataStream()
- createDataChangedDataStream()
- createOutboundServiceEventDataStream()
- createPagedQueryDataStream()
- createPublishEventDataStream()
- createResourceEventDataStream()
- createResponseObject()
- createSourceEventDataStream()
- createTimedQueryDataStream()
- data
- data
- DataObject
- DataStream
- defaultSubmit()
- deleteAll()
- deleteOne()
- deleteOne()
- documentGroupName:string
- documentName:string
- errorDialog()
- execute()
- execute()
- executePublic()
- executePublic()
- executeStreamed()
- executeStreamed()
- executeStreamedPublic()
- executeStreamedPublic()
- fontColor:string
- fontFace:string
- fontSize:number
- fontStyle:string
- fontWeight:string
- formatMsg()
- generateUUID()
- getCollaborationContext()
- getCurrentPage()
- getCurrentPopup()
- getDataStreamByName()
- getDataStreamByUUID()
- getDeviceId()
- getDeviceName()
- getDocumentAssetLabelList()
- getDocumentAssetList()
- getDocumentUrl()
- getGroupNames()
- getLocation()
- getName()
- getProfileNames()
- getRequestParameters()
- getStateObject()
- getUsername()
- getUserRecord()
- getWidget()
- goToPage()
- hideCancelButton()
- Http
- infoDialog()
- initializePropertyToDefaultValue(propertyName:string):void
- initializeToDefaultValues():void
- insert()
- insert()
- instance
- isExpanded:Boolean
- isNetworkActive
- isPaused:boolean
- isPublic
- localeCountryCode
- localeLanguageCode
- localeVariantCode
- logout()
- markupImage()
- maxDurationInSeconds:number
- maxSizeInK:number
- modifyClientEvent()
- modifyDataChanged()
- modifyPagedQuery()
- modifyPublishEvent()
- modifyResourceEvent()
- modifyServiceEvent()
- modifySourceEvent()
- modifyTimedQuery()
- name:string
- navBarBackgroundColor
- navBarForegroundColor
- navBarIcon
- navBarIconHeight
- navBarIconWidth
- navBarShowControls
- navBarTitle
- navBarTitleFontFamily
- navBarTitleFontSize
- navBarTitleFontWeight
- openIcon:string
- optional:boolean
- overrideLocale
- Page
- patch()
- placeholder:string
- playAudio()
- playVideo()
- popupPage()
- publish()
- publish()
- publishToServiceEvent()
- query()
- recordAudio()
- recordVideo()
- remove():void
- responseObject:any
- restart():void
- returnToCallingPage()
- scanBarcode()
- select()
- select()
- selectOne()
- selectOne()
- sendClientEvent()
- sendLocation()
- setInterval()
- setResponseObject(responseObject:any=null, responseResource:string=null, responseResourceId:string=null):void
- setResponseObjectValues(submitValue:number, responseObjectValues:any, responseResource:string=null, responseResourceId:string=null):void
- setTimeout()
- setVantiqHeaders()
- setVantiqUrlForResource()
- setVantiqUrlForSystemResource()
- showDocument()
- showHttpErrors()
- showMap()
- speakText()
- start(completedFunction:Function):boolean
- startBLEScan()
- stopGeofencing()
- takePhoto()
- terminate()
- terminateWithDialog()
- title:string
- titleForegroundColor:string
- update()
- update()
- uploadDataURL()
- uploadDocument()
- Uploader
- upsert()
- upsert()
- uuid:string
- validate()
- validate()
- Widget Hierarchy
- Show Remaining Articles ( 172 ) Collapse Articles
- Accessing Namespaces in the Organization
- Active Resource Control Center
- Adding a New User to an Organization
- Adding a New User to the Application Namespace
- Administrators' Concepts and Terminology
- Authorizing Users to Access the Application
- Creating a Developer Namespace for the Organization Administrator
- Creating a New Application Namespace
- Creating Resources for New Namespaces
- Custom User Invites
- Deploying the GenAI Flow Service Connector
- Developer Tasks
- Handling Administrators Leaving
- Related Configuration
- Removing Namespace Administrators
- Self-Administration Tasks
- System Administration Tasks
- Viewing Lists of Users
- Show Remaining Articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Deploy Results Tab
- Deploying the same application to different environments
- Deployment
- Deployment Tool - Introduction
- Environment
- Environment Tab
- Node
- Project Partitions
- Redeploy On A Failed Node
- Reliable Deployment
- Settings Tab
- The Graph View
- The Tree View
- Undeploy
- Update Partitions
- Verify Application After Deployment
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- CheckedInsert/CheckedUpsert Command
- Command Line Options
- Delete Command
- Execute Command
