Input String / Multiline inputs fields copy & paste feature


Is there any method to enable copy & paste feature in VANTIQ mobile applications?

For example, long press on the input field (eg: in Line or WhatsApp) will enable selections such as “Paste”, “Clipboard”, etc. This is to enable user to copy text from other source and paste into VANTIQ app.

Thanks in advance. Have a nice day



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Posted: November 16, 2020 at 9:07 am
Replies: 2
Nov 16, 2020
Posted by Ken

There is no way to do this with a current Vantiq mobile application.  It should be possible but it will likely take quite a bit of work for both platforms (iOS and Android).  The problem is that the WebViewer (which the JavaScript Client runs in) has its own clipboard and the mobile device has a different one.

I suspect that you would like the “paste” functionality to work on any text input widget.  Is that correct?  And then do you want the “cut” functionality to work wherever there is text displayed?

If you can give me a few more details about exactly where in the mobile app you want the functionality then I will enter an enhancement request with our development team.

Thank you.



Nov 17, 2020
Posted by Eng Kee Tan

Thanks for your fast responses.

I see. Thank you for your detailed explanation.

Yes, correct. The end-user would like to copy content from other sources (eg: Emails), then paste in VANTIQ mobile app. It would be great to enable that “Paste” shortcut available to the users.  At this moment, cut features are not that critical.

I am taking Whatsapp, Line as examples, long-press gestures on the text input will enable the “paste” shortcuts option pops out(as shown in the attached image from previous post). It will be great to enable this in VANTIQ mobile app’s input fields.

Looking forward to this potential enhancement.

Again, thanks for the great support.



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