Jun 19, 2020
Posted by Ken

This problem might be caused by one of the following two reasons:

  • The VANTIQ runtime installed on your mobile device is out of sync with the version of VANTIQ that is running on the VANTIQ installation that it is communicating with
  • The VANTIQ runtime data on the mobile app is stale and needs to be refreshed

In either case, you should probably uninstall the app completely and then re-install it from the Google Play Store.

If the problem persists then you must perform one more step.

It turns out that there is a “backup” feature on Android devices since V6 which (if you enable it) will automatically backup your app’s data to the Google Cloud and then restore it if you uninstall and reinstall the app. This fits the problem you are seeing. So try this…

Go the the Android “Settings” app and select “Accounts and backup”:

From that screen you should be able to select “Backup and restore”

That will leave you here:

Notice that I have “Back up my data” turned “Off” – I suspect for you it is “On”. If that’s true you should be able to set the “Automatic restore” switch to “Off”.

Then try to un-install and re-install the VANTIQ mobile  app; I believe at that point you should be totally clean and should be able to login successfully.

You should probably turn this flag back on after you are done; normally this will not be a problem.

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