- Export Command
- Find Command
- Help Command
- Import Command
- Insert Command
- Installation - Prerequisites
- Installation - Profile
- List Command
- Load Command
- Recommend Command
- Run Command
- Select Command
- Stop Command
- The Vantiq Command Line Interface (CLI) - Overview
- Upsert Command
- Show Remaining Articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- App Execution Dashboard
- App With Split Dashboard
- Dashboard Navigation Bar
- Deprecated Dashboards
- Event Processing Dashboard
- General Dashboard Behavior
- Getting Started with Grafana
- Grafana Usage
- Monitoring Namespaces with Grafana
- Most Commonly Used Dashboards
- Namespace Monitoring Dashboards
- Organization Level Behavior
- Procedure and Rule Execution Dashboards
- Profiling Dashboards
- Reliable Event Dashboard
- Resource Usage Dashboard
- Service Execution Dashboard
- Service Handler Dashboard
- Source Activity Dashboard
- Storage Manager Dashboard
- Tensorflow Model Dashboard
- Type Storage Dashboard
- Show Remaining Articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- Access to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Creating a K8s Cluster
- Delayed Processing
- Deploying K8s Installations to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Deploying the K8s Worker
- External Lifecycle Management Guide - Overview
- K8s Worker
- Kubernetes Components of a K8s Installation
- Kubernetes Namespaces
- Loading Images into a Kubernetes Cluster
- Managing K8s Installations
- Other Configuration Options
- System View
- Use of the self Cluster
- Using a Kubernetes Cluster
- Using Templates to Deploy the K8s Worker
- Vantiq Namespaces
- Verify Installation
- Show Remaining Articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Changing the System Password
- Creating a GenAIFlowService Service Connector
- Creating a New Organization and Namespace
- Deployment Methods
- Docker Deployment
- Edge Installation Management
- Edge Vision Server
- Executable JAR Deployment
- MongoDB
- Requirements
- Running the Vantiq Executable
- Setting the default LLMs API key
- Setting Up Vantiq Edge
- Vantiq Edge Reference Guide - Overview
- Vantiq Edge Self Node
- Windows bat file
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Additional Buffer Semantics
- Applicability
- auditFrequency Quota
- Background
- Default Quotas
- Detailed Credit Quotas
- errorBreaker Quota
- errorReportingFrequency Quota
- Execution Credit Quota
- Execution Credit Quota - Diagnostics
- Execution Credit Quota - Mitigation
- Execution Rate Quota
- Execution Rate Quota - Diagnostics
- Execution Rate Quota - Mitigations
- executionTime Quota
- k8sResources Quota
- Quota Interactions
- receiveMessage Quota
- receiveMessage Quota - Diagnostics
- receiveMessage Quota - Mitigation
- reservedGroups Quota
- stackDepth Quota
- Stream Quota
- Terminology
- Workload Management
- Workload Management Conceptual Model
- Show Remaining Articles ( 11 ) Collapse Articles
- Android Post-Installation Instructions
- Authentication Functions
- Database Functions
- Installation Instructions
- iOS Post-Installation Instructions
- Miscellaneous Functions
- Prerequisites
- Procedure Execution Functions
- Publishing Functions
- Sample iOS AppDelegate.m File
- User Creation Functions
- Vantiq Functionality for React Native Apps
- Accumulate State
- Analytics
- Answer Question
- App Activity Tasks
- App Builder Guide - Introduction
- App Builder Overview
- Assign
- Build and Predict Path
- Cached Enrich
- Chat
- Close Collaboration
- Collaborations in Apps
- Compute Statistics
- Convert Coordinates
- Creating an App
- DBScan
- Delay
- Dependency Management
- Dwell
- Enrich
- Error Handling
- Escalate
- EscalateState
- Establish Collaboration
- Event Redelivery
- Event Stream
- Filter
- GenAI Flow
- Get Collaboration
- Interpret Conversational Language
- Join
- K-Means Cluster
- Limit
- Linear Regression
- Log Stream
- Loop While
- Merge
- Notify
- Optional Imports
- Polynomial Fitter
- Predict Paths By Age
- Procedure
- Process Intent
- PublishToService
- PublishToSource
- PublishToTopic
- Rate
- Recommend
- RecordEvent
- Reliable Apps
- Run TensorFlow Model On Document
- Run TensorFlow Model On Image
- Run TensorFlow Model On Tensors
- Sample
- SaveToType
- Split By Group
- Submit Prompt
- Threshold
