As you have discovered you cannot alter a one-time scheduled event. However, you can delete it and then create a new one. Will the following work for you?
// After some time you find out it needs to be reschedule so you do this:
DELETE system.scheduledevents WHERE name == “graniteEvent”
PUBLISH { name: “granite” } TO TOPIC “/myTopic/x” SCHEDULE {name: “graniteEvent”, interval: 10 minute}
Instead of “interval” you will probably want to use “occursAt”.
As you have discovered you cannot alter a one-time scheduled event. However, you can delete it and then create a new one. Will the following work for you?
PUBLISH { name: “granite” } TO TOPIC “/myTopic/x” SCHEDULE {name: “graniteEvent”, interval: 1 minute}
// After some time you find out it needs to be reschedule so you do this:
DELETE system.scheduledevents WHERE name == “graniteEvent”
PUBLISH { name: “granite” } TO TOPIC “/myTopic/x” SCHEDULE {name: “graniteEvent”, interval: 10 minute}
Instead of “interval” you will probably want to use “occursAt”.
Will something like that work?