Query regarding Conversion of text to speech

How to convert a text message into a voice message using Vantiq IDE?

Problem Description: My team has created an Application using Vantiq which is used to send alerts to users in the form of  text message. What are the procedures to follow If we want to convert the text message into a voice message ?

Posted: April 22, 2021 at 1:53 pm
Replies: 4
Apr 27, 2021
Posted by Brett Rudenstein

Hi Jue,

You can use the twilio API to send a voice call to a number. You’ll need to configure a new source.

Configure the source  with a name like voicemessage and configuration like


“pollingInterval”: 0,
“query”: {
“contentType”: “application/json”
“requestDefaults”: {
“headers”: {
“Authorization”: “Basic <BASIC_AUTH_INFO>”
“contentType”: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”
“uri”: “https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/<ACCOUNTID>/Calls&#8221;,
“passwordType”: “string”


The create a procedure to call the source


var toadd = encodeUri(<mobilenumber>)
var twiml = encodeUri(format(“<Response><Pause length=\”2\”/><Say voice=\”alice\”>We have detected an issue at {0}, at {1}, at the {2}. .</Say></Response>”, building, floor, space ))
var query =format(“To={0}&From={1}&Twiml={2}”,toadd,fromadd,twiml)

select from source voicemessage with body = query, method = “POST”



May 4, 2021
Posted by Jue Chakraborty

We are having problem in identifying the source that should be used and the configuration mentioned over there is not clear .We have selected the source as remote and tried to configure the above code but it was showing errors. Can you help me providing with screenshots that describes the implementation clearly .The errors that we have encountered is attached in the below selction.

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May 4, 2021
Posted by Brett Rudenstein


Looks like when I pasted the example certain characters were not copied correctly. I’m going to attach them as a text document.

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May 11, 2021
Posted by Jue Chakraborty

We have pasted the code the procedure is saved now without any error.But when we are trying to execute it it is giving us the  error  below.

The account sid : ACb71014624c36c09b806848e1072c972e

Auth token : f6dc98d4a9b97a76e9738588ee230a86




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