- Time Difference
- Track
- Track Motion
- Tracking Progress
- Transformation
- Unwind
- VisionScript
- Window
- Within Tracking Region
- YOLO From Images
- Show Remaining Articles ( 54 ) Collapse Articles
- Broker Service
- Catalog Operations
- Catalog Procedures
- Connect to Catalog
- Create Entry
- Create Entry
- Custom Operations
- Disconnect from Catalog
- Host Catalog
- Integrating Applications With the Catalog
- Managing Catalog
- Managing Event Types
- Publisher Service
- Register
- Remove Entry
- Repair Catalog
- Resolve
- Subscriber Service
- Unhost Catalog
- Unregister
- Utilities
- Show Remaining Articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- Advanced Use Cases
- Data Manipulation
- Defining Types
- Discovery from External Data Store
- Error Handling
- Installation and Use
- Native Language Implementation
- Restricting Capabilities
- Service Connectors
- Storage Manager Assembly Contents
- Storage Manager Service API
- Storage Manager Transactions
- Storage Managers - Introduction
- Transaction Support
- App Pane
- Autopsies
- Defining a Run Policy
- Defining a Test Suite - Properties
- Defining an Input
- Defining an Output
- Error Pane
- Integration Tests
- Populate Testing Namespace With Data
- Procedure Pane
- Rule Pane
- Running a Test in the IDE
- Running a Test through the REST Interface
- Source Mocking For Tests
- Unit Tests
- Vantiq Testing Reference Guide - Introduction
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Assign
- Branch
- Categorize
- CodeBlock
- Consensus
- Content Ingestion Flows
- Conversation
- GenAI Builder Guide Introduction
- GenAI Builder Layout
- GenAI Components
- GenAI Flow Properties
- GenAI Flow Tracing and Auditing
- Launching the GenAI Builder
- Memory and Conversations
- Merging Task Outputs
- NativeLCEL
- Optional
- PromptFromTemplate
- Repeat
- Runtime Configuration
- Semantic Index
- Sub-Flows
- Supported VAIL Language Features
- Using GenAI Components
- Vantiq Provided GenAI Components
- Show Remaining Articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Azure OpenAI
- Bedrock
- Configuration
- Function Authorizer
- Gemini
- LLM Playground
- Main Chatting Area
- Navigation Panel
- OpenAI
- SageMaker
- Settings Panel
- Testing Semantic Index
- Tool Authorizer
- Tools
- Show Remaining Articles ( 1 ) Collapse Articles
- Assembly Configs
- Audits
- Catalog Members
- Catalogs
- Debug Configs
- Delegated Requests
- Documents
- Event Generators
- Groups
- Images
- K8s Clusters
- K8s Installations
- K8s Workitems
- LLMs
- Logs
- Namespaces
- Nodes
- Organizations
- Procedures
- Profiles
- Projects
- Resource Definition
- Resource Events
- Resource Relationship Model
- Resource Security Model
- Rules
- Scheduled Events
- Secrets
- Semantic Indexes
- Service Connectors
- Services
- Sources
- StorageManagers
- TensorFlowModels
- Test Reports
- Test Suites
- Tests
- Tokens
- Topics
- TrackingRegions
- Types
- Users
- Vantiq Resources
- Videos
- Show Remaining Articles ( 29 ) Collapse Articles
- Before Rules
- Built-In Services
- Data Manipulation
- Data Model Declarations
- Declaring Packages
- Defining Remote Connections
- Distributed Processing
- Error Handling
- Event Sending
- External State
- Flow Control
- General Use Procedures
- In-Memory State Management
- Iteration
- Logging
- Operators
- Package Scoping and Name Resolution
- Packages
- Packages
- Persistent State
- Procedure Execution
- Procedures
- Resource Definition
- Rules
- Services
- Syntax
- Type Specific Procedures
- VAIL Declarations
- VAIL Types
- Variables
- Show Remaining Articles ( 17 ) Collapse Articles
- How To Video Shorts: Client Layouts
- How To Video Shorts: AI Functions
- How To Video Shorts: Analytics and ComputeStatistics
- How To Video Shorts: Calling Procedures by Properties
- How To Video Shorts: Client CSS
- How To Video Shorts: Invite Other Users to Your Namespace
- How To Video Shorts: SplitByGroup
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq API
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq IDE
- How To Video Shorts: The Vantiq Version Control System
- How To Video Shorts: Using Generative AI in Applications
- How-To Video Shorts: Managing AI Conversations
- How-To Videos: AI Design Model Assistant
- How-To Videos: AI Documentation Search
- Production Applications Best Practices